
(apologies for mistakes)

 Philogyneya (philo-love, gyne-woman by gr.) is philosophy of women.

 1)"Kalli"(in Gr.) means "beautifull", that is to say - "woman". Thus woman and beauty are connected. Calligraphy by philosophical sense means description of woman.

2)Not any dream is about woman, but any woman is someones dream.

3)When is sight of woman, then life is adorned, when woman can be heard, then life can be adorned. Good words adorns of woman, evil words make her ugly, woman can use that trick.

4)Thought and imagination about woman is cause of very strong thought and imagination.

5)Pleasure by woman must be not only sensual, but mental too, must be enjoy by woman not only by senses, but by comprehension too.

6)Necessity of woman can be strong, as thirst; loving woman can allay and slake too.

7)Any honest woman abide by rule about faithfulness, but she can remember: "exception to the rule is confirmation of the rule".

8) About mutuellism: mutuellisme of Proudhon and philogyneya are two different theorys, although, they are somehow similar.

9)Woman is main aim and main success for man, if thus aim was attained.

 10)Philosophy in the first place means love-thinking about woman,  specially, if her name is Sophy.

11)Woman symbolize by herself the most blessing of the world, woman is great value, she is masterpiece of evolution. Woman's part of mankind is biologycal elite.

12) Vulovea is euphemism of other term. But "vulva" is value too, in linguistic sense.

13)Woman can be inspiration of euphoria, therefore she is great catalyst of chemical processes in the brain.

 14)Philogyneya is part of aesthetics, because woman is the most aesthetic object.
