If to be fairdealing



These two brothers were not big. And it was difficult to say, that they were old, but Willy,  one of them, was over very much. Half an hour is a number of minutes, is not it? The elder brother liked bicycling. Another, whose name was Gregory, liked to be far away from this awful two-wheeled machine.
Here the daddy said: Willy, as the elder brother, should take pains in order that the junior one would learn to cycle.
It became dumpishly  to the skilful rider:
-  This youthful fellow will not want!
-  He will , - the daddy has winked mysteriously.
The brother of Gregory has begun to doubt, to shake his head discontentedly:
-  I know him.  When he will turn obstinate, then I shall not achieve any reasonable things from this boy.
- Take a minute! I think, your brother is reasonable sufficiently, -  the daddy  has winked at him with the smile.
Also what cunning was thought up by the daddy here. He has promised the great chocolate sweet in the beautiful packing to the teacher.  What will the pupil Gregory,  who likes to be always far from the bicycle,  receive as the gift? The big cake with the  custard will be given to him.
- I want, that it would be fair, - the daddy has noticed herewith. - In a week I shall arrange the verification. If the bicyclist will travel along our lane correctly, without any assistance, the teacher and the pupil will receive something tasty. In a different way...I should say forthright, that there will be no awards. What has Gregory done immediately? He has become at once very preoccupied and has told to the skilful rider:   
-  Willy! It seems, now I shall  manage to make bicycling by the purely
interesting thing for me.  Let’s go to cycle!
They have taken out the two-wheeled machine from their house into the forecourt. The elder brother has got on the bicycle, which has been big enough, but at all not awful.  Thereafter the skillful rider has started to cycle around of the high trees along the black asphalt  of the pathway.
-  The good pupil will see all!  -  Willy has shouted.  - You need to     scrutinize, how I press these disobedient pedals? Think! Learn!
-  I See,  -  the youthful brother, diligent and very loud, has answered immediately.  -  I think! I learn!
The junior one shouted, shouted,  and then he started to lick his lips. The pupil did it, not because he looked at the classy bicycle very fixedly, but because…   it became sweetly in his mouth.
He was quick in the uptake, and it was possible for him to take and to guess: soon the diligent pupil will have eating. .. yes, Gregory will get the big cake and will eat with greater pleasure.
-  Look and remember!   -  Willy  shouted,  moving the rudder
valiantly.  -  You need to know, this bicycle rudder  likes to be disobedient too!
The one, who was not able to cycle,  did not refuse to look at various details of the bicycle.
But minute was going after minute, and it bored to him to stare. The brother, of course, was capable to tame the pedals, the rudder, other details of this two-wheeled machine. But how much time should Gregory stand here without any movement?
It is time for the pupil to move a little, is not it? The thought was more, than correct, and Gregory  shouted:
-  I think, it is possible for me now to do a bit of travelling!
The dexterous brother has laughed:
-  Oh! You are too fast! But I should say something. It is necessary for me to cycle all over again. Why? I like this employment very much.
-  Are you assured? Maybe, will you say, who has undertaken to teach me?
-  Learn to look at the bicycle for first time. Then you will show a class.
The deft brother made  the such, that it was just the envy at all of them, who were not very capable.
Yes, it was enviable not only for Gregory!
This dexterous rider, for example, takes and diverts his leg far to the side, thereafter he cycles calmly, pressing only on one pedal.
Also he could hold on the rudder only by one hand. Herewith his another hand saluted the spectator, as if Willy was a brave and deft soldier.
Did Gregory study really to look at the cunning rider all long day?
Be sure, he did not make it  in during the whole day and even did not make it in during the midday. He observed only the hour, but this employment bothered him so... Oh, it was impossible to say, how it bothered the poor spectator. If not the cake with the custard,  he would stop his undiverted examining in fifteen minutes.
What did it take place hereafter? Anything especial did not happen. However the day has gone quickly to the end, and  when the next day has come, the sharp-witted brother has given the other task to Gregory:
-  If you want to cycle without problems, it is necessary to be able to hold balance, -  Willy has told. - Look at me! Look more attentively, how I make it.
The offer was correct. In what sense? If you are in a circus … if you address to spectators … certainly, here the main thing will be to hold balance. It will be true even then, when you do not keep on the rudder.
However it was rather early for the younger brother to act in any circus. Anyway, he considered all so, and not in a different way. But if here simply to take and to drive  a little … 
-  Listen to me, Willy!  -  Gregory has offered.  -  Give me the chance to become the good pupil. I shall take and twist pedals.  Half an hour! Then this uncompliant   balance at the bicycle will appear necessarily. Will it be really bad for you, for my teacher? I am sure, it will be just very well.
-  Do not teach the skilful person. It is impossible to grasp at once the cunning two-wheeled machine. This thing is cussed. If you wish to move, it is necessary to walk a little along that thick log. You may see it in the corner of the forecourt. Try, hold balance on the log, learn without unnecessary conversations. Have you understood, the blockish pupil?
Everyone will understand: nobody will not manage to out-argue this teacher.
