Год Обезьяны. Диета

Monkey Diet

The Monkey is the Sign most commonly associated with the lungs and the large intestine. They are vulnerable to upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, and asthma. The Monkey is also often excitable and excessively anxious, which may lead to nervous disorders in the long run. Monkeys are overly fond of junk food and should avoid it at all costs.

Many Monkeys cannot consume large amounts of food at one sitting; eating four mini-meals a day is much better for them. Ideal Monkey foods include green beans, tomatoes, celery, carrots, spinach, oranges, and plums, as well as grapefruit, almonds, and broiled fish for the nervous system. Monkeys also need calcium to keep their bones healthy, and milk and cottage cheese can be excellent sources of this vital mineral.
