Let Us Go В Детский Сад!

Let  Us  Go  В Детский Сад!

Лана Ричъ с Димулей

Редактор Андрей Хохряков (на фото)

Who is coming? Who is coming?
What is there?  What is that?
Who is coming?  Who is coming?
Let us go   в детский сад!

The car is so noisy!
It doesn,t  want to sleep.
The flat is  so  cosy!
Tom doesn, t  want to weep.

The bells are ringing lightly.
The houses are white,
The sun is shining brightly
And Dima wants  гулять!

The sky above the palace
Is  so  clean  and   fresh
The lilies of the valleys
Sing songs. You кашку ешь!

The man with little cows
Are giving us sweet  milk.
And we are dancing now.
We are so healthy, quick!

In sunny day we are drawing –
The field, the wind, the tree…
And after that we are going
To play  a  ball.  Two  three!

The fairytales – around,
You see a golden snake.
It gives us  рубль  and pound
And  airplane – лететь.

We have a  doll.  It,s  Ljusya.
We have a nice  hedgehog.
And паучок. It,s Kuzya.
It lives on потолок.

We say « Good-bye»  to Dima.
We, ll meet you in three days.
Our neighbour  Seraphima
Will  close and open the gates.

The drops of rain are falling,
Present us all the  ритм.
And our  friends are calling
To be и с ней и с ним.

Around us – the river,
Perhaps , the Southern Sea.
We are saying  «Thanks”  to Dima
And to a  little  Bee.

