The sun is shining like a bird

The sun is shining, like a bird,
I fly to you sister.
The expression of the eyes,
And my forecast has not gone out.

The wind howls like wolves,
And the moon as if from a hill.
Rolled to the pond,
He dived into the water, will sink.

But after a night followed day,
And in the sky the month in the afternoon.
Turns into the moon,
Month, slim? and in the moon.

The expression shines,
He turns into a pancake.
In Golden overflow,
Again he shines in the sky.

Lights the stars in the sky,
And with his sister.
Lights up the day,
Then at the sky again shadow.

And I see again the miracle,
The light of the constellations and the moon.
And amber star,
Lit right in the sky.

And the comet band,
Leaves your tail.

Chirik V.V.  CENTURIES g 00:55
