XХ1 century. Stories about nature



I passed by fast step a birch coppice. After all I has left woods and found myself  just on a hill. Its top was chosen by three sisters. By three birches with white trunks.
They grew so closely, that between them I could not squeeze ahead.
Yes, it was possible only hardly. However I managed.
Now I stand on edge of the cliff. And what do I see? There, in downturn, is a wall of canes.
The wind blew from village, gray hairs of canes shook before me. Here from them the bird has taken off.
The bird has struck by the wing on near cane. And plant has shuddered. And then has stoped  to shake, has calmed down. What has it for me told? Probably, here these words: why do you stand?  Should you go to village? Go directly along the path.
I have started to look closely.  Really,  twisting path lasted through canes. If it would a straight line, I would go here necessarily. In fact it was laid by the pedestrian. There is nothing to reflect, there is nothing to guess!
But if it is twisting, with rings here, with deadlocks here, it is better to stand and to think. Why is it such strange? Whether should not it lead you to a deep bog? Yes, it is difficult to think,  that the purposeful pedestrian has laid here a track.
Can, deers here, in cane paradise, had time to visit? They like to eat young bines. But that happens usually in the beginning of summer. And now it is autumn. All around withers. The cane became firm. It does not hurry up any more to bend on a wind, and stands, and wags by the luxuriant hairs.
What here is it possible to eat now for deers? Nothing is present tasty.
But … if suddenly have ducks, these relatives of a cranes, managed to make the path?
There are no so much these ducks in canes  to wander on marshy thickets.
There are no so greater crowds!
There was a path for other reason.
But just what was it, this reason?
I have gone down below from cliff to see better. Here it was a wide trace of a rubber boot. Those boots have gone hardily forward to water. And narrow rubber boots with a heel that was high enough, they have remained to stand on edge of a bog.
The mistress of rubber footwear has waited here for something.
I  have reflected  some minutes and have guessed. The answer was assuredly interesting.
She has waited, when it  will be done  - canes will be cut off and  brought for her.
Then she will put them home in any corner. Let them flaunt in high jug.
They will please eyes of visitors by the slender cane beauty. By the long hairs which will instantly begin to move if you will approach and blow on them.
Yes, now harmonous plants will live in the house and remind  about meadow open spaces, about mysterious woods. About  free winds  that like to go for a walk on all our planet.


  On a margin of a wood there is a giant. The oak has stretched the sinuous branches very widely. All ground is dug up near it. Wild pigs went through here - as if by a plough. Boars have grouted on the outskirt of the forest not in vain. It is a lot of acorns under the oak here.
There is no necessity to argue, in the green sea of groves  there will be something  always to eat. Therefore it will be useful for wild inhabitants of thickets - to plough by noses a friable wood ground.
Then I  many times looked on dining rooms of wild pigs.
When I saw traces of a feast, I usually  grined: as to you, there are many strong boars here! You live cheerfully. I see, how many  these deep holes near  beauteous oaks!
So, there is my oak and there are wild boars who come here from close and distant edges, from any deaf ravines. How must we name this place? Noticeable. Or perkly brisk according to all rules of a wood life?
Jackanapes place, may be?  Let's agree, it is a problem for us.
By the way, it was necessary to me  -  I saw also a glade among an aspen grove. It has been dug up like  « an jackanapes place ».  What else has it happened here?
It was fight. Fight of deers when antlers go into antlers, and further who will win, he will be the lucky beggar, winner.  All this meadow in autumn is trampled up and down. As they say, we deal with a new remarkable place. Yes, it is such perkly brisk usually in this season!
But conversation concerning especially noticeable places of woods is not finished.
Salt! There, where the big salt piece  lays in forest thickets, always will be if not a rowdy crowd … there you will see many inhabitants of woods.  The mighty elk, and cautious hare, and artful fox come on a visit to a piece of salt. Where all these animals with pleasure are pulled, where they celebrate their  holiday gladly, just there is it - The Attractive Place.
Once in the summer I went on a forest path that led to the friend village. The modest bush has been noticed by me, and it has been covered by berries.All it, from top to bottom. Fruits have hanged, closely  having snuggled black sides to each other - as if the grape was in front of me.
If  to look on them better, they are unequal on color. There are among them also reddish fruits. But you also can see at all whitish, as if on color...  waves of morning fog near river.
Certainly, black berries are the most tasty always. They are juicy and sweet. However here that occurs, when they are overripe -  they wither very quickly.
Branches of a bush  are long, they bend easily. On branches, which droop under weight of the crop, it is a lot of berries at the ground. But they are less sweet, than these, which are blackened above.
A lot of  sunlight, generous heat get to these, which dare to flaunt  highly above the bottom of bush.. Therefore they are more large, also as more sweet. By the way, they ripen earlier, than others.
The prickly hawthorn is in the neighbourhood with a bush of sweet berries, and a small oaklet was sheltered on other side. Here it is well, cosy for plants.
In front of us is it again - a remarkable place in the woods? Let's say: it is not  a «jackanapes place».
Well, and how must we say, if the bush with pleasure grant its berries to all interested persons?! It is a noticeable nook.
