
I decided to take a walk with the friend,
To it I was going to call,
It I dialed number quickly,
I waited a little and I speak,
That went for a walk my friend native,
If you, of course, have no affairs,
And if suddenly affairs any,
You to me tell now,
Don't pull my friend charming,
Be not silent, and speak rather,
Whether you don't see that, I worry,
I want to take a walk with you,
To me boring one you
Here to wait and beg
To descend with me to take a walk,
Well, speak, be not silent.
And suddenly my friend started talking,
And I started explaining to me that
It is free and is very glad,
With me today to take a walk,
I told that we will meet today,
You will arrange exactly in five?
And quickly I switched off the phone.
Later minutes fifteen,
Runs towards to me
My the best and only on light.
My friend runs, whistling
All the time under way, and it is unexpected
Having sneezed, it wiped a handkerchief
The nose also approached to me.
And I, having seen everything here it that was
Several seconds ago,
I, from a chair having risen, to it I told: hi.
And, having turned, smiled,
I embraced him, I kissed on a cheek,
But he managed to depart far away,
I decided to remind me,
Whether I remember you or at all forgot.
I your only and the best
On light friend, Tolya my name is.
And it, having told all this, smiled,
You call all of Anatoly, and me,
All call simply Kostya.
Also I am glad that on light is
Such good loyal friend.
And it, having heard everything here it, smiled,
And, after all, I decided me to embrace,
And we went for a walk and cheerfully to stir.
