Had David Cameron thought to bomb Scots for their

Me, Inna or Tiggi, Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 5 May 2015, photo by me

12 May 2015
Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

Had David Cameron planned to bomb Scots in Scotland?

Had David Cameron planned to bomb Scots in Scotland? as Russians in Ukraine? for their wish to separate from UK?

Had David Cameron thought to bomb Scots for their wish of separation the some as in Ukraine?

Did David Cameron think to bomb Scottish villages, towns, schools, buses for their wish of separation the some as in Ukraine?

Do David Cameron realizes that he put Great Britain as the ally to make a genocide of Russians in Ukraine? locals in Ukraine?

Планировал ли Дэвид Камерон бомбёжки шотландских городов, деревень, школ, автобусов за сепаратизм и их желание отделиться? как на Украине?

не могу запостить в свой профайл свои сообщения - твиттер закрыл доступ к публикации

twitter closed me the possibility to publish my posts in my twitter account.

Had David Cameron planned to bomb Scots in Scotland? as local Russians in Ukraine?

I do not know this.

But if no, why David Cameron and Great Britain/UK support the genocide of local Russians in Ukraine and the bombing of their properties, houses, towns, villages, schools, hospitals, buses by Ukrainian Army and Ukrainian Radicals Azov and Neo-Nazi by orders from Ukrainian power from Kiev after the revolution 2014 named as Maidan in Ukraine as the right things to deal with local population for their thoughts of separation?

Had he planned to do the some with Scots in Scotland for their wish of separation from UK? in Great Britain?

Had David Cameron planned to bomb Scots in Scotland?

Had David Cameron planned to bomb Scots in Scotland? as Russians in Ukraine?

Планировал ли Девид Камерон бомбить шотландцев в Шотландии за желание разделиться от Великобритании?

Как он полностью поддержал аналогичное на Украине?

Had David Cameron thought to bomb Scots for their wish of separation the some as in Ukraine?

Had David Cameron planned to bomb Scots in Scotland? as Russians in Ukraine?

Had David Cameron planned to bomb Scots in Scotland?

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