Gregory had no desire to object,  he scrambled on the log and began to go. Ahead and back. The brother has not shown the kind, that for him the words of Willy have been offensive.
He has not shown it for one reason: has decided to endure all.
Should the conscience be at the person ? It should! And then… sometime it will wake up at Willy. Here it is, how all-in-all can turn out, if you will obey today.
He was taken long with the log, which was both restive and headstrong.
It is very simple to slide off here. But there is nothing to be done. You can give to someone just the occasion to carp the pupil, who speaks too much. You will complain, and to you it will be said: for some nervous it is impossible to cycle even along the forecourt.
The time went, it went not very quickly. As they say, unhurriedly.
Small half an hour has passed. Also it was small half an hour in addition. And it was half an hour, greater and  rather difficult,  in next addition too ...
Gregory has thought:
"There is a time for every thing. However it is very tiring deal to await  this my time!”
-  Well, it is the end of the walk! - Gregory has declared, when he managed to walk along the log without any stop ten times.  -  Climb down, Willy, from the bicycle. I can say, that  your pupil  has counterbalanced himself. Now I have such balance, that about it you could not dream even.
The capable brother began to count:
-  It seems to me, half an hour... yes, it was... and was another half an hour. Also I recollect... attend, my impatient pupil!  You have the right to be free... still half an hour.
That has jumped even:
-  I have no desire!
What does the teacher make?
He only bursts out laughing:
- I think, You should wait. As to me, here somebody has  to cycle  around of our house.
The bicyclist has rushed off.
He vanished and was out not less hour.
Only thereafter Willy  arrived and was very red. It costed  to the bicyclist  much trouble  to recover him breath.
-  Oh! -  the teacher told, cooling down after this road. - My travel was difficult enough. You know,  behind the house there is one more. Around of it to cycle is very conveniently. And behind it there is other house. There to cycle even more conveniently, because there is few cars, and the asphalt is smooth. Now you must now, that to move for the bicyclist near all these houses is employment far not easy. There is the whole quarter of the houses in that place. Also it is possible... there are two even.
Willy has stood a little,  has recovered him breath more drudgingly. Hereafter the brother was out again.
He has cycled far away anywhere. Probably, the skillful bicyclist had desire  to see: whether may he be the good teacher for somebody else?
Anyway Gregory had not pleasure to  sit, though a little, in the saddle of the two-wheeled machine. For a week he could make it never.
How many days are there in a week? Seven!
All these seven days Gregory practised... what? He looked at the dexterous bicyclist.
But what did the elder brother speak all this time? Only it  was day after day:
-  I shall cycle a little more, and then …
And here the time came, when the daddy  went out  from the house into the forecourt,  told joyfully:
-  The weather is normal today. Do I speak correctly, the teacher Willy?
-  It seems to me, you are right, - that confirmed, shrinking.
-  Also you think just in this direction, do not you ? - the question was put to the pupil Gregory this time.
The pupil of the dexterous teacher Willy had a look cautiously at different two-wheeled machines, that drove on the asphalt, though to the left, though to the right:
-   Who knows it, this weather...  Bicycles, certainly,  are today on the move: where they want, there they drive. And as to me...they do not ask the permission.
The daddy winked at the  son, for some reason very serious,
-  Hold your head above, the fine racer! So, we start. Where are our remarkable two-wheeled machine?
-  It is in our house, - the pupil  has begun to blink. This fine racer has studied, of course, in something, however  has studied not so, that the bicycling has become for him  the enjoyable employment.
- Give, my dear bicyclists, the machine here, - the daddy has ordered vigorously.
-  You should be not afraid of the bicycle, it is the main thing! Sit down, be in the saddle, as at home, and begin to move   easyly.
-  Well,  -  the pupil said.  -  Just I was on the two-wheeled  machine never. This two-wheeled horse will throw me on the ground.  And I can tumble easyly.  It will be just for the simple reason... you, the skillful teacher, like to cycle very much!
-  Bicycling! And will you think, it is the awfully difficult science? - the artful rider has sniffed.  -  At one stroke you will understand, how the bicyclist should revolve the pedals. Only do not show a kind, that for the first time you hold the rudder of the bicycle. Be more courageous.
The teacher has helped the pupil to pull out the two-wheeled machine, which was, of course, more mere, than any four-wheeled, to the asphalt in front of the house.
Did Gregory know nothing, how to begin movement, to find himself  in the saddle? It is flapdoodle!
Willy held the bicycle, while the brother settled in the saddle, and herewith continued to whisper:
-  You have to be not afraid of the handle-bar,  of the pedals here! Let they are afraid of you, very dexterous!
-  I announce  readiness. So, three seconds!  -    the daddy has told busily in this time.
There was a stop watch at him?
Anything similar was not at him, therefore he has started simply to count aloud:
- One. Two. Three.
Thereafter the daddy has cried cheerfully:
- Setting in motion!
Willy has pushed the remarkable machine, on which sat Gregory, and the skillful teacher did it drudgingly enough. With what purpose? He had the very not beef-witted guess.
