A story about the stars and...

Sit down next to me ... and sit back. Yes, of course, you can lean on me, but rather put my head on his shoulder and look up at this beautiful, clear starry sky! It's better when you look back, do not have to smile to hide his because it is so wrong to watch without a smile. You look at this beauty !!! Well, you see ... there has been a lot better, you smile very much goes. No, it's not a compliment, so, just by the way. I'm going to tell you about the stars and the sky, about the moon, too, and I can tell you about the sun. I know a lot about this, because it floated once in the sky during the day and in the morning and at night. And it was very cool, why so many know about it. What do you tell do not know ... you want to tell about one's a star? No, I do not know about that. I deceived you, the best out of that, you see? Well can not you see? Now you laugh at me, huh? In general, it glows so, look, and you know why? Yes, because you smile, well, because there is someone there and turned on the light, they have the same, too dark, you see? And look at you. On me??? There's a girl or something? Well, then let better look at me. Why would she come upon you something to look at? No there is clearly a man, here, look carefully, there is a man looks at you, and if you look closely, you can see that he is not alone. There are at least two. And I think ... What ??? Three??? Two men and one woman, guessed? No??? Well, then it's simple, two women and one man? Again, I do not guess? With three women or what? And, it turns out that simple - family. Well, I thought so. And there's that someone is like, if you look closely. What? Anyone with me? How do you know? See ??? I do not have a telescopic sight! And third, I know who to tell? It's just - it's a girl! Well, how-how? All women want to have a baby girl, to the assistant was, but as she grows up, I'll help you, I can not help. Do not miss the nose, I do not toy you. And these three are doing there, you see? And ... it looks like we are good? Still, we are the best! Look what a beautiful lake, and some silence, only the crickets do not sleep, too, perhaps, the light turned on. Vaughn see? I just do not understand what all today, I can not sleep or something? !!! Or, when we go to sleep, go to sleep all the same? And now ... we do not go to sleep ??? Until morning? Before dawn??? Well, as you say, my beauty, I can sleep here on the grass. I was not the first time my angel, but you will be uncomfortable. What??? I have a pillow ??? Never, no, not that, I do not hatched as much, I'm weak in general, as you do not mind me? We have men in general are weak and vulnerable, you that do not know what? I myself, however, did not know until today. Forgiven? I was ready to be the next evening for a pillow, instead of soft toys and even thy pupsikom if you wish. You see how you laugh, well, perhaps I am bad? Here's how you can do this to me? A good one? Do not you say. Can? You know, I did not even know. And you know, you extraordinary and wonderful, but it's a very big secret to you, and you are very wonderful! Yes it is and you do not know to this day, too, I suspect. Oh, and it was just what ??? Hmmm ... and the smell !!! No, not flowers, but it Your kiss! No, I do not need to squeeze. Ah, I is your ??? Well, then squeeze as you want and how you want, I do not care. Where did we leave off? At the stars? Well, about the stars clear. About the moon want? Do you know how to spot the moon? No? I myself, to be honest, I do not know, but I can guess. A spot on the moon, it does not stain at all, it is a reflection of our planet. Vaughn see the continents on it, if you look closely? I do, however, think as a child, when she looked in the evenings. And it was very interesting that there are in it still is. I tried every time something else to see, but did not see reason. But somehow once I saw, when I became a little older, maybe a little more than the older ones. And it was very nice. There it is possible to see a lot of things, if you want. That's what you want to see right now is there? Only need to look very carefully and without a smile from thee absolutely nothing happens, because those who are on the moon do not like people very gloomy. Well, yes of course, there is also a living being. And you think she's that like thee there now someone is watching, you get scared if you do not smile. A smile is a smile in Zimbabwe, where, where, in Africa. Well, not fight-please you and I'm so afraid, hit me here his heavy hand, then what will? And you can not even hit the hand ??? You should not have said it, now I turn around. No, no, I'm kidding, do not have the means at hand to hand to take. All right, look on. That's when you smile, you become just superb and you certainly also there someone smile, but who, you should consider herself. What do I laugh? Yes, there is, so just, well, that you can not see something, there moles dig holes so black spots, there you see? What are moles? I told you on the ears just hung. What's going on, but today? I do not understand! But you know, that's something good and wonderful feeling ... that it is near! What it is? Oh, it's soft? You know, I like the tenderness that are here beside me! And now it is no longer soft ??? But kiss? Well, of course, my Sun! Well, you do not know what You're my favorite woman in the world! Well, no, I told you not to tell you about the moon so. And already, and it is not necessary ??? And about that time to talk? And it's not moles ??? Well, of course, with me, because next to you, a miracle extraordinary! A ... You're about the moon? Who? This cow grazing ??? If the cow, the next must be a shepherd, and he was not there. You look more closely, that's a little bit there ... you see, tell me darling? Von Bunny see pushistenkogo