Another english club

8 11 12 by Mila Hooten
Fun Fact of the Day: “The retail price for the iPad would be $1,140 if it were built by American workers instead of Chinese” (


1. What is a “discovery”? Is there a difference between a discovery and an invention? What do you think are the most important discoveries and inventions of all time?

2. Do you think there are specific professions dedicated to uncovering new discoveries? What professions rely on research approaches? What are the benefits of such professions? Would you like this kind of career?

3. What is archaeology and how is it related to the process of discovery? Do you find this an interesting profession? What methods are used in archaeological processes? What do you think are the most impressive archaeological discoveries of all time? Have you ever been to such sites, or is there anywhere that you would really like to visit?

4. Are there any essential discoveries that have recently been made in the medical field? How do medically-related professions help us everyday? Is there one discovery in the medical field that you think has saved the most lives, for example? Is there anything that you think our modern world couldn’t live without?

5. What recent discoveries have been made in space? Do you consider space exploration as a “discovery” field? How might these discoveries and explorations be important for us on earth? Is there anything you hope will be found in space in the near future?

6. If you could discover or uncover one thing in our world, either physical or intellectual, what would it be and why? Do you think the most important discoveries for the future will be in the medical field or in another aspect of our lives? What is one thing that you hope will be discovered in your lifetime?
