Periodic system of functions of knowledge

 (apologies for mistakes) It is important to understand that the super-intelligence as a concept has a double meaning: 1) actual , pure super-intelligence, ie, superintelligence of the special theory of super-intelligence.  2) Every new feature of cognition, called as Superintelligence suspended, what makes sense, because  A new function of knowledge will be on top of the mind, OVER and SUPER of the mind in time-evolutionary sense, as well as the mind is essentially OVER of perception.  Leveling of these values would mean syncretism.  Thus, the approximate periodic system of the new features of cognition as follows: I Period: 1) Intelligence 2) Pure superintelligence a) weak superintelligence, b) strong super-intelligence (in the terminology of the special theory of superintelligence) 3) The strongest super-intelligence, t . e.  A true super-intelligence, ie  Zeazrovneba or Zeazrovning.  II period: 1) Zeazrovning 2)Pure superzeazrovning a) weak superzeazrovning b) strong superzeazrovning 3) strongest, ie, TRUE Superzeazrovning.  III period: 1) "True superzeazrovning" 2) Pure super- true superzeazrovning 3) Strongest, ie. SUPER-TRUE "True superzeazrovning."  And so on.  In each period the first place is the original function of knowledge, the second-intermediate, the final-  final, which becomes a source of knowledge in the following period.  For the original function of knowledge of the third period short name yet not exist, it is denoted by the phrase.  About O period:  1) the perception of sensations 2) Imagination, Intuition (in evolutionary history, the beginnings of intelligence in human ancestors) 3) Mind.  Reason used as a synonym of thinking, although his reason and intellect, strictly speaking, subordinated thinking.  Imagination and intuition, transitional links between perception and thought, for imagination, like perception (perception summarizes the ideas and images), the intuition is similar to mind (because in fact provides a first point of discursive knowledge).  But imagination and intuition are similar to each other, because they are dark and indistinct compared to the clear and understandable perception and thinking.  Where does the imagination, intuition begins there.  The main function of cognition (perception, thinking, zeazrovning, "True superzeazrovning", etc.) express the cognitive complexity of reality.  If this reality of cognitive complexity for zeazrovning and further features of cognition, not exist, this complexity is the need to develop or Multireality by the Hegelian dialectics.  Transitional, knowledge only about the ability of given knowledge of the higher cognitive complexity.  Properties of the functions of cognition periodically repeated in each period, but to a new level, in accordance with the law of negation of the negation of the Hegelian dialectic.  Number of function of cognition, surpassing the measure and quality changes, and new quality requires further quantitative changes in accordance with the law of dialectics.  Each new function can improve cognition in its framework, replacing the weaker of their own, but it can not replace the main function of a lower rank, knowledge, self, which is included in a class of subjective ability, knowing other than a lower class of objective cognitive complexity.  As well as perception and thinking now operate in parallel and in the future will operate in parallel perception, thinking, and further function of cognition in the brain, the multi-knower zeazromielon.  Periodic system of functions included in the General theory of supramentality.

 © Copyright: Oleg Starchen , 2011