What guess was at the clever bicyclist? That was, of course, just the reasonable one: the more the brother will have the speed, the more quickly and far away the bicycle will move.
« It will be sufficiently good, if Gregory will slip all lane on his machine, - Willy thought. - Then I shall receive the greater sweet. Is it really very badly for me? Somebody, adroit and clever, could cycle with pleasure. The whole week!  In addition he will earn the award now. »
Gregory sighed, then started to shake legs, thereafter  did eyes completely round and directed his machine along the smooth asphalt of the lane.
The daddy looked at him with the greater surprise.
The pupil of skilful Willy has behaved strangely, because has seized very strongly  the rudder of his remarkable machine, herewith his legs have been spread widely very much. To tell the brief, the pedals of the bicycle have begun to turn in itself.
-  I see, he cycles. But why does he make it so strangely? - the question has been put to Willy strictly enough, and the teacher of Gregory was confused from unexpectedness.
The skillful racer, as the say, lost his tongue.
However then he has decided to answer just so, that here nobody  would be angry very much:
- Probably, Gregory wishes to show: he is the racer of the first grade. In circus, for example, someone cycles not only without legs, but manages to do it even without hands.
-  Do you want to inform me, that all the time you trained the younger brother under the circus program? - the daddy was surprised.
-  I showed him various things, -  there was a suspicious  vivacity at the voice of the skilful teacher.
The daddy...what did he decide to make? 
He has  thought a little, has heaved a sigh and  has shaken by his head:
-  At you, the clever brothers, it seems to me, there are things, which are named circus, cinema and theatre. However, we shall look, how all this will be here in a minute or two minutes.
Along the  lane near the house... yes, the girl Lily was going to buy something, and she went calmly to the shop.
She saw the boy on the bicycle and began to laugh.
If it was necessary for her to go to the shop, it did not mean, that the girl needed to ridicule all bicyclists on the road.  However…is really she guilty, that there are such riders on the streets?
Here everyone can liven up: the scarecrow is able to afford to cycle along the asphalt. Why is the scarecrow obligatory? Because there is some reason, this racer does not know, where to put legs to.
The boy goggles, as if there is not the asphalt road in front of him, but just the concrete wall.
Herewith the legs of the bicyclist … it has been right! …they have become now are separated. He, it seems,  has forgotten once and for all, where they settle down at him.
-  Oh, mum! - Gregory has warned the girl.
The younger brother of Willy did not know, how to make so, that the bicycle was able to obey and to go round Lily. And who does know… if does not know, how  to put the legs on the pedals?
Gregory was frightened very much.
But it was necessary to do something, is not it? Here he tried to warn the girl about the near danger. Herewith he had not time to think, who was in front of him:  the girl by name Lily or the mum of Lily.
He hoped only for one thing: that, who moved calmly along the road, will hear him and will run away.
The girl could run aside: or closer to the house, or far away from the house. She had also other opportunities, which allowed to run, though not so quickly, though very quickly. Here to wait just for something good …it was not present, it was impossible to wait.
To tell the brief, it was not clear for the girl: someone dares to cycle, but how to make so, that the bicycle could go round any passer-by, someone does not know. Therefore Lily continued to laugh light-heartedly.
If it would come into her mind, that now it  would be necessary to run off without superfluous words, then there would not be such things, which took and happened.
In the meantime… what did the two-wheeled machine afford to do? It sped up.
The road went down near  the hill gradually.
Gregory seized the rudder more strongly, herewith his boots were risen higher. And in addition the bicyclist made it,  that was not expected in any way for the girl: he closed his eyes.
Lily has wanted all the same to look at the bicyclist more intently. And when she has throw a glance at the rider more fixedly, Lily has understood: there has been the ridiculous one a little there.
The boy on the bicycle  has not gathered to turn to the right, to the left. His machine has gone straight  to her side.
But... whether was it ridiculous very much?
-  Oh!  -  she has said silently.
-  Ah!  -  Greg has cried, having dared to open his eyes slightly.
-  Oh, oh! -  Lily has exclaimed and has started  to go away speedly.
When Gregory threw a glance forward, he has noticed something.
What was interesting there?
If the eyes at the bicyclist  were round in the beginning,  then they became almost square. Why? Because it was necessary, or if more exactly it was not necessary,  not to notice: the girl ran ahead, and  for some reason the two-wheeled machine would like to catch up with her.
She has turned to the left as soon as possible.
When Gregory has seen it,  at once his eyes have not become square. He has tried even to smile more or less decently.
Oh,  it has been remarkable! It has been simply magnificent: now the machine will be just wide of the mark!
However here the rudder at the bicycle of Gregory has decided to make... what?... to tremble! It has begun to tremble, has moved surprisingly and too has turned. The rudder has decided to turn not somewhere,  but just to the left.
Gregory did not feel quite himself. Because the bicycle made strange things, and it made these things quite itself.
Horror! It affords to do...what is  the strange two-wheeled machine up to!
And further something has happened, that has been more strange.
