Success-philosophy of humanity

(apologies for mistakes)  Zeazrosophy  ie  supramental philosophy is essentially a philosophy of success of humanity in the universe and multiverse, because such success is possible only under the condition to achieve superintelligence, True superintelligence-zeazrovneba, Superzeazrovneba, True superzeazrovneba and future levels of cognition.  A zeazrosophy shows just such an epistemological progress, so it becomes the cause of this fast progress.  The result of this will be all the more powerful abilities and learning more and more critical knowledge, knowledge of them.  Knowledge is power, said Bacon, and knowledge of the supramental abilitys (zeazrovneba, superzeazrovneba etc.) will be superpower of human civilization.  Humanity through learning new skills and new knowledge to cope with the earth and space problems, can become a space civilization supramental equal to such other civilizations, if they already have in the universe.  It is impossible to assume with any precision the necessary conditions for the success of civilization in the multiverse, but definitely only one -that success will depend on the cognition of reality, knowledge gained from this cognition, and new technologies developed on the basis of this knowledge.  Zeazrosophy  shows - zeazrovneba only the first in a series of new faculties of cognition goal to be achieved.  The essence of man as a species,is  knowledge of new and increasingly sophisticated knowledge, so it makes sense that a reasonable human would be a supramental human.  Achieving the Mind was a great epistemologycal success of  humanity, but to achieve superintelligence, and further cognition new skills as zeazrovneba will be the greatest epistemological success of humanity.         Elder (Starchen)  Copyright- Oleg Starchen
