Philosophy of a superintelligence

Philosophy of a superintelligence of Starchen is zeazrosophy.(By the way,  “starche” in slavonic languages means not  starch, but “old”, that’s why “Starchen” must sounds for english perception as OLDen). This philosophy is aphoristical, it is aphorismosophy about superintelligence.

Aphorisms on superintelligence: (apologies for mistakes)

1)Superthinkers will not just geniuses, but explorers of really new.

2)Zeazrosophy-not epistemic megalomania, but a vital necessity.

3)Profundity is  synonym of proper superintelligence and not of true superintelligence.. .

4)Superintelligence pushes the horizon of knowledge.

 5)Required gradation of cognitive abilities, the gradation shown in zeazrosophy.

6)It is important to distinguish between a proper and true superintelligences,  this difference can be clearly seen if we use the term zeazrovneba  to refer to the True superintelligence.

7)A priori knowledge obtained  from anthropogenesis. Zeazrosophy-essentially transcendental philosophy

.8)The difference of superintelligence  and zeazrovneba  is important as the distinction of sensation and thought, or a difference of intelligence  and reason in Kant.

9) Philosophy comprehends analytical knowledge about superintelligence, zeazrogenetical engineering can learn synthetic knowledge.

 10)When intelligence get to Maximum, intelligence becomes to superintelligence, when superintelligence reaching a peak, it becomes to zeazrovning.

11). Zeazrosophy is not materialistic, but scientific.

 12)Superintelligence  and zeazrovneba, as well as logic would be "medicine for the soul." .

13)Metaphysics is denial of zeazrovneba, but  the science denies of metaphysics. Denial of supramental is cognitive mechanicism. 

14)Any knowledge of the mind about Overmind and the more  about the true Overmind, (zeazrovneba) will be below the minimum accuracy.

15)With the philosophy of supramental  can be richly expanded worldview. There is a world-view, the superintelligence  will brings world-superview.

16) .Monism is identical to syncretism,;the mind has reached the limit, can significantly influence the matter.

17)Cardinality of the set of all knowledge sets more power and perceived knowledge imaginable.

18)The wisdom of the mind must understand  impotence of itself, compared with the Overmind, and even more so with zeazrovneba.

19). Superintelligence operates by superthoughts, True superintelligence operates  by zeazrs. Zeazrs are elements of True superintelligence-zeazrovneba.

 20) We must distinguish zeazrovning  and superintelligence, they are quite different. .

21)Overmind and superreason are subordinated to superintelligence, as well as mind and reason(by Kant philosophy)  are subordinated to intelligence as mentality.

22)In a sense, the thought about superintelligence is already  some superintelligence, which is certainly not true superintelligence,  not zeazrovneba.  Logical concept of superintelligence is ambiguous: there is superintelligence in the full sense and true superinteligence.

23).  If superintelligence and zeazrovneba will not be created, it would mean degradation of progress of science. .

24)Zeazrosophy is deductive, inductive sciences  about superintelligence will  be called as zeazrologyes..

25)The proof of superintelligence was  given in the philosophy by the zeazrosophy,, in the natural sciences will find it themselves.

26).If you take the analogy to Haeckel, and Dubois, zeazrenie ( true superintelligence) will appear in a quarter century by zeazrogenetical engineering; evolution create zeazrovneba  if you wait a million years; if supramental cognitive difficulties  yet do not exist, then a billion years later this cognitive complexity will developed,  however zeazrenie (True superintelligence) can itself create such complexity, to explore it..

27)The idea of the True superintelligence - zeazrovneba is simple and necessary as the idea of a wheel.

28). Superintelligence and  zeazrenie  are need to  compete with alien civilizations , which already reached to supramental cognitive facultys. Superintelligence and zeazrovneba will consolidates humanity. 

29)Zeazrenie be in correlation with the thinking and superintelligence.

30) . Superintelligence  and zeazrenie-needed funds for space exploration.

31)Superintelligence and zeazrovneba are logically perfect.

32) Superintelligence and zeazrenie  save humanity from an evolutionary crisis.