Lily has looked back. Immediately she has increased her speed. The girl has gone away, she has gone away, of course, more quickly and more circumspect: to put it briefly, has started to ran to the right. In this time the awful two-wheeled machine…
If the bicycle would go there, where it moved earlier, all, that has happened further, would be clear for Gregory. But at once the machine  has turned …not anywhere, but just to the right.
Was Gregory frightened? It is pleasant to someone or not pleasant, however the bicyclist could not tear off his eyes from the running girl. And the fast machine of the boy, who was the pupil of dexterous Willy, flew there, where the eyes of the bicyclist looked.
They were, certainly, almost square again. Whether should they be others now, when the machine makes here everything, that is desirable for it, such awfully strange?!
The girl ran to the right and did not know, that the boy was not against to jump off: necessarily from the bicycle onto the ground.
He was not against also to move to another side: for example, to return back, to his house.
However his hands turned the rudder obstinately to the not permissible side. The rudder did it,  the obstinate one did as always so, that the bicycle was going   just there, where they looked, these square eyes of Gregory. Here such things happened at the pupil of the skilful  racer Willy!
Therefore it has been not surprisingly:  all considerations in the head of Gregory has gotten entangled, has mixed strongly, has interlaced.
What was mixed up, if to say more exactly,  in a heap there? Beautiful sports shoes, in which the girl ran. Pigtails,  which without stopping jumped here and there on shoulders at her. Trees, which stood lengthways the road. Pedals, which afforded to turn so, how they wanted. The little dog and the grandmother also.
Who would think, that such things, various very much, suddenly would take and start to interlace one with another in the head of Gregory?
Somebody may consider just so or in another way. But the bicyclist had no doubts: all things were mixed up. They have gotten entangled, thereupon have begun to turn in his head. With what speed? Just with that... oh, the machine has afforded to move sufficiently fast!
However whence has this grandmother appeared here? She has left other lane, and the little dog has been near her.
The small friend of this grandmother was very shaggy. Herewith there were dangling ears at it. Also at it there were little eyes, black, like small beads.
-  Ah!  -  the grandmother has exclaimed.  -  Where do you, the frightful boy,  go to?!
-  I do not know, - Gregory has answered honestly.
Having given such answer,  he has seized the rudder more strongly, and the two-wheeled machine has moved precisely to the side of the grandmother.
The bicycle did it so exactly, that it was necessary for her to go off immediately.
Further there was something,  that the pupil  of the skilful rider Willy could name by the event, both undesirable, and  strange.
The grandmother has looked at the  two-wheeled machine  cautiously and has made the same, that the girl  has made recently. She has hastened to go not somewhere, but just to the left.
The pupil, whose name was, of course, Gregory, and not Willy,  saw with horror: the bicycle started to turn without stopping to her.
She hastened to other side of the road.
The machine, which was, as if the impudent person, the machine, obstinate very much,  understood immediately:  it was necessary to rush, twisting wheels, after this grandmother.
The behaviour of the bicycle was exclusively impolite.
It was possible to tell: the behavior  was so bad, that other words, more good, could have  no place here.
But how to calm down the machine, Gregory had no  concept. What has Willy taught him in fact? The young brother was to walk along the log here and there. Happily enough. And only.
Therefore the bicycle did everything, that was desirable...  for the bicycle.
Be assured, feelings of Gregory were deep and loud: he blinked and even cried out something, when the disobedient machine, obstinate, too independent, tried to drive to the side of the grandmother.
All these feelings, to tell the truth,  were not very useful for the deal, and then the doggie in its turn afforded not to walk anywhere aside, but immediately to look  at the loud rider of the machine.
What did the small dog understand?
It became clear to this small one: the boy could not cope with the too independent  bicycle. And here anybody  cannot, with the exception of the brave dog, certainly.
If it will show its firm character, then will cope with the difficult deal. What does any dog know? The main thing just is the courage. To be afraid is unnecessary, and it will be better, when the dog in its turn will take and will frighten the impolite machine.
The small shaggy friend of the grandmother  has shaken up  its long ears. Thereafter it has safely rushed forward to frighten the bicycle.
The little dog barked angrily and strove to bite the iron pedal,  which dangled quite freely, very silly,  and herewith all iron of the machine afforded to call  impudently.
What did the disobedient machine  think  about? It is, certainly, the question, uneasy enough. But  Gregory  has thought just so:  the shaggy one has wished to snap the bicyclist for the heel.
-  Lag behind!  -  he has cried.
Naturally he had desire to shout:  lag behind,  or I shall give you a kick. However "kick" has seemed to him insufficiently decent in relation to the friend of the grandmother. And then Gregory has shouted in second time in another way:
-  Lag behind,  or I shall give you … something!
The little dog has paid no attention to him.
The shaggy one shook its ears,  it simply threw up itself for the rage. Why did this impolite two-wheeled machine try to drive into the grandmother?!
Having cried,  the pupil  of skillful Willy has not managed to banish the shaggy one, but something has happened with him. 
