О пользе смеха

    Laughter is useful
Why to laugh

It is common knowledge that laughter is the first weapon against stress. Emil Zolya wrote that laughter is power to which great minds should obey. It decorates human life and makes it longer. If women don’t  want to get old ahead of time, they shouldn’t look sullen.

A funny scene, film, picture brings joy to every man. That is why it is useful to acquire positive and useful emotions whenever it is possible. That is why we watch on TV musical comedies over and over and never get tired of them.

Laughter improves our mood

Laughter helps feeling oneself younger. Many women think that in order to avoid wrinkles on the face they shouldn’t laugh. They are under a deep delusion. Serious expression of the face takes away all its living emotions. Laughter with all one’s heart tones up facial muscles, slows down the process of getting old and quickens the influx of blood to the skin of the face.

Laughter strengthens the immune system of man

It is a good protection against different stresses. Psychologists have long since noticed that people who often laugh, less often fall ill. Laughter is not just an outer sign of positive emotions. It acts benevolently on all mostly important processes in human organism – the work of heart, nervous and muscle systems, etc...The risk of getting cardiovascular diseases among the merry people, compared with sullen ones, falls down to 50%.  Can it be the reason why  smiles almost never disappear from the faces of Americans?

For one thing, smile is a rest for the muscles of the face: if it is necessary to press 43 muscles for a stern grimace, only 17– for a smile. For another, it leads to the cooling of blood in the vascular brain. It improves the work of the left cerebral hemisphere .which is responsible for the positive emotions in the organism. Biochemical processes, taking place at that time, slow down the appearance of the “stress” hormones– cortisone and adrenaline.

Yet, it is not all either. During the smile a great amount of immunoglobulin is being created in the saliva, and it increases the protective reactions of the organism. Laughter causes the appearance of endorphins in blood which soothes pain.

Besides, laughter is a free drug against asthma, migraine, pain in the back and even some sexual disorder.
Laughter also acts positively on our skin, strengthens the heart muscle, stimulates the circulation of blood, slows down blood pressure, helps digestion and quiet sleep.

There is one more its positive feature: laughter leads to the loss of weight and improves our figure .10 minutes of laughter are equivalent to half-an-your exercises in the fitness club. When we smile, 75 muscles are included into work in our organism, and the main load falls on the muscles of the back and legs. Some minutes of healthy laughter will substitute the cession of therapeutic relaxation on gray, rainy days. Scientists claim that laughter can be equaled to the walk in the open air.

According to the data of cancer protection society in Geidelberg, one minute of laughter substitutes 45 minutes of relaxing exercises and has the same effect as the additional dose of vitamin C.

There exists a special science–gelontology which studies the influence of laughter on psychic and physical health of people. Scientists- gelontologists look for the reasons causing laughter. Nowadays nobody doubts that laughter therapy is very effective.

The founder of gelontology  is American psychologist Norman Kasins. He is also known as a man taking the upper hand over death. Kasins fell seriously ill. He had a disease of connecting tissues and bones. Doctors appeared helpless, and in the long run the patient was unable to move.

He asked the doctors to let him go home and puzzled his relatives by asking them to supply him with  a show of a  vast number of musical comedies.. He watched them several days running, laughing, like mad. Then he noticed that awful pains, torturing him before, began slowly weaken. In a couple of weeks his state was getting better and better.

This therapy allowed Norman to resume his work in 3 years. More over, he now could play on the piano his favorite musical plays.

Sir William Osler not once repeated that laughter is music of life and advised people to laugh at least 10-16 minutes a day. Such a laughter therapy, in his opinion, made human life one year longer.

US military high command was ordered as a must to attend special humor courses. They invited well-known comics as teachers. One of the authors of “humorobics” was actor Charles Metcaf.  He began his lessons with the exercise: to get up, sigh and burst into laughter. The most important thing, in his words, was to realize the absurdity of the unhappiness or failure that had befallen you.

 Experts counted up to 300 kinds of laughter. It can be sad or merry, kind or sarcastic, heart to heart or proud, contemptuous and impudent, promising and empty, ironic and confusing, simple-hearted or shameless.

So, let us get ourselves out of everyday shores, relax and laugh whenever we wish. There are many cases for laughing matter in our life.

    ( по материалам публикаций русской и украинской прессы )

