Higher epistemology

(apologies for mistakes)  Higher epistemology must explain not just knowledge, explore its past and present, but should show the tendency of knowledge, the future of the cognitive process.  Higher epistemology would have been just such a progressive epistemology, showing the progress of knowledge.  Higher futurological epistemology is Arhiepistemology,  i.e. Zeazrosophy represent just such a supreme epistemology.  Higher epistemology is part of the Higher philosophy and Higher worldviev , which is very difficult to understand for the thinkers, but it will be elementary for Superthinkers to start having at least a pure Superintelligence.  Higher epistemology, in contrast to analogue to superthinker's  science, only prepares the mind of human  to the supramental knowledge, but by no means a truly supramental knowledge, for it to reach and have it can only True superthinkers. Cognition of objects of a higher order than usual for a reason, such objects are "dark matter" , Multiverse, etc. - requires a Graduate epistemology and learning new features, much higher than the mind and superintelligence.  Major philosophical epistemology tries to learn from the beginning by reason , to know exactly what can cognize only further  abilitys of super-intelligence and next supercognition.  First steps in this direction will accelerate the epistemological goal-cognition of supramentality.      Olden (Starchen)     Copyright- Oleg Starchen