33)Zeazrosophy is true criticism in relation to the mind. .

34)Superintelligence and zeazrovneba are cool philosophical terms, superintelligence is cool- zeazrovneba is  even much  cool.

35). Think about superintelligence and zeazrovneba is already in some sense superintelligense

36).  If supramental cognitive difficulties are not there, it means that the world was too primitive, but this complexity necessarily appear in the future development of reality, or zeazrenie itself create such a reality.

37)Natural science knows the specific mechanisms for creating superintelligence, unlike philosophy, , which talks about superintelligence generally.

38) Zeazrovneba is  no specific philosophical jargon word, bat word which is generally valid for all mankind

39). Ordinary people do not need to envy to superthinkers,  they will be save of all mankind. .

40) Zeazrosophy is entertaining philosophy.

41)  Not creating of superintelligence and zeazrovneba would be a great stagnation in human progress of science.

42) Create of suprintelligence  will create true health of the mentality..

43)The ignorant common sense would understand supramental philosophy, intelligent common sense provides insight and opportunities of superintelligence and zeazrovneba.

44)  In superintelligence as a term is two values: true and proper superintelligences,can  be easy to speak about true superintelligence of short-zeazrovneba or zeazrenie.

45) Achieving of superintelligence and zeazrovneba is - the culmination of a reasonable history of mankind.  The cult of reason as the highest cognitive ability is not wise, it is reasonable to break the cult of reason in the name of greater cognitive  abilities.

46) Culture of superthinkers will be different from the modern culture as it is different from the culture of the Stone Age.

47) Zeazrosophy is short,  less important and more say can other philosophers.

48) Uncreation  of  superintelligence and zeazrovneba and hoping only for thinking- it would be a terrible levity of mankind.

49) Unable to create medicine that give effect superintelligence, you must change the organic brain to the superintelligence.

50)Lexicography can make in terms of zeazrosophy.

51)Wittgenstein's philosophy, is "ladder" , philosophy of superintelligence is trampoline.

52)Superthinkers  will be with large forehead, but not ugly. Large forehead be considered as sexy in  men and women of superthinkers. 

53)The slogan of the philosophy of superintelligense: "superintelligence and zeazrovneba are the future of humanity".

54)Superintelligence  will be better than the best intelligence, and  true superintelligence-  zeazrovneba will be better than the  best superintelligence . 

55).Curiosity-is main human trait, so it must create and superintelliugense and zeazrenie, a human can not remain in ignorance of supramental. Overmind and zeazrenie are the ideal of knowledge, ideal for humanity.

 56) Hierarchy exists in everything, including  in knowledge of subject and object. .

57)Overmind and zeazrovneba is not a luxury but a necessity.

58)Zeazrosophy opened the possibility of the True-superintelligence , zeazrogenetical engineering  can invent of zeazrovneba. 59) Epistemology of the universe leads to astonishment. 

60)Actually superintelligence is "super(but!) intelligence". A true "superintelligence" should not contain the words "intelligence”", and can be called as zeazrenie (zeazrovneba).

61) Zeazrosophy is the impulse and stimule for the creation of superintelligence and zeazrovneba   

62). We must distinguish the concept of super-intelligence and individual Overmind

63).Instincts, healthy human instincts of brood care,of self-preservation,of sexuality  (women like all strong, including a strong which is  epistemologically strong) are proof of  superintelligence and zeazrovneba.

64). Zeazrosophy will be of interest to all intellectuals, not only to philosophers. 

65)Supramental  is an irrational, but not comprehended by conventional means, but by zeazrovneba.

 66)  Zeazrosophy is -philosophical study of superintelligence by itself intelligence

 67). Zeazrosophy (supramental philosophy) can go down in history as an aid to progress to superintelligence.

68) Category of superintelligence is the most important category of philosophy, the essence of philosophy.

69) It may even be that zeazrosophy (philosophy of a superintelligence) will become the scenario for Hollywood, like the philosophical scenario of "The Matrix".

© Copyright: Олег Старчен , 2011 © Copyright: Oleg Starchen, 2011