The bird will fly - will by all means lower, will peck.
The traveller goes  -  anybody  will necessarily stop, will dare to eat.
Near the bush the grass is always trampled down. Why? Nobody  will  pass, that would not  want to eat  sweet fruits.
And now are there  all these woods for people of the Earth....?  Well, what is it?
Livelihood?  Decidedly! As well as our love to green flora, as well as, certainly,   is this song of an earthly Life  -   Life that commemorates its great celebration on a planet already  during many millions years.


- Well, has the autumn terminated? - they shout at one hundred voices. These noisy black crows.
It is a lot of birds here. They sit on thick branches of oaks, on lindens and on poplars. In the suburban forest park  it is a lot of trees, and  each quarter of park has its kind of plants. Crows are everywhere,  they fly up and sit down immediately. Turmoil is awful.
What is it? The local holiday. And do not doubt!
I look at rowan-trees. There is also a lot of celebratory bedlam among clusters of ruby fruits, that are poured now by sweetish bitterness. The young crows make hullabaloo very strongly -   it is possible to understand, they for the first time look on closely snow. These snowflakes on grasses.
The grass goes away  proud, having covered by the first snow - with all sharp strong small  green arrows. Youth look on green tops above the snow, the black young crows with curiosity catch sharp arrows by  beaks.
Will the park be wrapped up for a long time by a white eider-down? Most likely the first snow will completely thaw, it will roll down  by streamlets to the river.
But... if the snow has not melted. And if it is a lot of snowbanks. How can we reach city from the remote village when all roads are filled up by snowdrifts. Eventually, to put  affairs in order is always useful, and they do not become less significant by the end of autumn and to the beginning of winter, are not they?
If the car will not pass, a horse will pass with sledge.
Convenient  sledge is creaking and cutting a snow. The horse pulls exactly and strongly. It goes, wagging by a tail, and vigorously glances at the greater road that the horse suddenly  is having seen in the distance.
Is there in front of the horse a lot of machines, that tirelessly rattle by motors and are starting up into air all these hot smokes? It is not necessary to worry: on the ground there will be a place for it, for the unpretentious hardworking horse!
Brave dogfox glances furtively from a thicket of a wood. And whether is impossible here to recieve something for eating? Whether will  any food will drop out from a sledge? The snow in fact is deep, and it is difficult to find a mouse now!
The red sun is looking from above at  the road with cars.
It looks at the white ground. At the trees covered by luxuriant scones of snow. At the red dogfox which all the same wants to be in the distant from a horse with its tail, that is shaken all the time.
The sun continues to warm up air here, in the white field,  poorly, however you... it is good at heart.  As they say, warmly.
You breathe strongly, with pleasure, and from time to time shout:
- Well! And now add speed, my dear pet!
This season, between autumn and winter, somewhere in northern hemisphere will begin to give snowfalls for all of them. I mean people, birds, animals.
And in tropical areas of Globe flowers will  please eyes, bright butterflies will fly as always. If there are here different seasons, only a dry season and a season of rains.
So, in the north it will become cold, in the southern hemisphere it will become warmer. I love the periods of the Life on the Earth because the different seasons give people the new. This love to the new has learned once  people  to think, and now it became  among us a lot of them,  who are clearing road to secrets of the Universe.

A small river has rilled near village. And behind it there was a meadow, where clover has grown up. Whence has water appeared?
It has rilled from a ravine which was not having the name. From a dark crude  ravine, where nettle has grown only, it has proceeded.
The streamlet was nice. For the nettle. Here it near this tiny river has stormed -  was curly goluptious mellow. Rich, in a word.
I would not tell, that forces were too great at shy current. It was difficult to hear even any murmur. There was just constancy, and it was a lot of  such constancy. The stream has managed  to rill  one year ago, two, ten … for long time has sawn through  an argillaceous slope a deep crack.
At top of a hill the deepening was rather narrow and shallow. The hen will overjump, if there will be such desire at it. But below, where the runout into meadow open space  was, the ravine has managed to be widened in shoulders noticeably. There the water-current got smoothness and importance.
Water, yellowish color and exclusively muddy, has  flown very quickly here … when ? In the Spring when it everted young trees with all roots, washing away clay declivities. Both left-hand side, and right.
At  the runout from a ravine the river channel was bent, and the stream came nearer to a dairy farm. For the time being people paid attention to spring pranks of a stream a little. But here one meter, two, three...  it began to steal up under brick walls of a farm.
The rascal, that became evolved and grown up, has wanted to carry away a wall of a building far away from here. And at the same time  -  all, certainly, wall with devices for milking. But without electric assistants it is difficult to cope with cows, is not it?
I remember, how stood at the ravine in the spring.
Water has rustled and splashed with yellow foam. And above my head the dark clouds, filled out by a moisture,  have floated. And a wind has cooled my body under a jacket. The gentle-green grass already has had time to borrow all space of a meadow, and  branches on poplars already have been covered by green candles, that were sharp and took pains to smell by gluey young resin.
Spring revelry of the nature excited my soul, and now the head was full idea on this power. The tiny river has turned into a solid stream! And how many such rivulets  are  in ravines nearby!
