Farewell to the Friends of My Youth

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Farewell to the Friends of My Youth


Arbitrary and personal.
 An attempt of interpretation of A.A.

 I hear their steps, I see their napes -
 My friends are leaving me with their eyes open wide.
 Apparently, that darkness outside my windows
 (yes), it needs them more, than I would ever -
 Well, I’m sorry...

 I'm grown now, enough to know,
 That, orphanage for me - is nothing else, but a bliss of Global Freedom,
 And fairy of my quiet library, or black-white sharpness of a vision of a symphony
 I take as precious, long-awaited presents, those I -
 Appreciate the most...

 But once again, through my so deep, so inner treasure-loneliness,
 Through bitterness and sweetness of my life,
 Those lovely faces of my staunch, forgiving, kindest, dearest friends
 Will suddenly appear, to fade away forever -
 God bless you all...
