
And the devils dance on the rusty pipe,
The devils are in trouble, God on earth!
God on the earth!
They bend bend toward the earth,

They all caved God on earth,
And you can see their dirty tricks.
On their face,
They are waving on the rusty pipe.

God on the earth! God on the earth!
The devils are in trouble.
As the same under the skin behind - flattery?
We caved to select.

But the demons do not know the prayer is not,
And the devils dance,dance for me.
And I scream,
You will not be happy.

Devils on this earth.
But God on earth!
The devils in the jump, run along the ground,
In order for prayer to be removed from people.

But certainly harmful all under the moon,
Devils nightmare people on earth.
As people all know the prayer is not,
But too lazy to read it in the moonlight.

Chirik V.V. CENTURIES g 23:20