Well, the head was full by the thought about power of the nature, and did not this consideration hurry up to leave my brain?
You know,  when all of us speak about global problems, about pollution of atmosphere by smokes of thermal power stations,  that, probably, not only one I, many of us will be anxious: how can we help the nature of a planet?
Gusty Spring with this wind, with this abundance of water. So, I stand and think: if alternative energy sources, if  there are on a planet many small rivers … today very necessary... Excuse, my stream can be useful. It is capable to twist vanes of small power station and to give energy… here to this dairy farm.
How many tiny rivers there are on Globe! All of them are capable to benefit. Alongside with the power stations, that are using energy of the sun, the wind, these great tidal waves of  the seas.
What will dairy farm refuse opportunity to have a lot of electricity? To have a lot of electricity to replace manual labour of people?
Yes, here someone observes spring, admires this remarkable natural cycle.
And all we … observe a new cycle in development of planetary electric power. It will be good if this process of searches  will not fade. Will agree, there is a reason to worry concerning "dirty"  electric power.


In our village many inhabitants had received usually the local newspaper. One day readers have seen a photo of the boy on last page. A cap with a button. A peaked  cap was  pulled over to the right eye.
The boy looks at readers. Also it seems,  whether he reproaches them, whether he is interested by something.
Children run along the village, show the newspaper to each passer-by. They also tell about the boy many any news. It turns out under their stories, that he has growth more than big, and this chappie is strong very much, and to all other  he is at school the most capable pupil. In a word, friends praise highly him.
And all the matter is that the foal has appeared in a stable. This kiddy has stumbled once over a stone, has fallen unsuccessfully, and its leg has started to limp. The rest-cure  was not lucky. Every day all is worse to it. What to do? The boy, who did not like to leave his peaked cap, has said: «What a pity! In fact  the foal will be lost. Allow me to look after it.»
The chappie was not the veterinary, but  it was possible for him to convince adults. They have allowed to apply the method of healing.
Why to not listen to words of the boy? Thing was  that he has wanted to actualize  « an everyday homelike nursing », and there was a hope, that more heedful care will be of benefit to the patient.
Can believe to me. Soon sad dregs has left eyes of the foal. Its hips were rounded off, and the wool has begun to shine strongly. Adults looked at the patient of the boy and were surprised -  the kiddy was on the way to recovery! As quickly!
Yes, the foal has become more cheerful noticeably.
As to the chappie, was there a secret of medical treatment?
Tasty to feed the kiddy and to look after the foal carefully is, certainly, great cause. But our rural boy trusted fixedly: things of the ailing small being will improve, if in addition to all of it …
I make a clean breast of it, our young fellow had a secret. Had, but nobody knew long about it. The chappie was afraid that all of us would begin to laugh at a similar method of medical treatment.
It, certainly,  is not absolutely usual cause - to read to a foal a fairy tale before bedtime.
Though many of small rural children will agree: when mum or the senior sister sit down and tell a fairy tale to you in the evening,  it becomes warmly, cosily on soul at you, all troubles of the day leave you, and you receive healthy sleep as a happy gift. Can, it is actually medical method for all, all kids.  To whom is it known?!
Small rural children can speak the one, but I shall tell here that to you. This doctor had the right to store the secret. Because not each veterinary  will accept this method as an obligatory condition.
You see, our doctor had the right to do all possible to calm a small foal, to give it the warmhearted caress. The small  kiddy - when it is satisfied, quiet and happy - will suffer from all-overishness less.
This small being  was afraid of a pain.. And our rural chappie has cleaned away,  has ruled out all its fears, he worked as a nurse, as an empiric medico  in order that the foal has not crippled itself repeatedly owing to  imprudence.
All of us have the right to be unquiet, when our foal will fall and its small leg will get any injury. People if  they will want, all of them in general can be able to empathize very strongly.
Now on a planet we see there is the period of warming. Glaciers everywhere thaw, and it can be such thing - all our friends, wild animals and house favourites, will suffer from unprecedented floods, from storm downpours.
Let's be closer to our planet. In order that people and animals should not test many pains.
One rural boy could manage to help one foal. All people together can go for help not only to one kid, but even to all planet of people. And to its fertile fields, and to all animals.


Builders have managed to make a dam on a stream. There was a summer, water in front of a dam rose. Rural children in the autumn have glanced into this ravine and were surprised. The pond was full. Waves had a walk on its surface. Let them be low, but all the same they  were as real.
Frogs sat on shoal. They have pushed out their eyes-loupes from green ooze and  loudly croaked. What about speeches that were  there… who did know it?. But most likely croakers have demanded respect for themselves:
-  It is our pond! We are the main things here!
Children had nothing against frogs. Let here live, as essences are useful: they willingly are at war with mosquitoes and slugs that spoil cucumbers and cabbage.
It  does not mean to give  all pond to croaking persons to the order. No, it would be too generous gift for them. Let will cluster in the side and will accept silent small fishes as benevolent neighbors.
Children have found a net and have run to small river, have caught there silvery white breams and a lot of tiny perches  in different holes on sand-bars.
