Некоторые мысли о разном

У меня накопилась масса материала с астрологических сайтов, правда, на английском.
Решила выложить, возможно, потом можно будет как-нибудь систематизировать, если будет время и желание... :)

One of the most interesting place on the Earth is the Carribean Sea - the beginning of worm Gulfstream which is responsible for the warm climate of Europe, as wee as the othe side of the world has cold ocean streams to the coast of Chili.
The Bermuda Triangle - is the place in which the energetical flows are intensive due to movement of Earth around her axis.
Cuba - the isle close to this place is always in the center of some global events.

This is my cousin sisters chart who is still single at the moment. Kindly provide some input on this chart. What does the future holds in terms of happiness and prosperity.

DOB: January 10,1973 at 5:16 AM
POB: Patna, Bihar, India
Patna is - Longitude 85 E 07 00 and Latitude 25 N 36 00

Dear Manoj!
Having sun-jupiter in 1st house - she has very sunny destiny and may be wide known in society.
But this may be the obstacle for her to get married, as her partner should be also well-known. This is the great load for partner - to have energy to sustain the attraction of other people.
Venus in her chart is in 12th house - may be some secret love relations. This year there could be some proposals ans marriage as pluto is transiting her natal venus. There could be also travel abroad.
Neptune-mars exactly conjoined  in 11-12th - may be some problems in life due to religious views, fanatism. The aspect of Napoleon, Lenin.
Bad is also sun-jupiter in square aspect to pluto-uranus in libra - the destruction of partnership due to desire to leadership.
Sun-jupiter-rahu in capricorn  - the destiny, related with government structures, some kind of management. The desire to new forms of realisations of thoughts in materia.
Moon in pisces gives her good intuition.
She has saturn in 6th house - may be some problems with health.
Today saturn is transiting 8th house - some stressful situations in life, losses.

Yes, she will mary in the future 2 years - progressive moon will transit 7th house, may be birth of baby. But i think the time of her marriage will be better to postpone to the next year, when saturn will be in her 9th house. 


Thank you Lyudmila, what you have said is very true of her nature. She had wanted to join Indian Politics for a long time but the family kept on saying that not till she gets married first.
For the past so many years, all she has done is to reject people on one ground or the other but now she wants to settle down in life and she also plans to actively join Indian politics.
From her personality perspective, she is very strong lady with very good oratorial skills. I don't know how successful she will become but she is very ambitious for her own good.
Recently her marriage has been fixed to a Manglik guy who resides in US and works as an IT executive but date has not been decided yet?

Thanks ms

January 11th, 1973
Lakenheath, England
5:24 A.M. Dakota

Dear Dakota!
I think that this year is significant to you due to transiting jupiter over Asc. You have sun-jup conjoined, so every 12 years you'll have some changes in your life, may be movement to the other place? country, as you also have pluto going over 1st house - saggi. May be also marriage and birth of child  as tr pluto is going to joinn your natal venus in 1st house (the exact aspect will be in the end of 2007-2008).
You have the aspect of revolutionary - neptune-mars conjoined in 12th house - house of restrictions, kriminal relations, movement abroad,  psychological problems, house of hermits and loneliness in life -  may be your behaviour in life caused some problems to the people around you.
Pluto transiting your 1st house may have given to you some kind of extra-egoism, as 1st house is related with Mars - the God of War, and egocentrism. Pluto as mars squared - could give you hard test in life to become more polite and humble.

It is hard to alone in the society - which is today Europe, India, China - there are too many people around.
But the habit to be alone in the crowd - is your inner quality, you should only to find the sources of this habit in your own soul - you have good abilities to meditation.

Bast wishes. Lyudmila

Thank you very much for looking at my chart.  Hopefully my life will finally calm down soon and have some happiness for once.  Tomorrow I will be going to court to plead "not guilty" for something I absolutely didn't do but am being accused of to save the reputation of another.  It's absolutely absurd and I can't believe this is happening to me so I hope the right thing is done so I can get on with my life.  I've had to face some significant challenges since this past October that I never thought I'd ever have to think about and it's changed me forever as a person.  I thought stuff this major would really stand out in my chart.  I wonder why it isn't.
Anyway, thanks again.  I really appreciate it.  If you see anything else you think I should know about, don't hesitate to add.  I will check for replies in the next day or so.

