
On output, output ,
I go to my Mother and home.
On output, output,

Here waiting for me my
Friends and all my family.
On output, output,
Here waiting for me back home.

On sostoyanie look,
The way I like it.
She's one all the way
On Leningradka I roll.

All tubes are collected,
On output on output.
I go to my Mother and home,
On output on output.

Here all my friends with me,
My favorite and the son is always with me.
On output, output,
I go to my Mother and home.

On output, output,
On Leningradka I roll.
And the Wedge I pass by,
And again in the tube I stand.

Because the Wedge is not obtaim,
On output on output.
I go to my Mother and home,
On output on output.

Chirik V.V. CENTURIES 31.03.2011 23:01
