My Brother... My dear Human

My brother... my dear human,
which essense is covered by perfect dust.
As every month it comes a thoughtful moon,
your current life isn't last.

But no one knows how long does it take...
even though when a blessed princess is almost coming
you should really feel it, before, lying in her hands,
be served to Home as if you are lying
in godlike lake,
till it wouldn't transform into real reality,
breaking illusion of life,
which you had chosen to dive,
that is a wonderful game
with only to unavoidable points -
when you born and die...

So please do your best to awake with the gorgeous spirit...
leaving the mind west away for a moment to conscious your self...
ask for it willfully deep inside of you, and you will be able to feel it...
U know, the divine light is always near to fill into space of yours...

your creative potential and consciousness might are almost inside of you.
Existence is really worth of keeping on revealing the truth,
the universe codes and laws,
the goal, the meaning of life,
the mean of all that eternal energy
that is evergoing to spin...

Human is god, a really respective child,
created by something, according to energy too...
divine, eternal and tender that flows for a while
in every child and matter that plays it too.

Find the balance between the matter and soul,
between the approved and only your own needs...
where does everyone going? What is a thing?
It is the spiritual energy,
flowing into the open gates of the Being.

Rise and awake on every stage of the structure!
Give space a reason to smile to your willful thoughts.
Truth is near... you just have to touch her,
and to recognize divine atmosphere.

You have a free choice...
an absolute perfect thing
that balances every piece in the earthy world.
Any decision is almost a wonderful sing
by a song of the one who agreed to find the perfect pearl.

15 Jule 2011, Alex Listengort
