How to live in present

My parents taught me to think about the and the past. But it would be nice if they hadn*t taught me how to live only in the future and the past. Thinkng about things which are not important now steals our present.
Being familia with the work of the psychologists, I know a lot of people who think only about the past. They can not forgive people who hurt them many years ago. They can not step int…o a new life.
I know a lot of people who live worrying about how much money they will earn in the future, or what position they will take.These people miss all the good things in the present becouse live an unreal life in their minds. Thinking about the the past isn"t the real life. It is just a memory of a present. Thinking about the the future isn"t the real life either, becouse it is just a picture in your mind. It is just imagination.
I think that all people shoud learn to appreciate every moment of their present life. They should be with their children while they are small. They should enjoy the smell of flowers. They need to slow down this mad race to the top of their career by moving away from real life.

It is very instructive and very real,I would rather say. Many candid thanks.

Светлана Барашко   28.01.2013 13:48     Заявить о нарушении
I'm glad you liked it! I wish you health and happiness!

Маринка Коробкова   28.01.2013 14:07   Заявить о нарушении