Gregory has not understood, what  miracle has happened. But if there was the strange carrousel in his head, now this carrousel has stopped suddenly.
Trees were already not mixed at him, in themselves they were now. In herself the grandmother went quickly along the lane. Also in themselves the stones reposed already on the black asphalt, all of them were calm.
As to the shaggy one with its ears...
It still jumped up near the wheels of the bicycle. Probably, it had not desire to refuse the thought to use its sharp white teeth for the defense of the grandmother.
Here it has happened  the strange deal. In themselves the legs of Gregory  have found the pedals of the machine. Thereupon they have begun to twist the pedals fast. More quickly and more quickly.
In themselves his hands have turned the rudder sideways.
It has been not clear, however it has happened so, Gregory has unfolded his awful machine and has gone for a drive to the side of his house.
All, that has occured in the lane, has occured unexpectedly, therefore the grandmother has been surprised strongly. What miracles can be created by any bicyclists!
It seems, the doggie has known about miracles nothing, it has trusted only its eyes, which have been black and herewith have been, as if the small beads. The shaggy one  has not been surprised.
It has begun to hasten after two-wheeled machine.
Has it threatened to bite someone? Of course, and how will you order to act in relation of ignoramuses, which have pedals and spokes, only there is no respect for the grandmother at boors?
What did Willy make at that time? If to run somewhere, he did not run; if to shout something, he did not shout.
Willy has simply opened his mouth from amazement.
Then he decided to break the silence.
-  As to the bicycling I am clever. That is the way to do it! - he  murmured, looking on   all these pirouettes of the younger brother.
In the end of his travelling Gregory has arrived not somewhere, but just nearer to the daddy.
In the meantime  something  occurred to the doggie. What exactly?   The shaggy one understood suddenly: it was impossible to leave the grandmother, alone and without any defence, for a long time on the street.
Having ceased to yelp, this small, but  faithful, friend has run back.
And as soon as this loud barking has stopped, again at the younger brother all around was  mixed: clever Willy, the  wooden thick log, any stones on the ground and any trees near the house.
The legs of Gregory have suddenly gotten away from the pedals. The hands have grasped the rudder with terrible force.
The assiduous two-wheeled machine has a little more passed and on eyes at the daddy has fallen heavily, as if it has decided not to go anywhere, but to that place.
The pupil of clever Willy has hidden the nose in the dust.
Having opened his eyes, Gregory has sneezed first of all:
-  Ugh, this dust! But I did it. I came home.
-  Yes, we came home,  -  the daddy could respire at last, and his relieving was visible enough.
Gregory has quickly risen and has  jumped away to the side from the machine with its disobedient pedals, with its disobedient rudder. He has run off, as if the bicycle could seize him and carry anywhere. Someplace to another girl. Or someplace to another grandmother.
-  Well! -  the daddy has waggled his head wistfully.  -  You have won your prize in the fair duel with the bicycle. I think, in due course you will manage … if you will wish … you can travel all over our remarkable Globe on the two-wheeled machine. Hold the prize, the traveller!
He has stretched to the desperate  bicyclist  the cake, which  has  been wrapped up in a piece of beautiful paper.
At once Willy has become cheerful.
-  I should get the good award. Give also, please, the greater sweet, -  the elder brother of Gregory said. He was not lazy now: had no desire to be tight-lipped, and if the skillful racer wanted something, then just to give needed prompting to the daddy immediately.
-  Well! -  the daddy said, and his tone was not clear.  -  However who are you?
-  The brother of Gregory,  -  Willy told in confusion.
-  It is good,  -  questions continued,  -  but who are you? After  all of this?
The skillful racer has started to think assiduously:
-  The brother has taken a seat a little better on the bicycle , then has gone, has gone. Then he, the whole and healthy, has arrived back. It means, I am the good teacher. I need the chocolate greater sweet.
The daddy has begun to doubt:
-  Do you think so? Of course, I observed some circus. But in my opinion there is another teacher here.
He noded to the side of the shaggy one, whose eyes were, as if the black beads. The grandmother had time to catch it and to lead to the house, herewith the doglead was already attached to its collar.
-  The good doggie!  I have to present something.  Go to me,  -  the daddy of the bicyclist has called the friend of the grandmother.
She has corrected reproachfully:
- It is not simply good. The small one is very good.
-  I am sorry, the pal of the grandmother!  -  he has said. Thereupon the daddy has thrown for the doggie his greater sweet.
Herewith he, of course, has taken off the wrapper in the beginning.
What has the shaggy one made now?
It has opened the mouth: has not missed its award.
Having caught, it has eaten the gift and has licked its lips.
-  You are kind very much, - with selfesteem the grandmother has thanked the owner of the  tasty sweet.
The small one, which has eaten the sweet, has disappeared, and the bicycle has remained with the children, and it has been good.

Yes, it is good, when you have the bicycle, which does not hurry up to disappear and is capable even to go around of the Earth. Around of the big, very beautiful  Globe, that needs to be loved. After all it will be not bad to love our Earth strongly, really, will not it? 
