The Problem of Integrity and Purity of Consciousne

Knowledge about a man is de-concentrated nowadays in many spheres and directions of a cognitive activity of Homo Sapiens. Consequently, our everyday life is a disintegrated mixture of scientific and philosophic ideas, religious and ideological principles, and mystic and esoteric views concentrated upon the problem of man as a whole. Moreover, the results of such an activity are contradictive or even absurd at times. This tendency, hence, does not favour an effective solution of the urgent problems of today, but breeds the new or aggravates the known ones. It means that all of us are undergoing a huge restrictive factor of spiritual growth led to permanent total degradation.
At the same time the existence of various autonomous spheres of cognition of human nature inevitably leads to an illusion of a relative self-sufficiency of human manifestations like physical body, emotional sphere, consciousness, and psyche. Such an illusion is far from being innocent since it prevents a search of efficient ways out of the problems man experiences every day functioning as an integral multi-functional indivisible system. Any attempts to solve the problem on an artificially localized level are vain since they neutralize only the symptoms but not the cause. The worse is the former are devastating because they automatically switch on destructive mechanisms fatal to either body, or consciousness, or spiritual sphere, or man as a whole.
Probably, the first step one has to take up to cure oneself is a deep understanding of an inner integrity. This manual “The Ecology of Consciousness” is aimed at facilitating such an understanding by means of work with personal ideas about oneself, the other, the world in general, and by extending informative and active bases. Therefore, this special course of lectures comprises not only a presentation of theoretical material based on a student’s experience, but also practical exercises – sharing experiences. That’s why the classes imply personal active involvement into mastering of the materials suggested.
The essence of The Ecology of Consciousness is a system of views upon integrity of a person and understanding of the ways of accomplishing of an individual identity.  The starting point of The Ecology of Consciousness is an opinion about a modern man who finds himself in a situation of distorted perception of oneself as a consequence of a vast restriction of cognitive possibilities and deforming of one’s consciousness.
Spiritual degradation of man, limiting or, otherwise, abolishing of one’s creative prospects and abilities, go hand in hand with re-orientation of the majority onto solely personal manifestation of the entity, concentration on ego, self-restriction of one’s perception of realty. Extracting oneself out of cosmos and nature and inserting into an artificial world of civilization has become possible thanks to an ontological fracture of integrity of the entity, its splitting into a subject and an object, their opposition. Plunging into a world of one’s own sensations, total concentration on one’s ego, that is enclosure from the other, has become real due to the second, ontic split – polarization of the world which found its reflection in establishing of dual elements: the good and the evil.

Hence, there is a huge shift in the structure of the Entity from organic integrity to identifying and enrooting of a variety of personal ersatz-entities or existences.
Overcoming of the ontic and ontological fractures or at least the highest possible neutralization of their negative consequences is connected with cleansing of an individual consciousness from energy-informative clusters, extending perception, and stimulation of the cognitive processes. A person who is set to accomplish integrity of the entity as well as to exclude a variety of mediators between him and the Entity has to question oneself first. Otherwise, in a painful attempt to realize something that lies beyond oneself, a person risks to reduce to a state of “sane” nonsense transforming the world into an illusion. That’s why we define the subject of the Ecology of consciousness in a person as a manifestation of the Entity, integral and indivisible, who directs his cognitive activity and attention onto oneself.
The prominent purpose of this course is to create an atmosphere suitable for revealing of new emotions, hinting at an active search of oneself, and to help a reader to pattern one’s behaviour under definite conditions. To be more precise we can use Mircea Eliade’s ideas, slightly paraphrased, that run that this course is aimed at “helping those who seek for something that is worth seeing in this so-called life”. This set of lectures does not pretend to put all dots on i’s becoming a guide-book manual for life. The basic principle that lies in the core of its content is an idea that there is good and evil in everything: everything is interrelated and subdued to the world laws which were, are and, for the better or the worse, will remain incomprehensible by human in their fullness. But nothing can restrain a person to know the truth. The only exception is, probably, the very man armed with indifference and depression.

Volodymyr Kaluga
