Rambling on..

One step forward, two steps back..Sometimes I feel like I live my life backwards - I start my day, my week, my year as an in the finale of some great drama and then slowly unravel how the whole mess came about. Some days I feel like I haven't moved an inch and some - like I've speeded through an era in a blink of an eye. Every other breath I take (every other I hold back).. There are moments of pure wonder and happiness and.. And yet sometimes I feel like I'm reliving my life on replay - one mistake over and over, then off to the next one. My brain is spinning out of control, and I earn for silence, pure, undisturbed silence - but all I can hear is my dreams (mostly my regrets and fears) screaming inside of my head. I talk too much. Yet I've had more conversations with myself then with everyone else all together. I'm crazy. No, I'm not crazy. Am I lonely?! Maybe.. Are you still listening??
I thought so..

