Is It True? Chapter I

Chapter I

29 of April, 11:38 a.m., Monday, 2013,

Near Coliseum, Italy, Rome


– Fine weather, isn’t it? – asked Kaly rhetorically.
The day was warm and sunny. They were sitting in the bar. There were two glasses with whiskey on the table and some papers. Silence is going on. Kaly had made a sip and after, he stared through the photos. It was young and well-favored lady.
– So, Roberto, why did you call me?
(One hour earlier: Kaly’s phone has just ringed. He’s only heard on the other side of the wire some kind of hasty and frightened voice. Falling to ask, Kaly got the time and an address of one palace oppositely to Coliseum and conversation was stopped.)
Roberto is a vernal man, 26 years old. He’d got black hair. Was born and made his career in Rome. Indeed tall, approximately 6.2 feet, too thin.
– As you have already understood, I want you to find my fianc;e. – answered Roberto.
– You can rely on me. - Kaly wrote a massage to someone and continued, – I need some general information about her.
– Okay. – Roberto mused upon for a second and started. – Diana... Diana Melnikova. She arrived to Rome after graduating university. Diana came to my restaurant asking about any vacancy. Near for five months she had been working as waitress and then something happened. I mean we became a couple. Me and Diana spent a lot of time together. Sorry, Kaly, what about her: she is 25. Her height is almost 5.7 feet. Black heir. What else?
– Until now, I believe, enough. When I will need more information I will call you. But, when was it happened?
– Three days ago. – answered Roberto and continued. – She said that she wanted to go for shopping. Having a good mood and while leaving she added that I am going to get surprised.
Roberto decided to keep on.
– I ought to have driven to my office to send salary for the bank accounts of my employees. Okay, I spent approximately one, maximum one and half hour. When I came back home she haven’t arrived yet. I was waiting for a long time...
– Three days? – more seriously than with ironic interfered Kaly.
– Listen, I had been waiting for six-seven hours. I fell asleep accidently. I even didn’t have any idea to call to police. Cause they could accuse me... For these days I am not myself. But from the other side – surprise was made in the best quality. How do you think, what could happened with her? Where could she leave? I called her millions times – nothing. My good friend said me to contact you. By his words you are the superior in such deals. – Somehow answered Roberto.
– We have very skimpy terms, Rob. Do you know about her having enemies somewhere? Probably at the restaurant, such a kind of envy, when you had become a couple? Or have you founded some strangeness at her behavior from the last week, for example?
– I’m not sure, Kaly, - said Roberto thoughtfully, - as I know she didn’t have. She was incredibly goodwill; nobody had an opportunity, even, thinking badly about her. If she left by herself, what was a motive? I love her. She knew that. Everything I made – done for her. You can kill me. But I would never make a quarrel with her. What am I talking about? – We didn’t have it. Do you ask “why?” – That’s simply love, Kaly. Love gives some sense of respecting the second part, a small piece of you... I believe on understanding. - He couldn’t stop; - I really don’t have any idea about what happened.
– Huh! It’s hugely interesting. I have already faced with the suchlike deals... You were right! In general, wives were murdered by their husbands, but normally for betrayal. I believe we have more engrossing investigation. Indeed, I’ve already created a sequence to scare up1 her.
Kaly’s phone has emitted a clink-clank.
– Great! – He said confidently. – I have really good news for you, Roberto. Diana is still alive.
– Am-m... I know! Wait. How have you got this?
– First of all, impossibly being a private detective without any acquaintanceship. Secondly, do you find your words a little, just a little bit suspicious?
– Yes. I don’t have more force to keep up appearances and observe of my words. She was dispelled, evaporated such as, you know, water inside the kettle.
– Believe me, you are not the only one who have ever said me this. But without any hesitating I am sure in your honesty. As soon as I’ll get her location, I’ll inform you.
– Okay, Kaly. I am waiting. She is everything in my life.
After shaking hands, Roberto went off and Kaly came near to the bar:
– One frappe out, please.
Staying outside with a glass in one hand and with a folder in another, Kaly couldn’t look away from Coliseum. He was only absorbed in thinking: “How? Oh... When? Why the world is so cruel? The Coliseum was built to be a theatre, not more not less. Okay. There were fights, but with the wooden swords. What was the reason to use the original ones in the passage of time? The people would like to see the blood. They became more callous... Tortures, decimations... It is a very, very difficult theme to think about. My soul is just dying. Humanity could watch killings like nowadays;we’re watching a ballet or opera, or a film in the cinema. It is an endless question. A fortiori – answer. Hundred heads – hundred brains”...
Passing though St. Peter's Square Kaly wondered again: “Almost every day I come here, admire, but there is no way to grasp all the essence of Rome, its unforgettable puissance and simultaneously the brittleness. In order to understand these feelings, necessary just to come here, exactly in the middle of the square, and start scrolling all the memories arising in the mind”. Kaly always had new feelings. This is the reason of staying over here as well. He continued walking to the place, where he thinks aye before either new search. Truthfully the fountain of turtles was full of inspirations... Kaly for a long time ago had already understood one think: “to be in hurry slowly”. Yeah, that what he means – the whole universe is in incredible rush. The question is only appearing if we can do it leisurely..? If yes - how? In any case we must move on and do it deliberately with planning each step, You don’t ”fly” to be fed, you “fly” to grow above yourself. Probably it sounded silly. Everyone should perceive it as he or she considers necessary.
So, dear reader, now you do know about my new deal, some Diana’s external signs and... oh yeah, I am Kaly. I am a detective. Once upon a time making fun, I accidentally found in a bush a toy of my friend’s child. It happened three years ago and I had just started thinking. What, if its mine to do such kind of detecting people. My reverence!
The day is gliding. Kaly typed a massage, and approximately in one hour he’s come in front of the restaurant “La Cantina di Ninco Nanco”. He glanced onto a woman. It was she. His wife...
Kaly had got a small description, a new idea how to introduce her. But no one can hear, no one may even look at the smallest changes on his face. The stare was nowhere, the only visualized paper and a sharp pencil was inside of his mind:
“As there is no way to avoid a description of my character, it's necessary to come around from the creative side. Ah! To whom do I lai! I don't have any writing skills related with the explanation of the beauty, and to make it understandably. But I have to try. From my experience, I have explored - the sooth becomes known when comparable...
My heroine is simple ordinary. She doesn't like frills and fluent phrases. If to compare her with a sexy blue eyes blond, I should admit, that she really does have a blue eyes. Hair indeed not the color of wheat grain, but brightly brown. Don't tied in the tail, but unbound on the wind. She likes to capture views. But when she looks on you – thou only feel the warm and serenity.
If to compare her and a tall rose stalk we can only watch, cause coming closer we shall get not less than wound. Slimness - a symbol of rose, not a chamomile.
She is like a maiden was closed in the tower, but in this case prince will make her free only if she would like that. And briefly, who will rid her from loneliness, such kind, but still with the green sharp spikes girl?”
– Hey dear! – said Elly in a merry tune.
– I! I was that prince, who made her free! – he thought about this and continued. – Sweaty, are you hungry?
– If weren’t hurry, would I come here?
She laughed: “Of course I would arrive. As soon as I’ve got your massage, I put on the shoes and slowly was pushed in the way”...

-- corrections gonna be made very soon --
