What is responsibility?

English Club on 'Freedom, Duty, and Responsibility'

Fun Fact of the Day: “12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily” (tealdragon.net).

1. What is “responsibility”? Do you consider yourself as a responsible person? What responsibilities do you have in your everyday life? Are you responsible only for yourself or for others as well? How do you feel about these responsibilities?
2. How are responsibilities different at home and in the workplace or at school? What responsibilities did you have when you were a child or young adult, which you do not or will not have when you are older? What responsibilities do you have in adulthood that you were never confronted with as a child?
3. What is the difference between a responsibility and a “duty”? What daily duties do you have to preform? Do you like these duties in any way, or are they simply obligations? What obligations would you like to permanently eliminate from your life?
4. Do you consider “freedom” as a right or a responsibility? Can it be considered as both? Why or why not? Do you think you have a duty to protect certain freedoms that you posses? How can you do so? Are we responsible for helping others and protecting their freedoms? Is there any person or group of people that you think needs extra attention and protection?
5. If you wanted to initiate a new project or program at work or in school, is it your duty or your responsibility to be its leader? How would you be in charge of this initiative?
Can you think of an example of such a project that you would like to create? Do you have the freedom and means to begin this work?
6. If you had the freedom and resources to go anywhere in the world and to do anything there, where would you go and what would you do? Would you still have any responsibilities or duties in your daily life? What responsibilities and duties would you leave behind at the time of your departure? Would you stay forever or eventually come
back home?

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