We stand with you at a stop...

We stand with you at a stop,
We wait the bus and we stir,
You to me look in the face smiling,
You wait the bus, as well as I.
There is a wish to get home to you,
For the computer to sit down and play,
And me to come home and to have a rest,
To eat and two hours to have a sleep,
To get out of bed, smile,
To sit down on a chair, having turned on the computer,
In the Internet to come, read the book from the screen,
It was more convenient to increase a font to read.
The friend is called by me at seven o'clock,
I hear a sluggish voice of the friend,
I learn from it as he lives,
With sluggish voice will answer
To me my best friend,
That it fell down, and having now woken up,
On a skating rink will go to ride.
I asked the friend, that
It with itself(himself) took me.
The friend answered that agrees,
Only don't forget the skates, my friend.
I told that at me
There are fine skates.
The friend is a little посмеяся
Also I told, that I to it
I went home now.
