Two Apple Trees

Medvedev Dmitriy:

“You’re so selfish,” Said one apple tree to the other. “You should live for more than just yourself. I mean, look at me. I share water and light with other plants near my roots.”

The other apple tree just shook her leaves unhappily, completely disagreeing with her opponent, but having no desire to start endless arguments regarding the issue.

“I grow up and rise high, and those around me follow me in reaching out.” The generous apple tree kept teaching every day. “And you grow sideways, blocking the sun and draining all the moisture from the ground, that’s why only weak grass grows around you, afraid to strive for something greater.”

But the other tree turned her leaves to the sun, as if out of spite, casting thick shadow to the ground, and kept her silence.

“You deny the Ivy from climbing up your trunk and scare the birds off your branches.” The neighbor just wouldn’t stop. “You must learn to be kinder to those around you and for that you’ll be appreciated.”

That moment, the owner and his family came out to the yard. The children settled on the soft grass in the shadow of the selfish tree. His wife picked some delicious apples for them, while the owner himself headed to the stunted, weed covered altruist. At the same day he weeded the grounds, and uprooted the “generous” apple tree.
