SACK OF SALT - translated by Maria Zagrebelnaya

Alyona Chubarova, Irina Egorova
translated by Maria Zagrebelnaya

Fairy-tale for children young and old

Parts – 6:
3 – female, 2 – male, 1 – at director’s decision (the Beast is neuter)

Once there lived a witch Sorsult who could bear no more the tears of all the people that she had hurt. She collected the salt of all these tears in a sack and presented it to an orphan, Dunyasha. The sack is bewitched and thus very heavy to carry, but no one could throw it away or sell. The only way to get rid of the sack was to present it to someone else for a “thank you”. 
At that time, fortunately or unfortunately, Ivan was passing by, a simple Vanya, who was looking for Marya. Dunyasha presented the sack to him, but started to regret about it almost immediately. But Ivan was gone…
There is only one way to give the sack back to Sorsult, but one can hardly solve it.
Silly but charming Forest Beast suddenly helps to unravel the secret. Characters’ willingness to share the trouble turns out to be the most important in the fairy-tale.

The troubles that the characters encounter during the play do not deprive them of their sense of humour.
The play is supposed to be performed with many songs, and the texts are included.

Dramatis personae:
Dunyasha-the-Orphan – a fair maiden
Ivan – a fine young men
Sorsult – a witch (sorrow+insult)
The Bear – an ordinary fairy animal
The Miller’s Widow – just an ordinary woman
The Forest Beast – monstrous, but stupid both from the front and from the back.

Scene One
Dunyasha’s hut
Dunyasha, Sorsult
Dunyasha smartly looks after the house all by herself, bakes bread, brings water, singing. Suddenly Sorsult enters the house, unnoticed, a mellow aunty by appearance; groaning.
DUNYASHA (surprised). Oh! Good day.
SORSULT. Good day to you too, young lady. Is your mummy at home?
SORSULT. And daddy?
DUNYASHA. But… they passed away…
SORSULT (twisting her arms, with sorrow in her voice). Oh, I’m sorry! Oh, such a sorrow! Such a grief, such a tragedy! Such a great-great sorrow! My poor orphan!
DUNYASHA. Did you happen to know them?
SORSULT. Of course, my girl! Last week… only last week I visited them and here you see – passed away!
DUNYASHA. How come last week? It’s the fifth year they have passed away.
SORSULT. That’s what I’m saying! Time is flying! It seems that only yesterday I danced on the wedding! And here you see… an eye-wink… and they’re dead!
DUNYASHA. But come in, take a seat, let me prepare samovar…
SORSULT (îñòàíàâëèâàåò Äóíÿøó). Great! I have something for you for tea especially. A gift. (Takes out a small sack, hands it to Dunyasha.)
DUNYASHA (áåð¸ò ìåøî÷åê). What is it?
SORSULT. Why don’t you say thank you? Not a luxurious gift, but it’s from the heart, believe me!
DUNYASHA (feeling ashamed). Thank you! Oh!.. What’s this?.. (Falls on the floor, doubled up with pain, moaning.) But what is it?..
SORSULT (laughing and turning from mellow into a wicked one). This is salt, salt. A whole sack of salt. And not a simple sack… Ha-ha-ha!
DUNYASHA. Îh, I can’t breathe, oh, everything went dark before my eyes… I can’t feel myself!..
SORSULT. Of course! There are tears in this sack. All the tears that I made people cry. All the people, who are in grief and whom I offended! (Dunyasha is moaning.) And there are so many tears now, that I got tired of carrying them all by myself. So I just took all the salt out of them, collected in a sack and gave it to you, stupid girl. Sincerely! For tea! Ha-ha-ha!
DUNYASHA (losing consciousness, murmurs  almost delirious). I should throw it away! As soon as possible!..
SORSULT.  Don’t even dream about it! You can’t throw it away! (Dunyasha is moaning), you can’t sell it! Only give it as a present. But the person you give it to has to take it and say “thank you”.
DUNYASHA. Those tears will come back to you, mind my word! Will come back to you!
SORSULT. What? (Laughing.) This is absolutely impossible! Only if…
DUNYASHA (moaning). If what?
SORSULT. What-what! Of course I’ll take you into my confidence right away! I’ll just run up and whisper it right into your ear! Ha-ha-ha!.. (mocking and laughing, she leaves.)