And if herewith you are always ready to be fair, to study   various sciences really, assiduously,  then everything, certainly … all is simply remarkable,  is not it the truth?               


There was the time, when the brothers Willy  and Gregory were able to travel only on their bicycle. But here they became more big, and  they could travel  around of the Globe by the plane once. The history has turned out a little bit strange. However it is better to tell about it, that has happened, under the order.
These brave boys, of course,  settled at once in the armchairs more conveniently. And they,  you  must understand it, did not forget to do up the fastened belts. The motors of the plane also did not forget to give the loud voice. It started to move  slowly along  the airstrip of the airdrome.
The stewardess in her turn has not forgotten to bring to the passengers of  sweets on the tray.
The lemondrops  are always necessary for the passengers. What for? All here have the right to suck them,  not to think about what bad, but only to look at clouds in the small windows and to feel themselves,  as if they are at home.
Giving lemondrops to the passengers, the stewardess did not become to spread wide her fingers. It has been made just by Gregory: he has more soon spread wide his fingers, has seized the whole handful of the entertainment at the kind mistress of the plane.
Then the younger brother of brave Willy has thrust to the own mouth  at once some tasty sugar candies.
Thereafter  he became to snuffle, to smack his lips with pleasure and to look at the ground  through the  round  glass.
Willy has done just so, how  it was necessary to the  passenger, clever enough and having selfesteem: he has taken only one sweet.
Maybe, somebody would wish to be immodest. Such, for example, as  here Gregory, who is always  ready to get sweets, to  snuffle and to smack his lips. However Willy does not like to be immodest. The elder brother knows,  that the passenger can do and that he can  make, not affording to hasten herewith.
The stewardess has passed to the end of the plane. Willy, sharp-witted and polite, has told to the brother, who sat nearby, wiggled and smacked his lips, that was sufficiently uncivilized for the passenger:
-  Is it  not the shame to you?  You have cleaned , it seems to me, almost  half of the tray!
The younger brother has become to shake the head. To that here he has demonstrated his full carelessness:
-  This is not uncultured. But somebody... if he has the wish to show his bad manners... let him speak loudly all, that he wants!
What will you tell here? To everyone it becomes uncomfortable, when beside sits such nimble Gregory.
And what has Willy, polite really, undertaken? He has decided to give the clever prompting, as it has been necessary for this careless passenger:
-  However what do people need to think of you?
-  They will think, that I am at all not against to eat something tasty.
There was no opportunity to tolerate these bad manners further. Willy even began to hiss from indignation:
-  It is the shame for the elder brother, such serious and such sharp-witted!  His younger  brother is the sweet tooth!
-  Sweet tooth?  Oh, you are quite right! - without any objections the brother has turned away.
Even a little of reasonable things you could not get of him.
Gregory has stared, having snuffled, just into another side.
He did not want to hear the elder brother and looked into the small remarkable round window, as though in the neighbourhood there was a usual square casement-window.
The plane  had  no desire to have a rest and was rolled out onto the wide air field strip. Here it has stopped, having rocked. Its motors have hooted more strongly.  The floor under the legs of the passengers  have begun to dodder: start, powerful bird!
The pilot has let off the brakes of the powerful machine, and from the start the winged greater bird has quickly rushed off, having speeded up with each second.
Willy and his not very clever brother have sunk in theirs armchairs.
Gregory  continued...yes, he made his careless deal: the younger brother smacked his lips.
This carelessness has not gone off, and the elder brother has thought:
« How can I  give some good lesson for this sweet tooth? »
The inscription was visible directly in front of the brothers on the wall: "Do not smoke".
Willy has pushed Gregory sideways :
-  Do you see?
-  What do I should see here?
-  Here now it is impossible to smoke.
Now Gregory did not look at the window any more. He has stared at the neighbour with indignation:
-  What's the matter!? Why do you disturb, do not permit me to look through  the window? I am not going to smoke!
-  What news!  He is not going to smoke. And you, the  younger brother, all the same need not to do various bad things in our  decent plane!
-  How can I smoke, when there is the sweet in the mouth at me … Here if somebody would  bring one more…
-   You are too clever! It is impossible to smoke.
-   So I …
-  Here I also speak: it is forbidden for all.
-  Cease! I know, that you know, that I do not love any tobacco fume.
-  All the same it is impossible to smoke.
The Fan of the sugar candies has said with grievance:
-  If you speak with your brother  just so,  then your brother shall  come off here from you necessarily.
-  What news else!?
-   I shall go and... I shall talk to the pilot…
-  Look at him! He will tell to the pilot something especial!
-  Yes, I do not endure any tobacco smoke at all. Therefore I shall ask  the heedful pilot to give me the whole tray of sweets. Is it  clearly to  you, the not very clever elder brother?
What should Willy, very clever and very brave,   make now?
-  Gregory,  -  he has told tenderly,  -  what  do you need to worry for? I shall go myself to the  cabin of the our decent plane. I shall ask there one candy to my younger brother. Sit, please, on the place.
