The Way Up

Hi there! My name is Sheila. When I was at school I had a very good friend. Her name was Jessie. She was from my class, and, actually, was the best student among all my classmates. She was perfect in everything. Jessie got "A" level at all subjects, she went to music and drama clubs, did some sports and made many friends at school thanks to her communicative talent. It was obvious that she became the president of Students' Council. I don't know how difficult it is to be the first in everything. I've never been the best at least in one activity, and Jessie had never told me it was difficult. She never complained, and nobody saw her crying. You may think that she didn't cry because everything was alright, but it's not true. She had failures, she made mistakes. But she was strong enough not to cry or complain about life. She always said that her failures were challenges, so life was teaching her to overcome difficulties. To her words I can only add that she was a smart and diligent student of life. That's why in senior class everyone was absolutely sure that she would become if not a president, then at least a prime minister. Unfortunately, for a long period of time I haven't heard any fact about her life. After the graduation she left for the megalopolis she had chosen to study and to work in, and I had no contacts of her.
Seven years passed after the graduation. I was travelling across the country, and suddenly I met Jessie at a big airport. I came to the airport beforehand, and her flight was delayed, so we had some free time and went to a caf;. She looked very upset, and I asked her if something had happened. Jessie began to tell. Well, she didn't explain everything in details, but I hope you'll understand it just like I did. This is what she told me:

– Do you remember, Sheila, how active and ambitious I was at school? Can you imagine me changed after the graduation? Of course, I didn't change. I was the same and I wanted to be the best. So, I was the best in the college where I studied, and then I was the best in the company where I used to work for a couple of months. After that I took a credit from bank and became an IT and software developer. I worked really well. During three years I built a big developing company which was owned and ruled by me only. That company was my pride, but for all the time I was creating and widening it I had no weekends and no holidays. The company was the most essential part of my life until I met him.
It was approximately a year ago. We had the vacancy of the copywriter, and he came to the interview. Among twelve other candidates for this position Kevin highlighted himself by answering my questions clearly and confidently. Besides, he had very good references. The next day after the interview I called Kevin and told he got this job. He worked pretty well. He took smart decisions, he could work some extra hours when it was necessary, so I really admired him. As a good worker, of course. In a month I understood that he could be more than a usual copywriter and appointed him to the position of deputy director, my first assistant. It became so easy to manage various tasks and issues with Kevin. I trusted him a lot.
Once we had a big party at our company. We celebrated signing of the very important contract. The party was great, we had so much fun, and the next morning I woke up in Kevin's bed. At first, I thought that it was just one crazy night which hadn't changed anything and it would be better to forget all that had happened. But when Kevin brought me a coffee and some biscuits with a pleasant smile on his face I realized I fell in love. Everything was going as fast as tornado. After a week of dating he moved to my apartment. Living together we had no conflicts at all, and I even started to think that he was sent to my life by some angel to make me the happiest person on the Earth. But, actually, he was most likely to be sent by a devil.
We were living together for quite a long time, and I didn't expect any surprises. But a month ago I saw Kevin kissing with the director of a rival company. He was so concentrated on her that didn't even notice me watching them. When he came home in the evening, I asked, "What's wrong with me, Kevin?". "Nothing", he said. But then he looked at me and told, "I've had enough of living with you. You're selfish and boring, and I've never loved you". "If you didn't love me then why you came here?!", I shouted. "Well… your company was like a bone in the throat for the market. It was supposed to finish its existing. So, I came to the interview, got a job at your company and won your favor, thanks to what I got a chance to destroy it from the inside. I persuaded you to sign some documents of distributing illegal material. I got what I wanted, and now I'm gonna pack my things", Kevin smiled. "Leave now!", I said. "Why now? We can spend one more night together, Baby. Do you mind?", he asked. I slapped him in the face and pushed out of my place shouting "Leave! Leave! I don't wanna see you ever-ever again!". After that I threw all his stuff through the window and lay down the bed crying. I couldn't understand when I lost my vigilance and why this happened to me.
I don't know what I did wrong, Sheila. That double betrayal broke my life into ashes. I had to sell everything, including my apartment, to pay big money to the copyright owners for the promise not to begin lawsuits against my company. Anyway, they cannot do it now because the company doesn't exist anymore. I've lost everything.