The rich catch was placed into a bucket with water. Also have boys run  where? With the bucket they have rushed off to the pond: receive, frogs, pleasant neighbours. Beginners will not offend you, as they are  quiet and modest very much.
Croakers have firstly hidden. And then, probably, have solved, that it was not necessary to be worried very much. It will be better  to live gently all together and to have no problems. But let these rural children  to be on the pond as the main persons.
Recently on that pond I have seen a duck with its brood. Mallard has floated near to coast. Kids made haste to swim following their mother closely.
Was the small family  frightened of me? It was difficult to understand at once.
Then I began to guess:  will  the brood be directed by the mother into canes? Will ducks move into upside of the ravine?
But it has turned out so, that here nobody was going to be hidden.
They slide on water there and here and grind juicy duckweed in beaks. I have had a look at quiet mum, at serene small ducks and have understood, that here on the pond all of them  were not paniced yet.
There is well  to live near to good people though for birds, though for fishes, that were settled into the cosy rural lake. As well as for green frogs who have got into the pond without specific permissions.
Afterwords I came here not one time and had the pleasure to listen, as the water murmured, filling man-made lake. I also have thought… here about that not one time: on Big ground it happens   - all  peoples like to live more close to water.
Small and greater people settlements always  want to be beside the rivers, streams, lakes.
And as to rural children, they have very well thought up, having let fishes to float in the man-made reservoir.
You know, it is a lot of any water-currents on the Globe. What's the meaning of this? It is possible to construct many artificial lakes to have … greater catch of  fishes. Today on our planet billion people, as is known, suffers from undereating. It is not a toy when children take pains to get small fishes into small reservoir.
Let will be more ponds, will be more food for people. And let me say  thankful word to simple rural children that were not too lazy to bring perches  for the small lake.


Strong frosts happen in the winter. If moreover winds  begin to blow stridently,  apple-trees in a garden can suffer  - be ill, even be lost.
I look at the favourite tree  -  its fruits ordinarily are very large, red, juicy  -   and, seeing  first winter snowflakes, I think today so: « It is necessary to take care of you, my friend.»
Snowflakes have thawed not only on my palm, but also on the grass, which not had time to wither. Special efforts begin. Now most suitable month for apple-tree to test invigorating force of a frost. Why is it? Strangely enough,  but without today's cold it will be bad for my nurseling.  It is necessary for any tree to have training before time of  ice cold.
This training continues long. In the late autumn the apple-tree, standing without leaves on a wind,  increases length of roots in soil - in a layer, warm and comfortable for the present. They can grow even in cold days of the beginning of winter.
I shake the trunk, glancing upwards. And I hear, how branches knock, touching each other. My favourite outwardly is lifeless, but, I know, it deeply breathes.
Yes, no doubt, it is time to give through a bark a surplus of a moisture to air. And I understand: it will be very good for  health of apple-tree, if winter frosts begin to intensify gradually.
Training will be safely completed, the tree will have time to get rid of moisture, that will be capable to lacerate the trunk, when icy cold will come.
On my shoulder the transistor hangs, and I hear weather forecast. Rise in temperature  of air is expected in some days. The similar thawing weather is dangerous for my favourite. It can be a strong frost suddenly right after this warming. Then there will be bad for the tree, which had no time to breathe in easy training frosts sufficiently.
And now there is in front of me a question: how must I act, that my favourite would meet adequately any changes in weather?
Is that so I, the owner of the remarkable apple-tree, do not know the answer? Any gardener knows, how to support though small, though great  plantations of fruit trees in a climate, where cold winters alternate with warm solar summer's months.
It means, nothing terrible  has occured to my dear apple-tree, has not it?
It was awful or not awful, but it has happened just here in my garden: a lot of warm days were  after frost,  all snow has thawed in the winter.
Branches have wobbled, knocked each other, complained:
-  It is not the right season. Not January, but summer in a winter habiliment. Movement of juices has begun under our bark, and destruction threaten all to us, because February with its frosts  waits for us still.
Owners of greater gardens are in the habit to cover trunks with a calcareous clay grout, but I have made here that: having many sheets of thick paper,  I have created additional clothes for my tree, in other words  -  have  wrapped up the basis  of skeletal boughs, all trunk by a dense layer of paper.  Eventually it will be warmer to my favourite in this dress when February blizzards will come, when the frost will begin to give a severe beating of branches by  its big  ice hammer.
Sometimes my children and grandsons help me with care of our garden. I am grateful to them. Also I have a case to tell: the vegetation of the Earth is various, rich, and the person should be grateful to green flora even for one: green raincoat of our planet gives alive essences all this oxygen owing to which there is a life on Globe.
Thank you, my dear apple-tree with large juicy beautiful fruits! Thank you, small and greater plantations of orchards, also we like wheaten fields,  jungle and pampas, woods and the steppes, which were ploughed up for cultivation of maize, sugar beet...
We,  modern people, have everything, we  have vitamin-rich nourishment and can breathe by life-giving oxygen. It will be good if prosperity  will increase  step by step constantly and will continue infinitely. For the sake of what? For the sake of a life on the Earth.


