The light at the end of the tunnel

I saw the light at the end of the tunnel,
What you called a citadel.
He lit up my eyes,
And all he was called there, there.

On those peaks, like mountains,
When called, you are nature.
And the angel, as if flesh
Told you not to go there.

You come back, wait for you,
Your relatives and family.
And the light of the tunnel, he twinkled,
And he called on the top.

Where the angels lived in the valley,
Where the gods lived on mount.
As we walk through the land,
And talk about family.

Where to go, what to wear,
To whom to pray embodied.
But Affairs, there are many on earth,
In order to understand them in the head.

We walk, think, dream,
And in case it is feasible.
Why? We live on earth,
Why? We feed the pigeons.
Why? Born we are children.

We gently walk on the earth,
After all, the people we live on it.
It is all of us, protects,
And life gives and helps.

Chirik V.V. CENTURIES g 23:50
