
1)It is possible,that science accidently create of zeazrovneba in expectations of other effect, for example, in expectations of simple improvement of intelligence, or create of superintelligence in the full sense.   

2)Creation of true superintelligence is economicly profitable, because knowledge of zeazrovneba be reason of creation of many new commoditys and services, which value be much more larger, than expenditure of creation of zeazrovneba.

 3)Intelligence become to hindrance of science progress. Superscience of superintelligence and zeazrognosia(gnosia-by gr. means knowledge; by analogy with superscience)of zeazrovneba, be adequate progress of scientific rate.

4)Anthropogenesis continue. The reason of appearance of "homo zeazrovnebis" be work of the scientists.

5)In comparison with zeazrovneba any intelligence is equally with any other intelligence. Mankind's old dream about equality become true in reality after creation of zeazrovneba. In the future be only thinker people and superthinkers in other side, and nothing else important by psychologycal sense.

 6)Interesting zeazroneologism: zeffect- is epistemologycal supereffect from of zeazrovneba