Firry barlings were laid in my garden near the fence. They  were slender and strong, and I considered, that they will recieve such job here  - to be props for branches of apple-trees and pears.
But there was a bad crop in this summer, fruits on branches were a little.
So, in the corner of my garden I laid all these props and then it was theirs very quiet rest during some weeks. In November they have fallen asleep with pleasure under  the fallen down foliage.
Under the firry props from one side of the laying  the mouse family has lodged, and the hedgehog has cosed on the other hand. It has braided to itself a jack from hairs that has been lost by magnificent horses tails nearby in a field.
The builder of dwelling  has respected not only horses  tails,  this hedgehog has  liked also plumelets, that grey ravens, being waggish, threw out sometimes from old empty starling houses. Among faded blades of grass, small hair wads and fluffy plumelets it began to live, being very satisfied by its competence.
It had the right to be proud of itself.  There was also  the right  at it to have breakfast after  it will wake up in the morning. All  in mouse family were small,  the hedgehog did not suffer by absence of appetite, and it tried to push its sharp snout to neighbours many times.
But those  were the firsts who have lodged among props. They have burrowed ably from its teeth and did not leave the house because their construction was also difficult thing.
The brave family has rustled, digged holes, cheeped, going out sometimes to get  a sip of fresh air. The neighbour, certainly,  has worried, sniffed, being annoyed with its thickness which impeded to get through  all these firry props without problems.
Soon it has understood  that  all its noise, the headstrong endeavours would be unavailing, and it has gone to sleep, as the winter has come. And what to do in a cold season? Was better - to sleep in the cosy nest.
In the spring when the jack has got wet from thawed snow, it has woken up and has gone from one side to another along the firry laying.
What's the matter? It seems, there is  a solid augment in this mouse family!
The hedgehog has trampled on place near props,  grunting.
There is no mistake concerning any addition at neighbours.  The smart family has increased number of new voices.
Surprisingly, what  thin!
All right, these nestlings will not allow,  that here the boredom would be lodged. If kiddy will run, will play...  it will be more cheerful for any neighbour...yes, always it is  pleasantly to you, when children's voices  are sounding.
And there this community  resided freely up to a new crop.
What was in the autumn?  Branches of trees, all of them have caved in under weight of fruits. Props were necessary, how could be it without them?! The laying has been torn up.
The hedgehog saw off with a sad sight all the lodgers, that were leaving in a unknown direction. Be happy, youth!
It was clear, that the life without neighbours would seem now to it boring.
I observed from side, as the hedgehog pushed its roundish body forward under our garden's shed, where it has decided to arrange new dwelling.
It was ridiculous. However … stop, what smiles could be there!? All has  presupposed, that behaviour  of prickly animal was equally unusually and naturally.
Eventually, conditions of dwelling dictate to alive essences the rules of life. Friendliness, for example.  As to people on the Earth, they love our planet because it gives the necessary for well-being. But it happened so -  the global warming has begun. It is dangerous: there will be floods, changes of sea currents. And peoples now need  friendliness.
It is necessary to unite the efforts and to learn to operate the climate. It is not the fantasy. Clever people will manage to take care of  life on the Earth, because know the price to friendship.


The winter was warm, nobody waited, that there will be a severe frost. The snow however has suddenly dropped out from sky,  and now  there was everywhere it. The magnificent white snow!
Some rural children began to play by snowballs,  others began to model  the snowman, but then winter days and nights have become  warm again.
The snowbreak has arrived  -  hello, please!  -  in winter fur coat, that was unbuttoned, naturally, owing to heat. Also what has the thawing weather made? It has gone to establish in the middle of winter the restive orders, unpunctual and giddy, soggy and squishing. Snowdrifts in silvan ravines have been softened. And if to look at fields, you would see, that something similar to grey salt lays there by wads.
In fact was it  the shy snowbreak? No, longlived warm weather has tramped. It went everywhere by heavy steps.
Also what I should think?  It was the same  great whole event in a winter wood, isn't it?!
So, about the wood all is clear. From times of creation of the world it is enacted for each forest to suffer whims of weather.
Where  will oaks and maples escape? Where pines can hide their gentle young green needles? For plants there is only an opportunity  to stand. To stand strongly.
A tree is not a frog. For example, because it will not dive in a pond and will not bury itself in ooze from the furious wind or from a frost.
Here and it has turned out, that in winter, in one of days of a thawing weather I have approached to a maple, have looked at it and have told:
- My dear maple!. If you would be  the amphibious creation... all right!  You  would sleep now calmly in the depth of our reservoir. Who were arranged well for the winter, just  frogs of the pond.
The wind has swung  long branches of the tree, which were covered by transpicuous beads of water.
The maple did not answer. And it did correctly, because  there was nothing to object. There was a naked truth in  this that I have informed on frogs.
But here nearby I have heard burbling behind a door in my garden's cellar. Yes, somebody was gabbling, and else  there was something similar to ploping.
Who  could be there? After we have chosen, have taken from it everything,  our cellar stood since autumn without gifts of the earth.   Believe,  it was empty and silent, as if the same silence.
