Pooner Diaries. Part 1. Couch

Was in the urge to poon and saw a few ads near Gilmore and Dawson and one of the girls looked real good, so off I went to her apartment building. After arriving at her door I buzzed and was greeted by this lovely looking Asian girl. She spoke very good English in Canadian accent and was wearing Lululemon pants and a long camisole with bra straps.  I was like: damn! I hit the jackpot.

When I met her I said I called for your ad on Craigslist and she was like yeah and showed me the couch, I thought she asked me to sit down, so I sat down and she sat down too. Immediately I started praising her looks (honest praises) and she was flattered; I asked her if she is going to gym or something since she had extremely fit body and fuller breasts. We talked around for a bit with some awkward conversations at the top of my head as she seemed clueless and looking at me. I gave her the money, she counted and said its less? I thought she was B&S me so I straightly told her that's all I have and she thought for a minute and took it.

For whatever reason she asked me if I have any help to pick it up? At first I said yeah thinking that she was referring to my limp dick and a blowjob but then it turns out she was talking about her couch (black newer leather recliner). It was very embarrassing as I didn't know what to say or do, and I think she got a hint, she looked perplexed and horrified and I bailed out after asking my money back.

Anyways, long story short, I ended up going to the wrong apartment and coincidentally she had also placed an ad on Craigslist to sell her couch.
After this everything went downhill and suffice to say I was extremely embarrassed and she couldn't understand what was going on. I'm just thanking my lucky stars that I didn't went grabbing her or kissing her or went to her washroom for a shower, since I was about to do it since she wasn't making any moves and I was wondering why she isn't into it or making any moves!

The whole thing was pretty awkward and embarrassing and I admitted that there has been a huge misunderstanding and I was actually looking for someone else and bailed out of her apartment.  After this obviously my desire to poon was no more and I returned back with blue balls. I still don't know how the heck it happened, I usually never mix up, it seems the lady on the phone got her apartment number mixed up or I just couldn't understand her accent and ended up going to the wrong apartment!
An interesting experience nonetheless and I was up giggling all night in my bed like a mental.

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