Scene Two
Dunyasha, Ivan
Dunyasha crawls to the bench, hardly sits on it.Ivan is walking, searching for a Marya , peeps in the house.
IVAN. Knock-knock!
DUNYASHA. It’s open.
IVAN (enters, takes off his hat). Tell me, fair maiden, if your parents have a daughter named Marya?
DUNYASHA. No Marya. And who are you?
IVAN. I’m Ivan.
DUNYASHA. Are you Ivan-the-Tsarevich  or Ivan-the-Fool?
IVAN. Not this, not that, I’m just Vanya .
There exists Ivan Tsarevich,
There exists Ivan-the-Fool.
As for me, I’m simply Vanya,
Not a Tsar and not a Fool.

Just around the world I’m going,
Searching for Maryusha, just
Simple Vanya, named Vanya
Very cheerful and robust.

Know, I’ll find her sometime,
She’ll become my wife and friend.
And we’ll have with her, no doubt,
Happy life until the end! 

There exists Ivan Tsarevich,
There exists Ivan-the-Fool.
As for me, I’m simply Vanya,
Not a Tsar and not a Fool.

DUNYASHA. And why Marya?
IVAN (indignantly). Don’t you read fairy-tales? There’s a Marya for every Ivan! So I’ve decided to find one for myself. If you don’t have Marya here, I’ll go elsewhere to look for.
IVAN. What should I wait for? I need to go.
DUNYASHA (hesitating). You must be tired of walking. Sit down, have some water. (hardly stepping for water, ready to fall down.)
IVAN. What has happened to you? Are you ill?
DUNYASHA (ignoring the question). You have a long journey – all Maryas became extinct in our village. (Carries water, a slice of bread and a sack of salt). So drink some water, and here’s bread for you for the journey… with salt. (Ivan drinks the water and takes the bread with the salt).
IVAN. Thank you for your kindness… Oh! (Breaks down.) What’s this?.. Everything goes dark before my eyes… I can’t feel myself!..
DUNYASHA (straightens herself up, starting to breathe freely). Oh, finally… the air… Am I free again?..  (Notices Ivan’s state). Forgive me, Ivan. Please. Not out of spite, but from weakness…
IVAN. What have you given me to drink, you, witch? I’m burning inside, can’t feel my hands, can’t breathe.
DUNYASHA. The water is clean, right from the well... The salt is to blame. (Ivan tries to throw away the sack of salt, but fails). You can neither throw it away nor sell, but only give it to someone else.
IVAN. Why have you given me all this pain? What have I done? 
DUNYASHA. Forgive me, Ivan, I couldn’t help…
IVAN. I feel sick… Don’t wanna hear you…
DUNYASHA (trying to help him). Ivan!.. What have I done?… How could I?..
IVAN. Don’t touch me! Leave me! Don’t wanna see you!.. (Leaves, hardly shuffling his feet and having left his hat)

Scene Three
Dunyasha alone
Standing in embarrassment.
DUNYASHA. So, everything is alright now. Sort of… I’ve regained in my strength, but feel so uneasy, even worse! (trying to do the housework, but she’s all fingers and thumbs). Why do I grieve over it so much? Such a trifling matter – some Ivan feels bad… But I don’t know him at all. Might be a highway robber. He is looking for Marya, he said. What for? To rob! Yeah! Exactly! Oh, what am I saying? What if not to rob, but to marry, for example? That’s bad… I’m fit physically, but sick at heart. But why should I suffer so much? What if it all haven’t happened at all? Being near the stove all day is no joke… One can easily go mad. I’ve just had a break and dozed off accidentally, and saw this old woman in my dream, and her sack, and this Ivan… It was just a dream, wasn’t it? (Eagerly resumes working, stumbles on Ivan’s hat.) Oh, no. Not a dream. His hat… How will he do without a hat? That’s bad. What if I follow him to give the hat back to its master? (Starts packing a small parcel for her journey, sighing.) I’ll give him the hat back in exchange for the sack!

