Theatre of Ears, Marina Popova

Посвящаю Тебе...

Что поделаешь, в Земной жизни часто переплетается высокое и низкое...

"Умей смотреть поверх земного
Вперёд и вдаль,
И для тебя едины будут
Смех и печаль. "

Ears were crowding by the entrance to the theatre.
 “We forgot about eyes!!!” whoops could be heard.

“First rows in the pit are reserved for the eyes,” answered the Biggest Ear quietly.
 “There’s no space in the chamber hall, but so many attendants!” someone shouted from the crowd.

 “Yes, indeed!” another voice took up, “To see with our own eyes! It happens once in a lifetime!” Finally, the lights were off.
Viewers quieted down.

 The curtain was drawn up. On the scene there was a sea rolling. Seagulls were crying. Two sole ships were moving under sails far from each other.

Sentimental ears took out their big handkerchiefs in advance, and were drying their noses.

At that moment He and She were singing a song of Life. Their souls were levitating high above the waves. They were together.

 He was comforting her drying tears on her eyes and cheeks with his hot dry ragged lips.

Having recomposed herself, she hugged him with her heart protecting against an impending storm. The sea was rushing.

Seagulls were crying. The couple got soaked from top to toe with cold salty splashes. A strong wind made their ships shake more intensely.

But they were free. They were free from earth fears.

They were singing a song of Life glorifying life and exalting people up to Heaven!

More and more sobs could be heard in the hall...

Viewers were squeezing their handkerchiefs dry right to the floor.

The storm swirled the ships!
The sea was singing its mighty song under howl of the storm. But they rose up so high that the alarmed viewers-ears lost sight of them.

“Where are they?! Where have they disappeared?!” indignant voices were heard far and near in the hall.

The sky started rumbling! Branchy lightnings thrust the Sky through!

The ears stood motionless.
Above storm clouds and raging sea of life a fire lotus was bursting into blossom.

Two hearts were entwined with each other in a dance of love. Viewers didn’t ask each other anymore if the characters would meet someday and come out of this raging sea or not.

The hearts of the two became one sparkling with stabbing glare. At that moment a golden path appeared leading to the Heart of the Sun itself.

The united Heart of the characters headed up along the path and disappeared from sight of the ears.
 The sea ceased at once, and the storm passed off.
A big rainbow came out as if to invite everybody to follow the characters. And... people stood up... and walked along...

Even among the ears there was an excitement!

Even among them hearts melt!

They hurried after their characters, too.

Seagulls were crying. The Sun was shining.

"Не медли на границе Света,
От снов туманных пробудись
И устремись в лучах Рассвета
Вперёд и ввысь."

У каждого своя орбита...

В тексте - стихи Наталии Спириной
* * *

Translated by Tatiana Maslennikova.

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