Very simple story

    Jack was in love with one girl. Every morning she would leave the house to go shopping. Jack would leave his house at the same time and they would meet. She would usually smile at him, but Jack would turn away. This would continue for six days, and on the seventh day when Jack left the house he couldn't see the girl. He thought she might not need shopping that day, but he couldn't see her the next day either.

    Three weeks passed and one day Jack finally saw the girl again, but she was not alone this time - she was holding a young boy's hand.

(Исправленная версия)

Отличная идея - миниатюры на английском! Немедленно краду ее у тебя! ))))

Вторую историю не поняла %))) Требую немедленных объяснений!!!

Татьяна Чабан   05.06.2013 04:35     Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 3 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.