Essay 93. People, be happy

In my life I enjoy doing charity. Though, I do not like to donate “in general”, I prefer to make specific donations. I remember, about twenty years ago, when there was shortage of disposable syringes, I managed to get and buy one hundred thousand of the disposable syringes and donated them to a children’s department of Mangush district hospital, which is near Mariupol.

The head of the department, who had worked for all her life at the hospital, a very good doctor, constantly experienced shortage of most necessary things, not to mention disposable syringes; she was crying when accepting the syringes and signing a formal note of receiving the donation. She just could not understand what all those papers were for and laughed when I explained to her that the syringes could be taken from her, and even God would not know, what would happen to them. By the way, that was exactly what happened later. As I was afterwards informed, a chief physician of the district someone named Tokhtomysh G.G. made an attempt to take the syringes from the department as if for the district’s reserve, and when he failed, he was very angry and did not thank me, but cursed with “very bad words”. You won’t believe it, but I was very pleased.
First, I’ve always strongly hated bureaucrats. Why was the chief
physician scolding me? Because the donation was done without him being in charge, and he could not control anything. Knowing the habits of chief physicians, to witness the process of the donation I had invited a chief editor of a local newspaper, and the event was made public in the district. Second, I was happy for the doctors of the department, who came to my office to thank me and told me about everything the notorious Tokhtomysh had been up to.  Third, I was happy for myself that I could afford to do such things. I want to make a stress on the words: “I can afford”, because charity and as a result donations are performed only when a person has a desire and a possibility. And the amount of donation is not relevant.
By the same principle I am making donations on construction of a Russian Orthodox Church in Kiev region and for needy people in Mariupol. I am not bragging about that, though I do not feel shy to talk about it.  So when I made up my mind to publish the essays, it occurred to me that somebody would like to participate in publishing of the “Humorous Essays”.
Of course, I did not arrange a referendum to discuss the question, but I talked the matter over with three of my closest former fellow students, and got absolute encouragement from them. The matter is that I decided to put on the front cover that the book is published on donations of such and such, though without specifying the amounts donated, as that could become the most sensitive issue. So as soon as I made an announcement about the welcomed donations, I was contacted right away with a question about how to transfer the money by Leosha Krasnov, Kostya Romashov, Sveta Titova, Marina Emikh, Lyubov Kovaleova and Yakov Kirsh.

They are the graduates of Kemerovo Medical Institute.  Though, when I started receiving money from total strangers, that was both very surprisingly and pleasant. It means people like my essays. And those, who are doing that, are not only kind, but are also wise; however, unfortunately, those who donate are significantly outnumbered by those, who don’t. I will act against my conscience, if I say that everybody was “for” and everybody liked everything. A frog differs from a toad by its croaking. A toad does not croak, it suffocates, i.e. people cannot part with certain amount of money. It had to suffocate really hard one of my former fellow students, as he in spite of Confucius’ statement that “it’s difficult to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it’s not there”, has found a cat! So having remembered an arithmetic school course, arithmetic was not taught at the institute, started calculating how many spokes my bicycle wheels have.  I should say that the publishing process goes on independently of arithmetic exercises of the “accountant Votruba”. Proofreading and editing have already been finished. Paper is being selected. Generally speaking, as they say in the East: “Dogs are barking, but a caravan is moving”.
In June 2012 it will be forty years since very many nice guys and I graduated from the Kemerovo Medical Institute, and after that became wonderful doctors. Life scattered them around the world; I know that my former fellow students live and work in Canada, Belarus, Germany, Israel, Ukraine, USA. Well, and around unbounded Russia. As years pass, we become more sentimental and are looking for communication. We feel like hugging our old friends, asking for their forgiveness, if they were possibly offended, and remembering the past. As for me, I want to use the author’s right with a personal desire and tell everybody: “Please, forgive me, everybody who was offended by me intentionally or unintentionally. I love you!!! Be happy!!!”.
I believe, you, my dear readers, will forgive me, if I continue doing charity myself by making donations and inviting others to do what they can to become involved in charity. And I will also continue writing essays following an order of Yavar Gasan-ogly Abdulayev, which is expressed in a quite specific way:

While breathing air of a breaking day,
You created a miracle with your magic pen.

You’ve found beautiful words about the past
And reached the perfection of your skill.
Poems are also created by you,
And they should become my brothers.

They are the creation of your spirit.
Create, write revealing your art.
Your tale about love full of sweetness and pain
is needed by people, like salt for food.

Thought is a spit, and words are shish kebab,
If you string them, you will write a book of books.
You should rotate the spit over the fire
In order to delight them with food after that.

21 December, 2011.
