Желтая спальня

I wake up with a smile in the morning :)))
Whats a beautiful autumn! From windows of my bedroom I see green pines with gold trunks. The woodpecker knocks, birds sings, shouts of my cat (he wants me to open a balcony).I open and let him to go out, and I let in breath dawn, fresh air smelling autumn leaves, open jalousie and the sun comes in my yellow bedroom. Later will be a rain, but nothing can spoil my mood charged by morning pleasure.
I want to love, to share my tenderness! I full of weasel and feelings; I am simply overflow by love. Love cannot go by: it will notice, will stop for an instant, will be play in sparkles of my eyes, will be glad to my sincere smile,it will want to approach more close, to touch, to start talking...
... And never leave me any more.
