Training school alarm

By  Alex,  pupil of  the 6 th form

One day our principal, a tall and very serious man, notified all classes at school about training fire alarm. At this time we had  a music lesson and were bored. Principal told us that after alarm during one minute we must be outside in the school yard. At last  the alarm had sounded, It had three long shrill signals. In anticipation of an interesting adventure we jumped up and ran out of the classroom. Our teacher hardly had time for us. We were running outside and our teacher behind us.
But by the school rules the teacher must be ahead. At last she caught us, when we had reached the hall with two doors. One door led to outside, another - to the school  workshop. The teacher was in a hurry, as all classes except ours were already outside. She had chosen the door and we entered in. Nothing boded that the way was wrong.
We went along a short light corridor where  could see through the windows that other students were standing at the school yard. They were waiting us. But we hit a dead end. We could not find an exit. We discovered  there 2 doors. The first door was to  the school workshop, the second one was to the kitchen. And nothing more. We scattered through these rooms and did not know what to do. Nobody, including the teacher, didn't guess to go back. Then the  chef decided to help us and phoned to the school master, he came and  rescued us. Then he told us that in case of real fire we could have many serious burns.

Funny case, humorous situation.

Ведунья   07.12.2017 21:08     Заявить о нарушении