It was possible, certainly, to disagree with my words, which were said  to the maple. But who, it is interesting to know, did contradict the owner of a garden?
I have opened the door that was swelled  from a moisture rather noticeably. Well, give we shall talk, the daredevil, if you was not afraid to settle in the dark vault!
And there was such debater:  the green frog has jumped out of a puddle and has become...what to do?  To look at me intently.
It is not excluded, the frog has reflected here so:
« The gardener! What do you dare to speak about frogs?! Not all  we sleep in the winter. The some amphibious creations can get into a local vault and not regret at all about it. I am, for example, floating  in this puddle, thus I have pleasure to catch a lot of mosquitoes on wet walls. As to me it is good here even then, when the frost goes for a walk above in the garden. Warm weather under the ground will be always. Is all clear to you? Well, close now the door and get home. »
The frog has disappeared at the bottom of its warm swimming pool, and I have closed the door and have gone home, where I had an furnace. There was heat in the room, and  nobody was afraid of coming back of winter frosts.
Apple-trees and cherries grew in the middle of my garden, and along a fence there were maples. The path to the house ran so, that I have again returned to the maple, to which I  have adressed recently words of my sympathy.
Yes, a maple is not a frog. For all trees it will be difficult, if  they will want to celebrate house-warming. But all the same they have an opportunity to replace habitat.
I went to my house along the garden path and thought:
"And whether is it necessary?  For maples and pines? Certainly! But first of all  it is necessary for people. Every year the ice cover of polar areas of Globe thaws all more strongly. Simultaneously process of desertification continues in hot areas, the green raincoat of our planet becomes not very big. There will be a lot of oxygen on the Earth, if people will be assiduous not only in  preservation of woods, but also in reforesting.  Everywhere new forest  -   there, and there, and there  -  is a magic wand, that will improve structure of  atmosphere and will help to cope with changes of climate."
I have risen on a porch, have entered into the house.
Further I have stood near a window into the garden:
"There is the maple near  the fence. Do you breathe, my dear tree? You and your relatives need to breathe more deeply, that  on the Earth there was less of carbonic gas. All you, our green friends,  need  to take pains! And we, people of the Globe, must be careful to you."


My garden is on outskirt of a small town settlement. If you will look to the left,  nearby  there will be a village with a pond. And if someone will want to gaze just to the right, there will be it, something another. Namely a maple, a pine,  a linden … to put it briefly, an avenue of park.
The small town is silent, cosy, in it there is everything, that is inherent for any greater settlement. The wide screen of a cinema? Please! The classy entrance of the shop, of the food shop with its rich long counters? Everything, that is necessary, you can receive for eating!
Black asphalt, which is needed under wheels of cars? It is in a full prosperity! And besides there is a lot of various things,  which authentically big cities have in usual order.
But also it is simply very lovely here. Each street of the small town is surrounded by trees,  all these streets are likable owing to the absence of bothersome bustling
Nearby from my garden the wood is drawn by brown lines of alleys. Or, if is more exact,  country roads are here, and cars can afford to pass here occasionally.
This artificial wood is entitled a forest park, and in it there is whisper of the playful birches, that all the summer close the sky by a green curtain.
I leave the house.  Through a gate in a fence I can get out to a country road, that is surrounding all huge park.
Then it is possible, having gone about ten meters, to turn and suddenly  to find yourself in a birchen grove. There is a park path here.
It is pleasant  to stroll  in sunny midday along spacious park alley, where you smell grasses and flowers.
Here often you see mums with pied prams. Someone likes to put a pram in a shadow of a tree, to sit near on a folding chair and to read a book. There are also such women, to whom simple pedestrian walk gives pleasure.
I go unhurriedly,  and on a crossroad of alleys I see two bicycles, that are rolling  to a hill,  just there, where dark-green lindens contend for having observable place in colonnade of light-green birches.
Bicycles, having rustled by tyres, have softly begun to rock on hardly appreciable undulations of the path, as if  they have entered ancient dance where movements are pathetically smooth.
It is hardly audible  for me, how they float, magnificently citric and orange, in an ambience of trees, of these benevolent spectators, for whom dances of bicycles are bothersome never.
The citric bicycle is cautious, it will not drive on fallen dry bough. It is much more enjoyable for the cautious to be over this obstacle at the side,  on accurate long arc.
On small speed it, having braked, passes a hillock,  that will necessarily want to shake a headmost wheel. And nobody does not need to accuse  the citric bicycle in excessively sedate behaviour: it loves fast driving.
Let everybody understand: it does not like wheels, all of a sudden cabriole on firm hillocks, therefore prefers concentration and reliability. And, certainly, at the citric there are no objections concerning the neighbourship of an orange bicycle.
Oh, the orange! It is immoderate and hot.
The shorttempered there runs away all time.
Here it goes with a rattle  into an insidious hillock. Here it flies into a rough bough, that lies on the path. Yes, it is necessary to constrain impetuosity of the friend, setting rhythm of movement.
Is there a sense in this wish? Certainly, if the impulsive          bicycle  willl  not gambol on hummocks desperately, will not rattle loudly by all its iron and will not unexpectedly  rush to another side anywhere.