Scene Four
Sorsult (looking pleased, younger and prettier) and the Beast.
SORSULT (boasting). I did it, I did it! I did it all! I really did my best to do it!
BEAST. Your beast?
SORSULT. Yeah, my best! Smartly, gracefully, jesting!
BEAST (scratches the part of his body, where head is supposed to be). With gestures?
SORSULT. You know what I said? Take some salt for tea, from the heart! That’s what I said! Smart, isn’t it? Ha-ha-ha!
BEAST (doing his best to understand). Tea with salt?
SORSULT (in raptures). And then I said… You know what I said then? I said, I’d just run up and whisper my secret right into your ear!
BEAST. A secret? Oh, I love secrets. Come on, whisper it!
Sorsult sings in excitement:
I’ve deceived, I’ve cheated
A young girl, silly girl.
I’ve tricked her and treated
As a fool, poor girl!
And so smartly, so gracefully!
Made myself ill with laughter.   
Oh, I hate to live peacefully
I’m a witch, I’m a fighter.
Tea with salt for her supper -
And no sleep till the dawn!
She’ll be tortured, she’ll suffer.
But the secret’s unknown! 
I’ve deceived, I’ve cheated,
I’ve tricked, I’ve swindled,
I’ve twisted the girl
Round my little finger!

BEAST. But the secret… Tell me the secret!
SORSULT. There’s only one way… But those people will never, never guess what to do to throw the tears back to me!
BEAST (impatiently). So tell me, tell me, what way?
SORSULT. You are silly, my little Beast! You even have no head… Where would I tell you?
BEAST. So tell me, tell me the secret! I love secrets!
SORSULT.  Am I myself bitter enemy? You’ll spill the beans right away! 
BEAST. But tell me the secret, tell me!
SORSULT. Oh, I’d better tell a little bird! (Leaves, laughing.)
BEAST. Why is that little bird better than me? It’s fine with the little bird and it’s not fine with me? I’m… I’m hurt and offended! And I’ll… I’ll… how do they call it? I’ll take revenge! (Makes an effort to become furious) Oh! Uuuu!.. I’m wicked, I’m wicked! Wicked!.. Rrr-rr… Seems, that I can’t even get furious. (Sweating.) O! I’ve got it. I should make a dirty trick! I should turn somebody out of his house. Why not? That’s a good idea. Let me do at least something.

Scene Five
Ivan, the Bear.
The Bear is growling,his paw is trapped. Enters Ivan.
IVAN (noticing the trap). Oh, that’s the reason you’re screaming and shouting! Now I understand. Let me help you, Mr Bear! (Trying to release the trap,but feels powerless.)
BEAR. So, how is it going?..
IVAN (gives up). In no way. I could have saved you as early as in the morning. But now I can hardly walk… 
BEAR. And what’s happened?
IVAN. I’ve also fallen into a trap, but another one.
Sings a song, trying to mock at his trouble:
I was just walking on my life’s path,
Looking for Maryusha, having no wrath.
But a Dunyasha gave me bread with salt.
I was stabbed with pain and feel terribly cold.

BEAR.        Took bread and salt? 
IVAN.                Of course!
BEAR.                And so would have I.
      And thanked the girl?
IVAN.       Of course! 
BEAR.     And so would have I!
IVAN.        And then I was all twisted, right when I took the sack.
      The sack’s bewitched, the sack’s bewitched – there’s no way going back!
      The sack’s bewitched, the sack’s bewitched – there’s no way going back!

BEAR.        How could it happen, Vanya? My God, how did you know?
IVAN.         I did my best to throw it, I did my best to throw.
       The salt remained with me. I’m so worn out!
BEAR.     I see!
IVAN.        And then I was all twisted, right when I took the sack.
      The sack’s bewitched, the sack’s bewitched – there’s no way going back!
      The sack’s bewitched, the sack’s bewitched – there’s no way going back!

BEAR. That Dunyasha must be a witch, a witch!
IVAN. What if she’s a witch? Why should I care for it now?
BEAR. Hey! Listen! Why don’t you go this way to the miller’s widow? Right this way. She’ll cure you with some herbs, you’ll become strong enough to set me free. Eh? And then I’ll find that Dunyasha and…
IVAN. Herbs? Herbs is a good thing. So where’s the mill? The Bear shows the direction, Ivan leaves.