– So, where are you going now? – I asked.
– Back to my native city, – Jessie answered. – Sheila, can you lend me some money?
– Yes.
I lent her 500$. She thanked me and promised to return it back in some time. I knew she wouldn't. But I was completely wrong in my thoughts.
Two years passed since our meeting at the airport. On that day I was at home, busy with cleaning. Suddenly my phone rang. I got a call from Jessie. She invited me to a restaurant. Her voice sounded so cheerful that, at first, I thought it was someone else who called me. But when I came to the restaurant on the next day I realized it was Jessie. Strong, beautiful and self-confident – this was how she looked now. By the way, she didn't come alone.
– Hello, Sheila! – she said. – Let me introduce you Bob, my husband. Bob, this is my school friend Sheila.
– Nice to meet you, Sheila, – Bob said.
We sat at the table and made an order. I could hardly wait when Jessie would start to tell, because I wondered how she regained her powers.
– After I came here, – she began, – I tried to work at five different places, but it was unbearable. I had to obey someone who did absolutely wrong things and rejected everything when I proposed appropriate solutions. Fired from the fifth job I was searching for a new one by reading ad in newspapers. There was an interesting advertisement requiring a person with business experience. I thought, "Why not try this?", and called. Then I met with Bob, told him about my company and…
– It was my lucky day when I met Jessie, – Bob interrupted. – Many times I tried to run my own restaurant business but I failed until I decided to look for someone who could help me. This is how I got to know Jessie. She supported me, and in two months we opened the first restaurant.
– And married, – Jessy smiled.
– Yeah, it was here, at this restaurant, – Bob added.
– So, this restaurant is yours, guys? – I wondered. – Once I've been in a similar restaurant, and it was as great as this one.
– Now we have a network of more than twenty restaurants in seven cities, so you may have visited some of them, – Jessie explained.
Suddenly, a little girl came to our table, pulled Bob's sleeve and said:
– Daddy, the Chief doesn't want to bake a cake with me!
– The Chief is busy, Dear. He's cooking dishes for visitors, – Jessie said to the girl.
– But I want to bake a cake!
– Molly, I'm gonna bake a cake with you, OK? – Bob said and stood up.
– Excellent! – the girl exclaimed and led him somewhere. Jessie and I left in private. I was shocked. Jessie noticed it and said:
– I know you got a lot of questions, feel free to ask.
– What age is Bob? – I wondered. – He looks…
– He is fifteen years older than me, – Jessie told. – And he's got two girls, Molly and Becca. Molly is eleven, and Becca will be nine on this Sunday. We are going to Disneyland to celebrate her birthday. I will be happy if you can come with us.
– Well, I have some plans on this weekend, but I think they can wait. I'm coming.
– Trust me, you won't regret, – Jessie smiled. And she was totally right.
The weekend at Disneyland was marvelous. On the second day of staying there Jessie and I had an evening walk together.
– I could never imagine you being such a caring mother and loving wife, – I told my friend.
– Neither could I, – she replied. – I've always been a kind of person who would definitely prefer a good career instead of having a family. But the life is unpredictable. I was just searching for a new job and found people who made me the happiest person in the world. I love Bob, Molly and Becca more than I could ever love anyone. Bob always says that I'm his good fortune in business, then I can say he is a good fortune in my life.
I couldn't say a word. Jessie and I walked a few minutes in complete silence, but then she said:
– Thank you, Sheila.
– For what? – I asked.
– For this.
Jessie took from the pocket and gave me 500$.
– I've already forgotten about it, – I laughed.
– I told you I'd return them back, – Jessie smiled. – I always keep my promise. Unfortunately, I can't say "see you soon", Sheila. We are leaving tomorrow, and I'll be very-very busy. Bob and I are planning to make our business international and open a lot of new restaurants.
– Good luck with that, – I said. Jessie smiled.
I'm absolutely sure that Jessie and her husband will carry out their plans and their restaurants will be famous all over the world. You know, the life is unpredictable, as Jessie said. It always surprises us. Even when we think everything is ruined and our life cannot be worse than that, we should know the unexpected things can come at any time. And we should always remember that when we are at the bottom of life we've got only one way to go. The way up.

May 2012
