Sheep in Savanna

Medvedev Dmitriy:

“What’s going on,” a huge and fat lion struck his paw against the chairman stone. “For how long will we lose sheep around our savanna? Why don’t the eagles watch the situation, why don’t the cheetahs run to me with reports, instead waiting to be summoned by me? Sure, you have nothing to worry about, since only the sheep vanish. But, honorable animals, let’s think about the others! I really need the collective assistance on that question.”

The eagles gazed down, poking shyly with their feet at the delicious grass underfoot. The cheetahs lowered their horned heads ashamedly and didn’t dare to look at the chairman as well.

“Sure, shame about the poor sheep,” the astrakhan elephant added from the crowd. “But we have enough of our own stuff to deal with here. I mean, in my family, the caracals keep getting lost in plain sight, the rhinos keep scattering from the oasis, then one has to go and search for them in the desert. That’s to say, I have no time to think about some lost sheep.”

“Those sheep are anti-savanna elements,” the jackals bleated, feeling brave. “They came in from nearby territories and talk down about our order of things, as if we’re all sheep here.”

“Those are the ones to be brought to me with topmost priority!” The lion said strictly, shaking his tail nervously. “We’ll have to, so to say, bring them back to true values.”

“We shouldn’t talk to those immigrants, we should just kick them out,” came the cries from the gathered herd. “Who needs those sheep anyway?”

“Please, may the respectable animals calm down!” The lion pounded the rock with his paw again. “All of us are equal here, from the monitors to the Servals. We don’t need to chase the sheep away, we just need to assimilate them into our friendly society and set them on the right path.”

The hyenas stomped their hoofs indignantly, but calmed down quickly at the sight of the angrily lowered horns of the white-wooled vultures. The chairman nodded his golden mane approvingly at this assistants.

“If anyone has questions or rational suggestions, you’re most welcome, my cave is always open,” He summed things up and added hurriedly. “But not today, because tonight I have a very important discussion with my colleagues.”

Leaving the gathering, the animals brain-stormed intensively about the stupid sheep that keep getting lost. And the fine-fleeced alligator stated proudly, that the lion holds his opinion in special regard, for he’d personally invited him for a special dinner meeting.