That has muttered discontentedly:
- One? It is a little for me. Have you spoiled my mood? I am not silly, strong enough and courageous. And you have tried …well,  to correct my mood, it will be necessary... ten... no, twenty pieces!
It remained to Willy nothing, how to be surprised. He, of course,  took and was surprised:
-  Twenty sweets? It is a lot  so, that it can not be placed in the head at me. If you want... you have the right to recieve  the sandwich, which I have taken with myself to the long road.
Then nothing remained  to Gregory,  how to take offence. He, certainly, has taken offence:
-  Your words are silly. However I ... Am not I sharp-witted?! Be sure, I am not silly. Someone knows exactly, that  he is clever and very courageous. Therefore someone shall come  to the pilot. Yes, I shall go immediately into thе cabin of the plane and …
Gregory has pushed away the Willy's hand with the sandwich,  and  then he has directed, without thinking twice,  to the  decent cabin of this decent plane.
The sandwich has fallen, has flown to the floor.
Willy has jumped.
What was it necessary to do now? Only to seize the younger brother for the sleeve and to try to calm down the infringer of the order:
-  Do not distract the pilot. You will squabble, and the pilot will drop the plane.  Then our  strong bird will fall, as if a stone, to the ground.
-  Why will he want to drop it? I shall tell,  that it will be better not to drop.
The   brother has escaped. Willy was not kept on his legs. He has fallen down after the sandwich.
How did he come to be near the armchair?  It has happened very quickly, and it has been very well, because to be under the armchair would be not very well.
There was the curtain in front of Gregory. It blocked the input into the cabin and was dense, black, all in  long folds. That, who could break any order,  immediately disappeared  behind it.
Now it was necessary to operate resolutely. Willy has jumped and has rushed after the younger brother. After this disobedient  brother, who was the sweet tooth and could arrange any accident, because of his carelessness.
There was nobody behind the velvet heavy curtain.
And if there was available something, then only a heap of doors.
One of them has led to the left, another just to the right, the third has  led not somewhere, but straight.
For Willy... where to hasten to? 
Could you, for example,  think here quickly?
He has decided to glance to the right in the beginning.  Here Willy has seen the stewardess.
She began just to lay  meal for the passengers on beautiful plates.
-  Good morning!  -  Willy told to her as soon as possible.  -  Did not 
the brother come to you?
That at once has postponed the plate aside, has smiled by the good smile to the good person:
-  Was he in a blue jacket?  Was he with greater ears? I did not see him. The boy was not present here. 
-  Whence do you know this disobedient passenger?  In fact you did not see him. Is not it so?
-   I have noticed both of you earlier. The brother has liked our sugar candies. Is it correctly?
Willy has told with affliction:
-  It would be better... if they would be not too tasty.
And here he has decided to go to another door.
He has got into the cabin, warm and cosy, where the concentrated pilot twisted the steering wheel of the winged machine. That not simply has twisted, but has done everything, that has been required in the flight.
What now was it required? Just everything it was, that the plane flew directly, that did not shirk aside and did not fall anywhere.
The commander of the mighty plane cared of this all. He respected with his work very much and was not going to pay attention to the brother of Gregory.
But near to the pilot there was the second pilot, and that at once told to the visitor:
-  Here any strangers have the right to be never.
Willy, brave and sharp-witted, has quickly inspected that spacious and beautiful accomodation of the plane, where it was necessary to sit to the  pilots and to twist the steering wheel. 
Where is the younger brother here? He was not in the cabin.
Only two men are in front of the room's glasses. Under big glasses  electric multi-coloured bulbs burned, arrows in devices shook. But where in that case was the disobedient brother of the visitor?
The curtailed parachute  lays in a niche. 
There is the parachute here,  but Gregory is not present, and anybody of strangers is not hidden in the spacious accomodation.
« Well! -  Willy has begun to reflect.  -  We shall continue searches. This sweet tooth, probably, is behind the third door now. Behind that, which conducted not to the right, but just to the left. »
He has left the cabin of the pilots, has pulled the handle of the third door. That has widely swung open, and  in the doorway  there was  … what? The sky was there only.
The sun has shone above the small cloud, under the plane other little white clouds have swum not too quickly.
Also in the rift between clouds there were fields and meadows, and they were not white, but very green.
The Whirlwind hardly has not taken out the very cultural passenger to the clouds.
However Willy, in addition,  was the sharp-witted chap. For a minute he has not become puzzled, but at once the elder brother of  Gregory, who has been the not cultural sweet tooth,  has grasped the door with adroitness.
Blow, blow, the wind, how many you will wish! There is not present such boy here, that to call to the aid in panic.
The door can  be closed.
Searches can be continued.
The courageous passenger has grinned. Thereafter he has made the step back, has  pulled for the handle of the door at ease.
The door has obediently slammed.
The lock has clicked. But Willy has managed to see  though  in the rift  between clouds ... whom? Of course, there has been not someone there, but just not cultural Gregory.