Nobody is going to argue: there are difficulties with the companion. But it is also interesting with this highspeed partner.
And finally … what power is visible in movements of the rattling bicycle! How it is pleasant to understand, that this iron force can be made obedient in a word!
So, what do bicycles here make? They turn and turn, as if in pathetic dance, along alleys in the forest. Yesterday and today. I am assured, that  they will whirl tomorrow because one is hand-in-glove with another.
People expand this large forest  many decades. New quarters of young lindens, pines, firs have been placed in wood near the small town during many years.
Young townspeople have helped to look after new trees, here they have hanged  small wood homes for starlings on birches. Now you can see also many other birds here. Green tops of firs even have been chosen for nests: magpies have taken pains there.
I like these all dances of bicycles in wood. Iron machines …   please, excuse me, now it is necessary to say, there are things  more significant, than simple iron. Let's look narrowly though at magnificent citric machine.
It was seen by me, if  you want to know. And now I must say: it was such clever charming  essence in front of me. Infinitely regardful being.
Forgive, but I descry that female careful Beginning here, which obviously edifies our civilization continually.
Our charming fragrant Earth! You among planets are most welldisposed to people and are most beautiful.
Your forests, fields, seas are really fertile, benevolent to all of us, and the mankind should love you in the answer, all peoples need to respect you immensely.
The mankind, this orange machine, gusty and too emotional sometimes, the mankind in fact is obliged to notice lessons of our lovely Earth. It is more than necessary to live in harmony with the clever mindful kind force that has generated all alive around.
It is quite well for me to look at  the dances of the bicycles in the growing wood! Please, continue to turn, the machines,  to whirl freely, and the citric, and the orange!  Gladden all of them, who comes to silvan park and can see life-giving beauty throughout.
Green lungs of cities of our planet have the right to breathe pure air. When there are many such artificial parks, to people there are more places for recreation,  and generally there is  beneficial influence of extensive forestry on climate of Globe.
Do each small town of the Earth needs to get the big forest park? At least so!


When the sea was quiet, Коко liked to play.
It chased a brisk mackerel and  jumped out from water with the great pleasure. Thus it flew by on air one meter or  two, hiding eyes from bright solar shine.
Tacking off from a wave, Koko did a deep breath and again dived.
Simultaneously it had time to click a beak loudly and joyfully.
- Again the young boy  amuses himself, - old dolphins has spoken. - This merrymaker, probably, wishes to become separated from our family. Koko will be sometime by a breakfast for a shark.
That, with its existing great teeth,  was afraid of harmonious family. Strong sharp beaks of dolphins were awful even for the shark, which was fast and flexible as sea snake. If to alarm  the dolphins, to not avoid  well-aimed rapierthrusts to it.
Therefore it keeps aloof, but does not departure far. If it will be possible to see the young dolphin, who will carelessly become separated from the flock, why to have nothing concerning  breakfast?
Certainly, it understand, that to eat as soon as possible will be more than good. Relatives of this young boy will be there any moment, and then it can not wait for something  good. They can beat off any desire  not only to have breakfast ever, but also to have dinner and to have supper.
The shark takes pains to revolve in the neighbourhood with dolphins.
It waits for an opportunity to eat bravely. And, certainly, flock is on the alert always.
- Dear relatives, - spoke Коко, - there will be no mistake if you will cease to discuss my behaviour.
This young merrymaker was dexterous, speedy. And pretentious pride at it was big very much -  as at an adult dolphin. As at two big relatives... and more precisely, as at ten adult big dolphins.
If somebody will want to contend with it in swimming, Коко will tell then so: do not make laugh me! I am the fastest!
The young boy assures, that nobody will catch up with it. A devilfish, and a saw-fish, and a barracuda, and all others will remain far behind. It with ease will outstrip any vessel that cuts sea waves with a rumble.
Calm down, nobody is equal Koko in the sea. Let the shark open the mouth widely, it will remain hungry. Hungry and silly, as a simple log.
- No, all it is too self-confident, - the wise relatives afforded to say about Koko, forasmuch   saw in the life many of any miscellaneous. They have known, that  there was some difference between logs and sharks.
-  And you are afraid to shake fats! - the merrymaker answered impudently. But it , to tell the truth,  knew  about the logs, able to float,  a little -  knew  only by hearsay. And  it saw sharks only from afar.
Here so unmannerly having talked to relatives,  young Koko has started  to swim away on sea and to romp again.
It dived into coastal crevices of rocks where devilfishes liked to skulk. What did it wish to tell them?
It did not speak anything because tried to be imperceptible.
It will swim up to an devilfish quietly and will jerk it for a palp. It was interesting to look, as the enormous mollusc became angry and started to be poured by purple paints of a rage.
Further the young dolphin, in plenty having teased silly molluscs, did running jumps out of water and raised clouds of splashes at which it was interesting to look too. They were shone on the sun by all colors of a rainbow.
If to bluster, it was necessary to bluster so that there was noise in the sea much more, wasn't it?
Also it is not necessary to argue with young Koko because just to the merrymaker it is better to know how it is necessary to romp and to rollick.