Scene Six
The Bear and Dunyasha.
Dunyasha is looking for Ivan, runs into the Bear.
DUNYASHA. Poor little animal! How did you manage to get into this trap?
BEAR (sadly waves his paw). Well… they say that no man… no bear is wise at all times.
DUNYASHA (examining the trap). Wait a minute, my dear Bear, we’ll figure out something. (Unties her small parcel, takes out butter, lubricates (ñìàçûâàåò êàïêàí) and opens the trap, releasing the Bear).
BEAR. Oh, thank you! (limbering up his paw) I’ll never forget it! How can I thank you, rescue-girl?
DUNYASHA (ties her small parcel). I don’t need anything, I only wish I knew where Ivan is now… a fine young man, just Vanya.
BEAR. I’ve recently met one Ivan, but he can hardly be called a fine young man now… pale as a ghost. One witch, Dunyasha by name, has given him a sack…
DUNYASHA. A witch?.. Dunyasha?..
BEAR. He’s having really hard times. Wanted to help me but was too feeble…
DUNYASHA. That’s him! Where’s he now, where did he go?
BEAR. That way, to the mill.
DUNYASHA. That way? (Rushed for him)
BEAR. Wait! And what’s your name, my rescue-girl? I’m in debt to you now. 
DUNYASHA. My name is Du… oh… my name is Marya. I’m running away now.
BEAR. Good luck to you, Marya!

Scene Seven
Road to the mill
Ivan, the Widow, Sorsult (peeping).
The Widow is sitting on a stump, whether crying or laughing. Ivan comes up.
IVAN. Madame, are you crying or laughing? I can’t make head or tail of what you’re doing.
WIDOW. Neither can I. Looks like I have nothing more to lose. I feel so bad that I’m ready to laugh, to laugh so bitterly, until I cry!
IVAN. Hey, wait! Better tell me what has happened.
WIDOW. Nothing special, you know. I live here, on this mill. Peacefully. Making friends with animals, doing harm to no one. And suddenly this - how should I call it? – beast appears. No man can make out where he has head, where other body parts. And this beast or whatever turns me out of my own house. And what should I do? When I remember this nonsense with his head I laugh, but I have no place to live – and I cry.
Ivan rushes to help her, but remembers how feeble he is.
(Sings a song, the Sorsult overhears)
I would have thrown the  Beast away from you
But now my life has changed, I feel so blue.
I once have been so strong, lived happily,
But got into a trouble suddenly!

Just lived my life for Marya waiting, just
Enjoying life and being so robust.
But then the trouble came from a girl -
She gave me bread and salt – and I lost all!

So feeble now, all twisted and so blue.
I would have thrown the Beast away from you.
But nothing’s left – just roaring as a bear,
And so I roar - and travel to nowhere.

SORSULT. Oh! Seems like Dunyasha has handed the sack over to Ivan. Grrrrreat! My tears are traveling all around the world now! Those silly people will never how to get rid of these tears and bring them back to me! I can live peacefully now. Freedom! (Leaves).
WIDOW. I’ve got it! The Bear! How couldn’t I remember about him earlier? That’s he who will neighborly help me and turn the beast out!
IVAN. Your neighbor himself needs help. He has got into a trap.
WIDOW. Then why are we here? Let’s run to rescue him!
IVAN. I have already tried but wasn’t strong enough. And you are a woman!
WIDOW. But you were alone, and when I’m alone, I’m feeble. And now there are two of us. We’ll help him and he’ll help us in return. (Leave).

Scene Eight
Dunyasha, the Beast.
The Beast lounged thriftily, thinking over how to revenge Sorsult.
BEAST. What if?... No, it won’t work. Ah! Maybe… No, not this. But I feel like revenging…
DUNYASHA. Knock-knock-knock.
BEAST. Open.
DUNYASHA. Excuse me… (Sees the Beast and doesn’t know how to address him). Eh… You must be the master of the mill?
BEAST. Master? (Lighted up) Yes, I am!! I am the master. M-a-s-t-e-r! Master.
DUNYASHA. Have you seen Ivan by any chance? I was told he was going here.
BEAST. If he is going here, that means he’ll soon arrive! And I’m the master! And who are you?
DUNYASHA. I am… (crying) I’m Dunyasha, an orphan… There’s no one to defend me. And I was treated badly. A witch gave me a bewitched sack and I couldn’t help passing it over to another victim. And now I suffer from it… there must be a secret…
BEAST. I know! I know! Yeah! Secret! There is a secret. But there is a way to give it back to her. We should unravel the secret!
DUNYASHA. But how can we unravel it? If we could only have a clue… 
BEAST. She didn’t open it to me, she went to tell it to the little bird. 
DUNYASHA. What bird? Where?
BEAST. No idea. You better have a rest. How do they put it… A morning is wiser than evening! And then your Ivan might arrive.

