Запретный голос. Песня

Песня для книги "Запретный голос".
 Света люблю тебя!
Forbidden voice.

What happens in this world?
Why do we have forgotten how to love?
Why we shed the blood of their brothers?
Why are we always fighting?

Stop it!
Hear my voice forbidden.
Do not say anything. Just listen to your heart.
Hear my voice forbidden.
Stop war, stop all this.
Look at your neighbor. How well do to him?
No, then why all this?
Hear my voice forbidden.
Learn to love. Just love. And stop all this.

Hope. Hope lives in each one of us.
We are waiting for change. We are waiting for better times.
But will it? What are we doing this?
Shed the blood of others, hoping for the best.
But that will change if we fight?

Stop it!
Hear my voice forbidden.
Do not say anything. Just listen to your heart.
Hear my voice forbidden.
Stop war, stop all this.
Look at your neighbor. How well do to him?
No, then why all this?
Hear my voice forbidden.
Learn to love. Just love. And stop all this.

You know and I know that if we unite, all will be well.
We will live in a world where there is no war. Only love and friendship.
Everything will be fine as ever, if the war ends.
Learn to tolerate and forgive, and everything will be fine.

Hear my voice forbidden.
Do not say anything. Just listen to your heart.
Hear my voice forbidden.
Stop war, stop all this.
Look at your neighbor. How well do to him?
No, then why all this?
Hear my voice forbidden.
Learn to love. Just love. And everything will be fine!

Михаил! Да, когда-нибудь мы будем жить в мире, где нет войн, где только любовь и дружба. Но я думаю, что это произойдёт нескоро, потому что люди не слушают своё сердце.
Успехов Вам.

Александр Тяпкин-Чурсин   01.05.2013 22:08     Заявить о нарушении
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