Princess in my heart...

The Princess in my heart
Принцесса сердца моего,
Владычица царства истинной любви
Хранима ты ангелами с небес
часовыми Господа

Принцесса сердца моего,
сияющая словно тысяча звезд
одетая в ослепительно белое
в короне из голубых бриллиантов
На ее королевском челе
Отдыхающая на троне бескорыстной любви

Зеленые изумруды ее прекрасных глаз
Жемчужины голубых океанов
За твоими мягкими губами
Белые шелковые розы в ее женственных руках

Золотые волосы, ниспадающие на ее мягкие плечи
Элегантный силуэт совершенства
явленный в своем высочайшем проявлении
Взирает на меня с истинной любовью
В мистических радугах, лучащихся в ее глазах
Великолепное виденье,
Принцесса из принцесс,
Крепость в небесах
жизнь ее - окно  надежды,
проектирующееся на меня

Я преклоняюсь к ее ноге

The princess in my heart
Reigning in a kingdom
Of real love
Guarded by angels from above
Sentinels from God
The princess in my heart
Shining like a thousand stars
Dressed in immaculate white
A crown of blue diamonds
On her royal forehead
Resting in a throne
Of unselfish love
Green emeralds in her beautiful eyes
Pearls from blue oceans
Behind her soft lips
White silky roses in her feminine
Golden hair cascading over
Her soft shoulders
The elegant silhouette of
Perfection at its best
Looking at me with real love
In the mystic rainbows
Illuminating her eyes
She is a majestic sight
A princess of princesses
A castle in the sky
Windows of hope
All over her life
I am kneeling at her feet
Overwhelmed by the beautifulness
Of her soul
Rays of unselfishness from the sun
In her heart
The scent of love escaping from
Her sweet eyes
Caressing my senses
With a sublime touch
The one from a woman
Born out of God
The beacon of light
And hope I searched all my life
I am the silver knight
In the winter of life
With springs of roses
In my heart for her
With summers and autumns
That will never be gray
The colors of real love
Will never fade 
The knight waits for her to descend
She stands up
He kisses her hand
They walk away
Among clouds of love
To a mountain top
Far away
The princess and the knight
Under an arch divine
Walking towards God
Angels on the side
Love for eternity will be granted upon them
The fairy tale
In the kingdom of God
the princess in my heart
the one chosen by God !!
I am not dreaming this sight
It is real
It will happen as time goes by
The princess is waiting
She has waited all her life
The knight is coming
To take it to a better life !!
It is about time
She has had few roses
Lots of spines
But she is a real woman
With a golden heart
the princess and the knight
The beginning of eternal life
With  real love from God
The princess in my heart
Forever and ever
Beyond time !!
Beyond life !!