The Beast sings:
Hush-a-bye, baby, girl!
No one disturbs you at all.
Why should I be offended?
Being adored is splendid!

Being a master is easy.
Why do they always tease me?
Let them be strong and wicked,
We will unravel the secret!

I will revenge Sorsult
Giving her sorrow, insult.
I will get even with her,
I will settle the score!
Se-e-e-ttle the score!

Scene Nine
The Widow, Ivan, then the Bear.
Ivan feels really bad, the Widow consoles him.
WIDOW. There, there, Ivan… Everything seems to turn the best way. Kind girl Marya helped the Bear. Now the Bear will turn the Beast out of the house, we’ll take you home, cure you with herbs, you’ll soon recover.
IVAN. What Marya is it that has set the Bear free? I wish I could just have a look at her.
WIDOW. The Bear went away long time ago, he’ll be back soon. 
IVAN. I wish I could just have a look at Marya, and then I wouldn’t be afraid to die.
Ivan moans. The Bear comes back looking sad.
WIDOW. So? Have you turned out the Beast? (The Bear is silent, discouraged.) Can we go home now? Look – Ivan is feeling really bad.
BEAR. I couldn’t.
WIDOW. What do you mean you couldn’t?
BEAR. Well… How should I put it… The Beast is not alone there.
WIDOW. Who else is there? Come on, tell us!
BEAR. My rescue-girl Marya is there, sleeping on a bench. How can I rush inside? I’ll definitely frighten her.
Having heard “Marya” Ivan felt suddenly better.
IVAN. Here goes! I’ll gather my last strength and go! Let’s go there all together and look into the matter! (Leave).
Scene Ten
The Beast, the Widow, Ivan, the Bear, then Dunyasha.
The Beast is standing in the doorway.
BEAST. That says “You’re a fool, and this says: “Mas-ter”, that says: “Where do you have your head?”, and this says: “Master!”
Ivan, more dead than alive, rushes in.
IVAN. Where do you have Marya here?
The Bear and the Widow enter. The Beast is really taken aback.
BEAST. What Marya? I don’t know any Maryas! (Stands in their way). I won’t let you in!
WIDOW. How can’t you let me in, when this is my house?
IVAN. The Bear told us, Marya is here.
BEAR. I saw her with my own eyes, through the window.
BEAST. She said “Master”! She’s sleeping. I’ll stand by her! I won’t let you in.
WIDOW. If you had come here decently… Baker’s master! (bloody master)
BEAR (roars) Hey, be silent! You’ll wake Marya up!!!
Everyone starts to shout proving his own case. Dunyasha is woken up and runs in, hearing the noise. Pause.
BEAR. You see! We’ve waken her up!
IVAN. The witch! You’re also here. Dunyasha-werewolf! (To others.)  And the Beast serves her!
BEAST. Who serves? I’m the master!
BEAR. Dunyasha? This is not Dunyasha. This is Marya! She has set me free from the trap!
IVAN. Not in the least! This is Dunyasha. She has palmed me off that bewitched sack..
WIDOW. Tell us, girl, who are you? Dunyasha or Marya? 
The girl is crying. The Beast is nervous, scratches all over his body.
BEAST. Well, whether she’s Dunyasha or Marya, we don’t care, we should unravel the secret as soon as possible! Sorsult is approaching. You see - I’m scratching all over, I’m allergic to her.
DUNYASHA (crying). Oh, I’m both Marya, and Dunyasha… Here is your hat, Vanya. You have forgotten it in my hut. As for the sack… Give it back to me. (Pause).
IVAN. What do you mean?
DUNYASHA. I was ashamed to tell the Bear my real name, so I called myself Marya. Forgive me my weakness and give me the sack back. And I will thank you…
IVAN. But then you will feel bad.
DUNYASHA. But you will recover.
IVAN. But… what about you? You… (To the Widow).  A girl is more feeble to endure this. (To the Bear). She called herself Marya… I could propose to her now, but I’m so feeble to be a bridegroom.
WIDOW (deeply touched, laughing). Oh! And what if you give the sack to me? I have lived my life already.
IVAN. No, no, no! You better teach me to laugh when being in trouble. 
BEAR. Right you are, Ivan, you can’t build your own happiness on… how do they call it? It’s on the tip of my tongue…
BEAST. On someone else’s misfortune?  Hey, stop talking and better unravel the secret! Sorsult is approaching, I’m telling you.