this? ... And next to you now? I am a bunny that looks like you? Twins with him ??? You know, and I did not even know. Oh, wow. Thank you, my dear! You are the most wonderful girl I've ever met !!! Let me kiss you, my darling, my only one that loves this bad! Well, it is necessary, and I did not know I was such a good, just beside thee, I do no one ever said. It's true. For warmer bunny ... I too had seen before, and then he had disappeared ... when I was older, probably ran away, but reappeared when I again began to smile and believe in what others did not believe. And another thing, see my sun? Oh, and the person whose is it? My??? My Smile ??? It was quite hot. You liked it so much? More kiss ??? And how pleasant, tell us please, we have a lot of time ... even so ??? Well, of course, kiss my dear, well, you just, I do not know, not native to me or what? Oh, how nice ... here and sit with me, and I'll tell you more. If you look closely, you can see out, there are two faces, so that you smile, saw the nakonets? Well, it's you and me, or rather you are with me! No, I'm with you! Well, you've lost me here. Yes, I am close to you! What's that then. No, I do not have a split personality. Firstly, I have a twin, ie two in one. Imagine, as much as two instead of one and both love you. Is it bad? And secondly, just I like you so, what is different, in general, probably because I too different. I'm so cute? No, well ... yes, but it's just because you're cool! And not at all without you. Ok, now about the sun. There is no need pushistenkaya mine? You do not want myself to hear ??? And ... very much want? Well, then listen. You know, my Sun, the Sun - is the central and only star of the Solar System. Now-You know, I was lucky with you? !!! How do I know this? Yes, I have had five of astronomy at school, but it is only from the fact that this subject led my favorite teacher, she was my class teacher. Well, of course, it was great and a great leader. In general, she was physics. We continue. The sun, in general - the nearest star. That is, if you currently listen to me carefully, I'll say again, I'm not difficult, the Sun - the closest star to us. Angel, that you are so confused look, well, this is so easy, the sun - a star! Honey, she's sprocket, two in one, you know, it's nice to me. Slightly lighter neck hug. You strangle me so just in his arms, who then You will love the way, except for me, my beauty! Oh, I do not know, and now You zatseluyu All general, You're so cool, I even lose control of himself, so when you smile! No, you do not know how much I love you. Want to know how? I do not know myself. Okay, okay, if you want to know, then listen further. What are we so pressed? So cold? Ah, well ... me and I instead of the oven today? Yes, I already knew, but really, you do not greesh from me, and I greyus from you, so so hot. You do not trust me? Well, you know, you try to explain. My heart loves you, so just fire him now, it warms me, so naturally, so I was so hot. But it's thanks to you darling. No, I'm not cool, just next to you, you can not be different, You're light as Asterisk Now. And ... this is my merit? I am very pleased to hear that my good, let me kiss you, no, I will not even ask, so without permission will kiss you, because I have a special permit for this is expensive. Now listen to on my beauty. Distance from the Sun in astronomical terms is small: only eight minutes is the light from the Sun to the Earth. But we were lucky, the inhabitants of the earth! And somehow I was lucky, I generally keep quiet! The sun - a source of heat and light, without which it would be impossible the emergence and existence of life on our planet. Yes, I feel it is simple and small distance to thee, and so bakes from you, I'm hot. So heated? Wow is hot? !!! Ah, even so, now you lie, until you get bored? And when tired, you know? Itself I do not know? Never??? Are we all here, do not go away or something? You liked it so much here ??? Not want to leave? Interestingly so I tell ??? And you know, I'm still one detail missed, because the Sun is the crown, if you did not know, just in case. I'm already on your kisses no, well, why so fun, but now all melted, the power will completely lose. What??? I've already teddy ??? Shame on you, you do not play by the rules. We are not on an equal footing now, I'm on Thy smile going crazy, just lose control of themselves expensive and that you want, and then do with me, that's not fair at all. More about the Sun to tell? Well, my precious, listen. Honey, it is beautiful, in the first place. And it is still strong and, secondly, though weak. Clouds are very afraid of him. It is going forth, so they just run out of heaven. Picture this, is the rain and then the sun appears from behind the clouds as you start to feel yourself? And so I, when you show up. And if the sun does not shine with its rays, or rather not smile, that without it all is dark and day is coming, one night. You liked it so much? With me you want to be? No, I want to be with you, do not confuse me prekrasnenkaya mine. Yes, Princess, I almost forgot ... Why is Princess? Have you forgotten something, that the sun has a crown? To be honest, I just like to call thee so, I do not know why, like it! What was that just? Oh, I can not just, well, like a child. No, you do not know how much I adore you and I like you the way! With you one can not compare! You've got the most, the most ... the most beautiful, the most cute, funny, charming, kind, the most beautiful in this world, and simply the best! Yes, and the most cunning, too! But strangely enough, I really like this trick! I'm such a tricky've never seen! Well, you do not understand this until now, Sunny? Ah, so that's even with you now the most lovely and best man of them all? Thank you, I just did not expect. I'll