Music, Art, Culture, and Fulfillment

Topic: Music, Art, Culture, and Fulfillment
Fun Fact of the Day: "16% of Americans will receive one speeding ticket this year and it will cost them on average $150 per ticket" (
1. Do you often listen to music? How important is music in our lives? What is your favorite song, artist, or composer of all time? Why so? Has a song or other musical composition ever truly touched you? If you could choose one "theme song" for this stage of your life, what would it be and why?

2. What music "movements" are currently popular? What audiences do you think they are geared to reach? Why do you think rock-n-roll became so popular? Do you think it was a result of its new style or iconic personalities? What is the best music genre, in your opinion?

3. How does music relate to culture? Do you agree with the statement that, "culture is the widening of tpe mind and of the spirit"? If so, how can music help achieve this? What otheraspects of culture might contribute to this "widening"?
4. What additional works of art might be related to culture, the mind, and spirit? What is your opiniin about "modern," "post-modern," and "contemporary" art? Do you think that these movements are true artwork? What is your favorite style and medium of art and why?

5. Do you have a favorite piece of artwork in Vinnitsa? Where can you go to see works or art and view live performances? What is the best experience you have had here and why did you enjoy it? Do you think that Vinnitsa is a center for artistic expression in Ukraine? Can artwork lead to personal "fulfillment"?
6. Is there oi\q particular means of artistic expression or artwork that you would like to see or hear in your lifetime? Perhaps a live performance or live taping of a TV show or movie? A famous painting or sculpture? A music, dance, theater, or opera group? Would you like to pursue any of these mediums as a profession or hobby?
Schedule: Please put topic ideas in the Suggestion Box!
Saturday, 01 December at 10:30- special session for World HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