DUNYASHA. I would marry you, Ivan, even when you’re so feeble. Ill, but loved…
IVAN (shocked). Loved?
WIDOW. And you will live on my mill. We shall have a good time, doing the household together.
BEAR. And I will be helping you when you need.
BEAST (surprised). Such strange people – they want to suffer together…
IVAN. The happiness is here, near me! But how can I get married? I’m so weak, I will fall down right there in the altar!
BEAR. You will give me the sack for that day! One day is alright to be ill for your sake.
WIDOW. Wedding is not a one-day party, Bear, so you will give me the sack for the second day.
DUNYASHA. And after the wedding I will be more than happy to take the sack back! So on the third day Madame will give me the sack back, and I will say “thank you”, otherwise it won’t work.
BEAST. Crazy people! Want to suffer for each other! And this witch Sorsult will enjoy her time mocking at you. (Violently scratches his body). Come on, unravel the secret, she will be here soon!
IVAN. Oh, Dunyasha, my darling, my sweet Marya. Thank you all, but I can’t live till the wedding, I feel so terrible…
DUNYASHA. Vanya, measure off half of the sack to me! That was me who gifted you with this suffering, so we will bear it together. (Rushes to him, starts to undo the knot on the sack).
WIDOW. Split it into three parts then, to me too. Will be lighter to all of us.
BEAR. And what about me? I’m not the weakest here! Split into four parts!
BEAST. Hey! Guys! Something must be wrong here. Why do you all want to get this salt so much? What if it’s not painful at all? You are all together here with this salt and want to leave me alone? Give me then too! Let us all be as one.
Everyone stretches out what he can: handkerchiefs, pockets, packets, aprons, paws.
IVAN. Here you are, Dunyasha.
DUNYASHA. Thank you, Vanya.
IVAN. Here you are, Madame.
WIDOW. Thank you, Vanya.
IVAN. Here you are, Mr.Bear.
BEAR. Thank you, Ivan.
IVAN. Here you are, Beast.
BEAST. Ehm… how do they call it? Thank you!
Sorsult rushes in.
SORSULT. Oh no! No! Stop it immediately!
IVAN (straightens himself up). Wow! I feel so good! I don’t feel my part of salt at all.
DUNYASHA (laughing). I don’t feel it either.
WIDOW (smiling). That’s always easier to share troubles together.
BEAR. And where is my salt? I must have spilt it!
Sorsult becomes crooked and doubled up with pain. The sack appears to be in her hands suddenly.
BEAST. Hey, look! She has the sack! Does that mean that we have unraveled the secret? Unraveled? Ha! And someone was saying I’m stupid! (mocking and laughing.)
SORSULT. Oh, no! Finally you have unraveled it, you, vile people (ãíóñíûå ëþäèøêè). But that’s too early to be happy. If you quarrel or offend each other, I’ll be right near you. Then you won’t escape it.
IVAN. Stay away from us! We don’t need quarrels and offence.
DUNYASHA. We will not be cheated. That was really difficult for us to earn our happiness.
WIDOW. Those who went through thick and thin together and ate salt from one sack don’t quarrel over nothing.
Sorsult leaves. The tune of the final song starts to play:

IVAN.              Who went through thick and thin together don’t quarrel over nothing
  And those who shared troubles can’t easily get hurt.
DUNYASHA.  We’ll always be together, encouraging and laughing.
     And we don’t need offence of any sort!
BEAST (incredibly happy, that it can sing with everybody.)
Together, we’re together
In troubles and in joy.
Together, we’re together!
ALL TOGETHER: Together, we’re together
In troubles and in joy.
Together, we’re together!

BEAR.      Who solved the secret with his friends, don’t make them lose their ground,
      We know the way to keep the rows and quarrels off the board.
WIDOW.   Together and together – that makes the world go round!
      And we don’t need offence of any sort!
ALL TOGETHER (The Beast is conducting.)
Together, we’re together
In troubles and in joy.
Together, always together!
Together, we’re together
In troubles and in joy. We share together
Together, always together!

They all rejoice and dance, holding hands.

