Get the sun into your heart

Get the sun into your heart and enjoy
Summer of your soul forevermore!

A - Good morning my everlasting Sunshine!!!! (overcast here today!!!!) Your rays of light and love are however always there!! I so enjoyed your alternative message!!! Will no doubt send a long reply during the day!! The 2007 version of the "Lady Chatterley" film was a remake. The book was banned here until 1994 but we all somehow did get a copy and read it and hid it under the bed so that our parents could not see it!! I think it will go down as one of those classics.
Optometrist says my eyes are tired and when tired my right eyelid drops due to an old sport injury when my eyelid was badly cut open during a hockey match. Will get new glasses for everyday and I have spoilt myself with RayBan sunglasses with the prescription lenses. I may have a little operation in future to tighten a small muscle in my eyelid. Maybe do that when I am really fed up with the office!!!
You have said it!!!! With all your perfections!!!! ILUsm!!!! Opened eyes, acceptance of perfections!!! Seems to me you are listening!!!
Enjoy your day ML!!!!

I - Good morning My Sun!
Oh my so that Lady’s story is well known in your world of worlds!)))
Hiding under the bed!! so sweet!!! In terms of sensual education of one’s soul that story is perfect!
I was doing the same with Boccaccio’s Decameron found in my parent’s library and that was not very “healthy” reading I guess.
Oh RayBan is my most favorite make now after our “taking my breath away” Tom Cruise story.
Last time saw and tried such glasses from one of A’s business friends, very stylish guy,
looks like George Clooney, travels a lot around the world and highly appreciates Ukrainian women))
Eye muscles can be trained, ML. I’ll worry a lot about you being operated!!!!
“Opened eyes, acceptance of perfections!!! Seems to me you are listening!!!”
;-))))))))))) A woman in me will do anything (almost)) to have opportunity to run her fingers through that “curling up 2 to 3 cm in your neck“ thing ;-))
Somehow that makes kissing so tasty and being completed by skin-to-skin contact and ML’s hands touching tenderly sensitive parts of my body…
Mmmmmm… takes my roof completely away!!!;-))))))
God bless your day!!

20 Aug 2013