The shark still floated around dolphins. It leered at reckless Koko.
If that young boy, insufficiently cautious,  did not like to listen to anybody, it, sufficiently reasonable shark, had great desire to listen to big stomach, hungry eternally.
It went around tasty breakfast  at some distance. In the opened mouth there were three rows of sharp teeth.
To wait is a ploy not very pleasant, but it would be desirable, that the merry fellow has appeared more far away  from amicable relatives. The shark during  breakfast, as it is not difficult to guess, has to remember about prudence.
It also is glad to remember, but when there  is the cheep in the stomach ...
Oh, all squeaks are more strong!   
Wariness floats away at this time, as if a quick racing yacht... or flies away, as if a sea bird the frigate with very big wings … or evaporates, as if a small blue cloud  … as you want, but prudence of the shark can disappear simply at all.
So, what did it make now, having listened to the stomach?
It has even opened  the mouth more widely, has wagged the tail and, having forgotten about all relatives of the young boy, has rushed forward to catch this Koko.
The merrymaker  has seen it and has flown up, has risen above water by a candle.
Certainly, someone has slipped past, and Koko, of course, has shouted to someone:
- The silly log!
Funs of the dolphin continued, as if nothing has taken place. If to have fun, it is necessary to rollick loudly, isn't it?
« All right, - someone has thought. Someone of those, who were with big teeth, someone of the most obstinate creations on Globe. - Sharks are not able to jump up above water. However they are able to catch by big teeth all these thoughtless youths.»
And what did daring Koko think at this time?
It chuckled at itself:
« The woodblock with eyes! The shark has taken in head to hunt!  No, primarily it is necessary for woodblock to become more clever. »
And what did the shark afford to make?
The most obstinate creation on Globe created here that. It has returned back and, widely having opened the mouth with greater teeth, has attacked this merry young boy again.
The very tall flipflap above a wave has saved it in second time.
It is not known, why someone has thought, that there can not be a third jump. In opinion Koko, this silly log could think, and think strongly, and understand just: the quick dolphin will create tirelessly high candles above water.
Perhaps, the shark was not able to count its attempts. Attempts to have tasty eating.
Anyway this eternally hungry, very obstinate creation, having missed capture, has come back strongly.
Also there was a third jump of the merrymaker above waves. Also there was a fourth jump.
It seems, Коко has numerated  candles well enough, but the trouble was that the shark, even counting not very well, came back again and again.
The hunter  has attacked tirelessly, and the young dolphin has started to get tired. And such turn of events, you must agree, could not please it.
- When will the obstinate woodblock  be taken far away from me ? - spoke Koko loudly. - I am already bothered with this game!
Poor Koko! It did not understand, that the hungry shark has not been disposed to joke.
It always preferred to have … what? A tasty dinner. Or a tasty supper.  But it was desirable for the hunter, that the meal was tasty at any time of day. For example, the reckless young dolphin is very good for a breakfast.
Once again the shark has slipped past and has hastened to return. The jump of  Koko was not very tall this time.
The shark has come nearer and has pulled out from the tail of dolphin … in fact, the tail has not been torn off, but it would be better, if someone would slip past again.
The young dolphin has thought: to be by breakfast of the hunter is not very pleasantly. Yes, in due time, earlier it would be not harmful to listen to advices of wise relatives .
There will be also no mistake if to recollect:  there are very strong and sharp beaks at adult clever dolphins.
 And then Koko began to click  the beak which was for the present not very big, but all the same loud enough:
- Dolphins! I apologize! I hasten to inform, that my business now is not  so good. Help me!
The family has surrounded the shark. One dexterous attack by the strong greater beak, and then  there was the second attack, the third...
Relatives  of  poor Koko also have not been disposed to joke:
- The hunter has to go away!  Far away  and promptly!
The shark, with its big teeth,  was frightened. And it has speeded away. You cannot imagine, how much far away!
Koko, having remained nearly without a tail, would go to a bottom, but relatives have managed to raise it  to a surface of the sea.
The young dolphin has taken a sip of air with pleasure. Where one, there was and the second … To put it briefly, the fast family could not allow to the relative to sink in the sea.
The young boy will live. But it will become cleverer.

*      *      *   

There is such opinion, that dolphins are very clever. It is not excluded, someone can tell:  these sea animals are similar to people even.
As to my reflections … Eventually, I do not know, whether dolphins should get knowledges  from people, how it is necessary to live in the sea.
But  people, I think, can take  from dolphins, how one amicable family has to resist to all misfortunes. Why is  it necessary to have this skill?
Today, in the twenty first century,  we need, that  there was peace on  all continents and that  the unreasonableness receded in front of joint human efforts to keep, to keep strongly the life on Globe.
As never earlier, we understand: our planet is unique in solar system. She is fine, she is remarkable, our Greater Native land, our Mother the Earth.
It is impossible to allow, that there can be any new flood  -  similar to bible flood  -   owing to natural cataclysms. She will live and will be fine, as always good to people, to animals,  to green plants, if people will have enough wisdom to live on the Earth as the big family. As one amicable family, where each of peoples has the right to existence and, of course, honours and respects the general family wisdom.
