National treasure

The people, the people and the property,
Gazprom is always in bloom.
Gazprom screams we are your belongings,
But I pay for gas.

Pay for the light, for ICHA,
And in TV advertising.
Shouts Gazprom good folk,
Yes everything is wrong and everything is wrong.

Gazprom words people's property,
Actually loot from the people squeezing.
Put the gas, pay for
Still for it and won it.

For installation and plate,
And all in the national Treasury?
People will hear those numbers,
And he in sediments on earth.

Don't pay those, don't pay here,
People just in the ears bend.(...)
And who hung the burdock,
They are simple guys.

Take the football, he is not and
But the player bought Gazprom!
For the people's good,
Just in pipes leaked.

But of course, Hello,
In my heart boils response.
Why is this good for us,
But for the people nothing.

He will not hear the sound of coins,
In his pocket holes no.
As the gas escapes and it burns,
The people he just sleeps.

Chirik V.V. CENTURIES g. 15:20
The failure occurred when printing at 21:50 reprinted in 22:07
