Essay 56. Satanic Grin

Children, and students are like children, if choose someone as an object of their jokes, then the chosen is in a desperate situation. Because nobody even think, whether this or that joke is harmful or rude, humiliating or even disparaging. They make jokes and laugh, and there are several guys who make jokes, but everybody, who saw or heard the joke laughs. Well, and if the object of a joke was played a practical joke on before, then after the news of a new practical joke spreads around, and it is disseminated by an incomprehensible way very quickly, the joke becomes a protracted one. Though, nothing can be done about it, this is the way student group psychology is. And if to take into consideration that the group is in military uniform, then one does not even think about jokes’ elegance or their intellectual depth.
So I again return to the topic of the assembly at the end of the fifth year. Well, the topic can be brought up here, as the assembly really took place, and all its episodes and situations were with those characters, who appear in the essay.
Vadik Pochekutov had a bad luck to become a standing joke from his very first days at the assembly. And anyone who would take the trouble mocked at him. I wrote earlier in the essay “#2 Product” how Badri Lipartiya gave those products to play a practical joke on Vadik and after that demanded them (the #2 Products) from him, but Vadik did not give them back. So, insidious Badri conceived “dreadful revenge”. And what else could one expect from him, a child of mountains, who was a Georgian, a Mingrelian to be more exact; and the Mingrelians are extremely ferocious about revenge. Insidious Badri lived in a tent nearby, one day he came into Vadik’s tent before the lights-out time and donated one more #2 Product to the sacred matter of revenge; he filled it with water, tied it up and placed under Vadik’s sheet; then he left, but hung around close by to be the first to see the results of the revenge. Yes, I forgot to tell you that the #2 Product contained a bucket of water. And that was not all about it.
That seemed to be not enough to Badri, and he brought a five kilo dumb-bell and put it a little lower than the filled with water Product, in order that when Vadik lay down, the product would appear under his back and the dumb-bell under his butt. Insidious Badri had already known that Vadik had a habit of falling down on his bed, and had planned everything. Well, and then everything happened the way it had to be. And you, my dear readers, have already imagined Vadik falling down on his bed without undoing it; and how the Product bursts under the weight of Vadik’s back, and a bucket of water spreads on his bed, and Vadik’s butt hits against the dumb-bell. There was a shriek from Vadik’s tent. And the whole camp quickly came running to learn what had happened? Of course, Badri Lipartiya was the first one who rushed into Vadik’s tent.
There was a satanic grin on his lips, he was happy; he avenged himself and never demanded from Vadik to give him his #2 Products back anymore. His revenge really went like clockwork!

5 September, 2011.
