
Woa Vinnytsia English Club on Investigations
Topic: Investigations
Fun Fact of the Day: “A dime has 118 ridges around the edge” (
1. What is the definition of the word “investigation”? Where do investigations usually take place? Who preforms these investigations? Can this word have multiple meanings? How do investigations affect us all personally and collectively?
2. Have you ever investigated something or someone? If so, what or who did you investigate and why did you do so? What were the results of this action? Additionally, what is your opinion about “private investigators”? What is their main purpose? Do you think that this is a beneficial profession or rather an invasion of privacy?
3. What investigations are currently going on in the world around us? What are the most common “investigations”: educational, medical, scientific, social, problems etc.? Is there anything that you hope will be investigated in the near future? If so, why? What would be the purpose of this action?
4. What is your opinion about “cosmic investigations”? Do you think that there is truly anything to investigate in space? What interesting events in the discovery of the universe or specific planets have helped us on Earth? Would you follow such investigations or take part in them, if you had the opportunity?
5. What other scientific or medical investigations do you find interesting and helpful? What investigations in these fields might prove the most helpful to humanity? Is there one area of study or research that you think should be greatly expanded, in an effort to extend or improve human lives? How can this be achieved?
6. Do you think that the education system here is fully functional and successful, or do you think that aspects of this system should be investigated and altered or improved? If so, what do you think should change? Should other countries’ models be investigated and used as examples? If not, why do you consider this system as successful?