think about it. But I think that he is an ordinary, but with You really become better, to be honest. Well, think of itself as with You can be bad, that's what I just can not imagine. What is it? Lying want to look at the stars? Well, yes, I remember, I have a pillow. Vaughn see the asterisk? In Thee is very similar! Because, very beautiful, like you! Well, okay, to talk about the stars, and you look at them and smile. Over there you can see the polar star? Who will prompt, how to see. Yes, that look, you see the bucket? More precisely the constellation as a bucket? It's a big bear. And now, where the handle two stars, I found? Here the distance between them and you take the direction of the handle is counted five of these, see? Yes, here it is so cool! All around the world, like you! But I like you better than light, because without it, I myself, and I feel so good, but without you I feel bad. Yes? Such a good? Thank you darling. How do I know how to find? I'm supposed to know about the Alpha and the constellation of the same, you want to show? At night it is possible to navigate and much, much more to do. But that's another story. Alfa constellation, it is also very bright and it is always visible. Well, what are you looking? I have the same five astronomy. The school is not telling? Can not be. Well, I'm somewhere that means just heard. Polar - the brightest of them all, but it is, in principle, open to question. I think that in the galaxy there are brighter stars. Dont know? Of course, there are expensive. What kind? Well, for example, you! What You're so presses? Scary or what? I'm so cute? Well, I'm trying for You Beauty. I think we really do not know much about the stars. After all, they are likely to live, if the light and most importantly all the beautiful, such that they can enjoy and admire, like You. And by the way, which we saw, you see, there's someone you smiling again. What are you laughing so? And now you see who he really like you? I like when she smiles? Cute and funny? As he probably lucky charm that such extraordinary and wonderful girl he likes. You just fall in love with him? No, I'm not jealous at all, I am calm. He's there, and I'm here. Oh, he's here with you? How can this be? He had that split personality or something? Twin??? Well, hold on today. Here's how you can do so with me, that you laugh? What about the moon? No, there is no bunny at all. I said that bunny? I did not say that I'm Bunny. You've lost me, so why should you kidding? About Mole remembered? Thank you so much. But if you look closely, they're still digging, very sorry for them, something to sleep, when the poor girl go? Ah, together with the bunny? He's out there with them, for the main or what? And ... they also make him a hole? Wow, now I only realized after I stopped seeing bunny, he just climbed into a burrow and slept with me probably until I woke up and rubbed his eyes. Yes, of course, now, after this night with you, I do not only have other eyes will be on this beautiful world to look and smile, but in a different way to look at you, that's for sure. After all, all the same as well, that there are things that you can think and dream and forget about everything. After all, it is just me, myself, and everything else in life changes, only the best. Add you want? Me when you're next to a man who for thee the whole world? Let me kiss you! Because you have for me and the world, so I am changing due only to you! And now you zatseluesh me? I do not mind. Look how beautiful, eh? And what a smell ... mmm !!! No, not from the flowers but from your kiss. Well, okay, okay, and of colors, too, but you smell much better! And look like smoke spreading over the lake, and the fish splashing, wake up. Crickets went to bed? Finally. I just do not understand that anyone again, I can not sleep or what? And ... just us? Going to sleep? Can not be? Do you want right here? Good. Oh, you want to sleep out about the star tell me? This is the first time, about which I would like to tell you? Yes I want it very much! Well, of course, is so interesting! You do not know??? He deceived? That's why you do this to me? Moles went to sleep ??? Very good! And Moon to Delhi? I do not understand anything? What are you laughing so? Oh, and even to understand it is not necessary? I smile go? Thank you! It's not a compliment? So by the way? All I have is not theft! Well, You can not forgive? What??? So, if you forgive, I again pillow? How could you so? Do not laugh, that's not fair. Oh, my head on his chest sake? I'm not against. Frozen? It can not be, You're just looking for an excuse to cuddle, you sly, I know. I crafty? Yes, still is! Hot to? Good? Oh, and something cold feet which, you, that the moon went or what? It's cold there? Oh wow? And when managed? With twin simultaneously? Of course, if today I do not go crazy with you, be sure to continue. Should not? You know exactly? Hands warmed up? I am very pleased. Pat me not to come down? Then Rastan accurately. Birds are singing? Of course, darling, we're already like an hour as sleep and do not sleep. You changed your mind? I'm not surprised, this is normal in general. Yes, a woman is normal. Of course, my dear, how can you say. Be sure to come here again, but I do not mind at all! It's very cool, but only with you! And without you, I'm here to do, she thought? Yes? Without me, you have nothing to do here, too? I just moved! What? Sleep? Well, of course, cute. I wish you wonderful and most beautiful dreams! Wait, without the kiss did not dream at night, and more terrible that something you see in a dream, do not know what? Oh thank you! Your kiss is something unearthly sun! You're with the stars for sure! Quiet day sun!)))

May 26, 2010

p.s. I wish all the beautiful emotions)))

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