Things went as well as could be expected at the court today but things are not finished.......yet.  I'm glad it's all over with for a little while at least.
You are right about the hermit/lonliness thing.  I do like to be alone.  I think it's because of having a large, aggressive family that is very social and vocal.  I am not that way at all and tend to force myself to keep up with them.  I've noticed lately that I tend to go overboard with defending myself a lot just to prove to them that they can't hurt me or get the better of me.  This has been making me really tired lately which is one of the many reasons I'm moving away soon.
It's interesting that you should mention the hermit/lonliness thing right now because I am quite lonely even though I love to be alone.  I actually made a decision tonight to get out and socialize more when I'm setttled in my new place.  I need to mingle with people who I actually have something in common with and with whom I can have fun with.
This aspect in my chart isn't set in stone is it?  I mean, I'm not doomed to a life as a hermit, am I?
Best Wishes To You!!
If gayatri of the planets helps then were is prarabda or fate? how does it mitigate past deeds.I am in a very bad situation with regard to venus.So praying venus gayatri will help?


The problem of praying is the lack of silence in the mind. Only deep quietness of Soul could bring you the gift of Bliss of Gods...

Dear Friend,
Fate vs Free will is the most discussed factors in astrology ...
Prabdha is part of Sanchit karma which we are destined to face in the current birth..
You shall have to bear the fruits whether good or bad  . Fate is end results or fruits
of our past karmas ..done by us earlier . To create new fate we need to do more new karmas.. this way by doing karmas you can create new destiny .. So keep on moving ..
Reg the impact of prayer .... Prayer can undo the negative part of bad karmas .. Because desiny is not beyond the realms of God . The creater if he is pleased with
your yearning for him in form of prayer can do everything..
Reg appeasement of planets by prayers  , I have neither the knowlege nor  practiced the belief so far.
To ward of ill effects of any planet ..respect and  take care of karaka;s signfied by planet..e.g if Moon is troubling you, respect your mother  as she is karka (natural) of moon.
In your case venus is troubling you ., female is karka for venus eapecially wife..
If you are married take special care of our wife or if unmarried pls respcect or take care of all ladies.
regds Sanjay Sehgal

I have been a member of this forum for a long time now. Whenever I felt depressed I have posted a query. I guess I have used this forum more as a therapy session...I am being extemely honest 'cause when things are good and happy I never posted queries. I post queries only on those days which are sad and difficult. I guess everyone goes through such ups and downs in life. After so many years I have realized this that one should be strong when one is going through a little hard times and be thankful of what one has.
I have a great husband and wonderful life and should be thankful for that. I guess I won't be posting anymore queries ever...
Don't know how many people feel like me....if you don't have anyone to voice your feelings or feel scared to voice them..astrology seem like an easy route....


Dear Usha,
We Indians who believe in fate get much mental relief by assuming that everything is predestined , so why be in anxiety. This gives a soothing feeling.
Why say goodbye? never say goodbye. 'Kabhi Al-vida Na Kahana'
I had your chart in hardcopy which I am not able to locate, and you have deleted your earlier querry where you posted your data.
As far as I remember, your chart showed a good and high-profile professional life, but a lot of feeling of dissatisfaction in personal life.
You try to do YOGA and Pranayama , it would immencely help you.

Dear Inder!
Are you free at last from your super-work?
the problem of living soul - is how to find the source of stability and relax. But the Moving atoms and planets and constantly regenerating cells in organism - where could we find quietness?

Dear Lyudmila,
Hallo, how are you?
No dear, I am not yet free from my super work. I only get time to frequenly visit astro sites to see what old friends are saying and doing.
My experience is that Indian Meditation and Pranayama techniques provide you  quiteness and relief.
We are part of moving atoms , regenerating cells , expanding univere etc-- but what is the perpose-- is not known to anybody.
As Paul Jean Satr' Said-- Life is a useless passion.

Dear Inderji,
Now we know how to draw you out of your shell ;-)))
