Год Петуха. Диета

Rooster Diet

The Sign of the Rooster is most commonly associated with the lungs and the large intestine, as well as the stomach. Tension, anxiety, and emotional stress are the leading causes of illness among Roosters, as they are very highly strung. They are also prone to ulcers, gall bladder upsets, gas pains, nausea, and gastritis. In order to avoid such troublesome gastrointestinal disorders, the Rooster should consume a diet of whole grain breads, yogurt, beets, fish and oysters.

They can also benefit from the inclusion of milk, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes in their diet, as these foods are high in calcium. Okra, which also contains calcium, can aid the Rooster in reducing chronic stomach inflammations. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, and lean protein are a daily must for the average Rooster, if they want to keep up their energy. Extra spicy foods should be avoided at all costs!