« Here it is hokus-pokus! - Willy has guessed at once. - The brother has jumped out  by mistake: has wished to get more quickly to the pilot in the  cabin, to his sweets. Also now the hastened, this disobedient Gregory,  has fallen out of the plane. »
What should the elder brother, clever and brave,  make?  To shout to the stewardess? While she will search the hastened Gregory in the clouds, while will arrange … no, it is useless to call her for the aid.
It is necessary for adventurous Willy to operate without hesitation. It seems, in the cabin of the pilots there was the niche, in it the parachute was.
The elder brother has rushed to the pilots, has seized it, that was found in the niche.
Therewith he has not forgotten to explain sufficiently in a cultured way:
  -  Excuse me! I shall take from you one little thing. On the small minute.
Willy, whose bravery also was great, as ingenuity,  has safely run with the  parachute to the door, which has led directly to the sky.
And here he has jumped out  without unwanted thoughts. Above his
head the silvery  belly of the departing winged machine has flashed.
Willy, whose bravery also was great, as ingenuity,  has  run with the  parachute fast to the door, which has led directly to the sky.
And here he has jumped out  without unwanted thoughts. Above his
head the silvery  belly of the departing winged machine has flashed.
Was Willy one in the sky?
He just was not alone: there was  the brother far below, and that floundered, trying to catch white clouds. They floated  there, where wanted, and all of them were fluffy, simply weightless.
Certainly, the poor younger brother could not seize anything. At will of a case it was possible to fall, fall, fall only.
-  Hey!  - The brave Willy has loudly called him.  -  Extend your hands. Make the legs more wide. Try to soar!
The Gregory's shout has reached him. It was frightened, weak:
-  What? I do not hear! In ears something whistles!
-  Didn't you understand!?  -  the clever rescuer continued to teach.  -  It is not necessary to fly, as if you are a stone. It is necessary to fly, as if you are a glider.
Gregory has heard, has made, as it has been necessary. He has placed the legs, the hands more widely. The falling, certainly, was slowed down. However Willy,  it was on the contrary,  compressed in the lump to fly more quickly.
By the stone the adventurous brother has flown downwards. The singing in his ears has become more strong. Now it was possible to come nearer to the  brother, who flew, as if he was a glider or the winged bird.
He has caught up:  has gotten to this flying glider, has caught up very fast!
Both continued their flight to the ground. Willy  held this uncultured brother, this poor confused Gregory.
The younger brother, who has forgotten about the sweets, has shouted something, did not it?
Oh, yes! He made it!
-  We are falling! -  Gregory shouted  -  We shall  get be broken  now!
And what did the rescuer speak, who was exclusively courageous and remarkably sharp-witted?
-  Excuse, if I have pushed you. Be assured, it will be all right,  -  he declared.  -  Quietly!  Without the panic. Keep for me more strong.
However Gregory continued to shout:
-  Ah, I Am afraid! Oh, I am  afraid!
What did Вилли make? It is clear, for him it remained only to sigh reproachfully:
-  It is a pity, but you are not brave.
The ground came nearer.
The courageous rescuer has pulled the ring of the parachute. Above brothers the huge dome was uncovered, having closed the sky. White clouds  disappeared, all above became orange under color of the silk cloth of the parachute.
Parachuters  have flown to a wood.
-  Dear Willy, I thank you,  -  the sweet tooth has told.  Gregory  remained without sugar candies and without the cosy armchair in the plane,  therefore he decided to be more clever.  -  I shall begin to respect with you now.
The brave brother has grinned:
- See! He has gotten at it!
Gregory has plaintively asked:
-  Make, please, that we have fallen on a blank place. What  to us a wood for?
- What to you a blank place for?
-  There are any knarred trees in this wood. I am afraid to tear my new jacket.
By tone of  the winner Willy has told:
- All right. There will be no trees to you.
He has pulled the lines of the parachute, and that has begun to move them both aside the opened glade.
Thereafter the elder, such remarkably sharp-witted, brother has started to tighten other lines, and here ahead a big haystack has happened. Descent has turned out safe, soft, and the parachute has covered them, as if a blanket.
Willy has opened eyes, has risen. In a window the apple-tree of the grandfather has been seen. Who  does work there under the green tree since morning? It seems, there has been the grandfather in the garden.
On the next bed the brother laid, loudly snuffled in the dream.
-  Hey! - Willy has pushed Gregory. - It is healthy! We remarkably have done some flying. It has been pleasant to me.
-  He flies! - Gregory has drowsily murmured.  -  Here tomorrow  I shall wake you. In the middle of night.  Then you will know!
-  He will wake  up me,  -  Willy said.  -  Well! But all the same I am the most brave!

Such history has happened this night. There are no doubts, that histories can happen different. You can go by a bicycle around of the Globe, even can fly by the plane around of the Earth.
Only it would be desirable to tell: when  you fly above the Globe, remember, that billions eyes look at you. Whose are they? Eyes of people, both animals, and birds, all of them look, and everyone is afraid, that anything bad can happen. It is not necessary to argue too strongly. Be friends, please! Protect all.
