Northstar Editorial February 2011

Dear comrades,

 A new tragedy has happened in our country. A bomb explosion occurred in the arrival hall of the Domodedovo airport near Moscow – 35 people killed, more than one hundred injured. No person or group has taken responsibility for this explosion. By official version, it was a suicide bombing by Chechens, so-called "Shakhids". No matter who committed this mass murder, it is obvious that such a bloody attack against innocent people could never be justified for any reasons.

 First of all, I would like to express my great condolences to relatives and friends of the victims. But it is a new bomb attack, but, unfortunately, not the only one, and we must try to find reasons of this phenomenon. As Communists, we must find the truth and tell the truth.

 Unprecedented measures of security are taken by authorities against terrorists – both real ones and, those of imagination. After 9/11, anti-terrorist hysteria spread over the world rapidly. A lot of prohibitions were introduced including some absolutely foolish – for example, the prohibition to take on board any liquid or the obligation to take off shoes at boarding control. But all that does not help. Acts of terror continue.


 The main aim of all these anti-terror measures seems to be not the people's security. I consider the main aim is to make people be afraid of some danger and to seek defense from their own governments. You should never oppose the government!? You should always support it as long as it defends you from those awful terrorists!

 We see U.S. imperialism pursuing its interests in Iraq, Afghanistan and other regions -all over the world – under coverage of "fighting terrorism". We see a lot of common people supporting this policy – instead of raising their voices against it and resisting.

 That's why terrorism exists and will exist – as long as imperialism rules the world. Imperialism needs it as a tool of its safety from the people.

 But we remember the Soviet era, when people were not afraid to go by trains, to fly by airplanes, to live in their houses and to let their children go to schools. There were no metal fences that were installed everywhere; there were no control points and no policemen with automatic rifles here and there – even at the airports! But Soviet people felt much safer than their present descendants now.


 The answer is clear – there was a people's state which took care not of tremendous profits, but of well-being of its population. A Socialist state did not need "international terrorism" as a fear for its citizens to be afraid of. So the Socialist state managed to fight any criminals with success.

  If we have a look at the history of the last twenty years of post-Soviet Russia – without any exaggeration, we can call it the history of blood and terror. Every person in Russia can remember Chechen attacks on cities in the South of Russia during 1990s; seizure of a school in the city of Beslan in 2004; explosions of houses with hundreds of victims in Moscow and Volgodonsk in 1999; Moscow metro bomb attacks in 2004 and 2010, etc, etc. This is a very long list to mourn about.

 But could anyone remember anything of such tragic things happening thirty or twenty years before?

I think the only answer is-NO!

The conclusion is evident. The only solution is the rebirth of Socialism and of the USSR! It is the only way to protect the people from the evils of modern capitalist bourgeois society – both from dire misery, ongoing poverty, social vulnerability – and from terrorism as well.
