
Topic: Gambling, Games and Talent
Fun Fact of the Day: “The city of Juneau, Alaska is about 3,000 square miles large. It is actually bigger than the entire state of Delaware” (
1. What is your favorite “game” of all time? What games do you and your peers most commonly play? Do you find games interesting and entertaining? Are they positive and helpful, or can they be negative and harmful? What games do you dislike?
2. What is you opinion about video games? Do you think that video games are appropriate for young children? What affects do you think video games have on their users? Is there a specific video game that you really enjoy and play often? How much time do people spend playing these games? Do you think that some find it hard to separate the games from reality?
3. Do you think that gambling is a problem around us? What two different associations does the word “gambling” have? How can it relate to more than just games? Have you ever “gambled” anything in your life? Would you ever try gambling in any respect?
4. Which types of game activities do you think are the most helpful and healthy: physical games, word games, video games, etc.? How do all of these different games affect us differently? Should children spend more or less time playing games in school? Do you think adults should play games at work? How might this help or hurt us?
5. Do you possess any secret “talents”? Does an ability to successfully play games mean you have a talent for gaming? How important are talents for character development? Is there a specific talent that you wish you possessed more? How could you train yourself to do so?
6. If you could create your own game or talent of any kind, what would it be and why would you invent it? Who would be your target audience and how would you play? Would there be any rules or restrictions to participate? How could you make it popular among your peers or even worldwide?
