Pooner Diaries. Part 4. Greek

Well, after reading the rave reviews about Brianna I had no choice
but to see this girl for myself.

So this morning I called to book an appointment with Brianna. With
what I read ($200 for two hours, Greek, multiple shots, kissing), I had
this wonderful idea that tonight, I would synchronize my climax with
the countdown to 2013. Instead of "5...4...3...2...1... Happy New
Year!!," it was going to be "5...4...3...2...1... Happy Explosion In
Your Fucking Ass, Baby!!!" But that was not to be.

She told me to call her an hour before I wanted to show. When I called
at 11:00pm, she didn't pick up. I was very frustrated. No one to
countdown with. No kiss from a hot broad. And certainly no explosion
in anyone's ass. But I was determined to see Brianna tonight. Finally,
after some persistence, I got a hold of her at around 1:30am. She told
me that she only offered her $200-for-two-hours special once a week,
but tonight, she would give me an hour and a quarter for that price.
Also, for the half hour it had gone up to $140 instead of $120. I
thought that for 75 mins and greek, two bills would still be a
bargain, so I opted for that.

Something interesting: she asked me over the phone if I was Asian,
white, brown, or black. Later she elaborated that she didn not see
people of African decent. Not sure if she is racist. I think it's
probably more because their cocks are too big, and since she offers
anal, she doesn't want her back entrance stretched too wide. LOL!
Anyway, since I'm not black, I made my way over to the Accent Inn in
Richmond, where she was staying. She had to postpone twice, and I
didn't actually end up seeing her until about 3:00am.

When she opened the door, I have to admit that I was somewhat
disappointed. I had such high hopes that this girl would be stunning.
She wasn't for me. Her pics are real, but taken from VERY flattering
angles. Yes, she was "curvy", but I would probably use that as
euphemism for "chubby." She had those bat-wing eyelashes, which to me
spelled "FAKE," not to mention her artificial nails and tan. She's
definitely not a real blond, as her hair had been bleached to the
point that it looked a bit fried. If you are into spinners, you will
be disappointed with Brianna. On the other hand, if you like a bit of
a ghetto booty, you might not mind her. I like the former. For me, her
physical appearance fell below my standards. Under any normal
circumstances, I would have left, but I really needed to blast in
someone's ass!!! The New Year had already begun 3 hours ago, and I
needed to start it off right, so I negotiated an 80 dollar quickie
session instead of the much longer one that I had originally planned.

So I'm guessing you, pooners, are wondering how the service was. Well,
she gave a condom blowjob as mentioned. I started by pounding her shaved pussy,
which I felt was a bit loose for my liking. Then she asked me if I
liked Greek. I flipped over and started bulldozing her in the ass like
no tomorrow, as that was the only reason I stayed. Certainly, her ass
was tighter than her cunt, but for an ass, it was quite loose.
Finally, I finished and pulled the condom out of her sphincter, which
so desperately wanted to clinch that soggy piece of rubber.

Here is the part that really ruined the moment for me. As I pulled the
condom out, I couldn't help but notice it was tainted yellowish-brown.
And if that didn't give it away, the smell of fecal matter did. I
suppose in all fairness, that was what I bargained for. You can't get
yourself in a girl that good and deep without getting a little bit of
shit on you. Anyhow, if that deters you from doing Greek, just do it
the conventional way. At the end of the session, she used some sort of
spray to freshen the scent of sex (and poop).

Here is what I would rate Brianna. Keep in mind, this is just my
opinion. I am a tough evaluater.

Looks: 6.5 (I like really skinny girls. She was a bit jiggly for me.
Tits were saggy too.)

Attitude: 9 (Told me several times throughout the session that I was
good-looking, but I would say that her words were probably as fake as
her nails, hair, tan etc... Still she tried hard.)

Service: 8 (Doesn't offer bareback blowjob.)

Value: 9.5 (Where else are you going to get greek for 80 bucks? And
for less than one brown bill, you get a lot of brown substance from
her cornhole haha)

Repeat? No, not for me.

Recommend? Yes. I personally didn't find her that physically
attractive, but I am sure there are others out there who probably
will. Plus, the value is unbeatable.
