The third son of the tigress

/ The story on motives of  ancient legends /

In folklore of southern Asia you will meet a lot of legends about Hanuman, ape-like and not beef-witted.  There this monkey is courageous  and  astute,  even is able to fly, as Hanuman is the strong and fast son of the Wind.
But there is also another story about  Hanuman. The tsar of monkeys is occurred with an idea to quarrel. He, crafty and artful, wants to be at war with people. This overlord wishes to appropriate their houses and the processed fields with crops.
Now Hanuman is not against to make all of them, men and women, by the essences both inutile, and insignificant. What has it turned out as a result?
About it you can know from the age-old narration, which is also the remarkable story about a life of jungle. Together with ancient people of Asia you receive possibility to reflect: are people really inutile essences, which are knowing nothing about mutual assistance? Do not really all  -  and the humanism, and faithful love, and infallibility in friendship  -  do not really all make people everywhere on the Earth by clever and by strong,  by very dignified creations?

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Simian tsar Hanuman was childless. And one monkey, his old cunning aunt, has told:
-  Look at him. He has not acquired children! I am surprised, are you tsar or not? Steal the child at the woman in the village. Bring up him, as your son. He will grow …
That has become angry:
-  Be silent, the old one! You are too impudent. Your life is long, but you are brainless. He will grow and will become the tsar instead of me.
- Very well...  if he will be your son! Inhabitants of the village are able to do various needed things, and he will teach monkeys to do everything. It is not bad, if monkeys can make swords, can grow up fig.  We shall be more strong, will become most rich. And then we shall banish the inhabitants from the village. Houses and crops will be ours.
-  It seems to me, the old one has thought up well,  -  Hanuman has perked.
He has scratched to himself the hirsute breast, then has begun to rub rigid hair
on the  thick hips. It became pleasant to him.
Thereafter he  has scratched the hip of the old monkey:
- Hey, you! It should be cheerful  for you, because to me it is good .
- Oh, it  is cheerful very much! - the cunning monkey has understood immediately to give a laugh. - Hee-hee-hee!
-  You has given correct advice, the old cheat! I shall not punish you.
-  I have tried to cater to the tsar.  Hee-hee-hee!
Hanuman has struck himself  straight to the hairy resounding breast. It has responded, as a loud drum, which usually convokes inhabitants of the village for a holiday.
-  Hey, my  subjects ! - the hirsute tsar has begun to vociferate. - Do you hear me?  Do you know, that I am mighty?
-  We hear, we know, the  all-powerful overlord , - the monkeys, jumping on branches, have begun to shout,  to squeak loudly.
Also that has occurred to them: they have started to sit down on trees by strings and  to reward with punches each other.  For what? In order that all of them without exception have begun to listen to words of the great tsar more attentively.
-  All must submit to mighty Hanuman! - the monkey shouted and gave slap into the face to the neighbour on the right.
That vociferated  in the answer very loudly:
-  It is necessary to obey the great tsar!
And what did another start, vociferating loudly, to effectuate then? Certainly, the monkey distributed punches to the left and to the right with diligence. Such surprising orders were in this empire.
Hanuman, wich has settled down,  as if on a throne,  in the deep divarication of the huge tree, has cried on all jungle:
-  I shall go to the village and bring the boy into our jungle . You will help me to bring up him as my son, and he will be tsar of monkeys. Who will tell a word against my desire, at once  that will depart downwards, on the ground. Hungry tigers wander there. Who does wish to get into some terrible mouth with big teeth?
- I do not want! - each monkey shouted.
And everyone gave slap to the face of the neighbour. Bedlam was awful. Subjects of the tsar cried and tussled. Great Hanuman could be happy enough. His citizens were obedient extremely and peaceable marvellously: any of monkeys has not dared to disobey.
The childless tsar did not begin to throw down anybody from trees on the ground. Jumping from a branch to a branch, he has reached an outskirt of dense thickets. In front of him  the small silent village has opened.
Inhabitants worked in the field at some distance. Along the street, it was only one here, children ran, playing.
The tsar of monkeys did not love any dogs at all. And he has sniffed discontentedly, when has seen, that from behind of houses two dogs have jumped out straight to the middle of the street.
Do not wait for the good one from them, the inhabitant of the jungle!
He has grumbled, has hidden from them behind a dense bush. It will be better, seems, if he will come nearer to other side of the settlement.
Having  hidden in the shadow of trees, childless tsar of monkeys has run to another side of the village. And here near one house he has seen the young mother with the child.
Why to not steal him?
Certainly, the dogs could consider in theirs village:  kidnapping  is not the most good employment for dwellers of the jungle.
But for the overlord of monkeys in that day any successful acquirement could not be superfluous. All the more the voice at the kid was very loud. To the future tsar it will be useful just to have the exacting voice in jungle, will not it?
Hanuman has jumped out of bushes. Having pushed away the mother, he has seized the little boy, quickly has rushed off away.
-  My son! I think, he is very clever! - Hanuman shouted  loudly, making the way among  bushes and trees.
-  Listen! Our noble tsar speaks! - monkeys  have started to scream  and  to beat with enthusiasm  each other.
A tigress with two tiger cubs went out of the thicket. She was dissatisfied with noise. Her cubs twisted heads in fright.
Eyes at the tigress became red, angry. What do these loud neighbours on the jungle allow to themselves!? Deafening bedlam has broken quietness and after-dinner rest of her kids.
-  The valley of tigers is here incidentally, - she has told . - I would advise you to leave somewhere far away.
-  Go away you! - infringers of silence and calmness have cried.
The tigress, words not speaking,  has shown them big sharp teeth.
Monkeys have run away in the panic. Their fear was great:  on heedlessness they have brought down Hanuman from the tree.
That has departed downwards, on the ground.
He has not wanted to get in teeth of tigers, and what has the great tsar made? He has began to catch on branches of the tree.
Also what has turned out then? Hanuman has dropped the child.
Who has caught him? The tigress has. Her cubs have ceased to twist heads in fright, they have approached more close to the mother and with interest have began to consider the village boy.
Having considered him, they have started to rollick, to jump around:
- Is it possible to play with him?
- No doubt, you can play,  -  the tigress has told.  -  Thereafter I allow to eat this capture of Hanuman, as you have remained without a dinner because of these too noisy monkeys.
The small tigers has liked the boy, and they have not killed him. He
has remained in the family of huge silvan cats. The tigress was to support her kids, she did it, of course, and she began to feed this boy in the same way.
Now always, when she brought any prey, divided it for three her kids.
Monkeys wished to steal the boy, and they sneaked up  to  the den of the tigress. Time, and another time, and another time.
That was, but it was impossible to steal the child: the mistress of the den banished artful visitors. Who will want to insist drudgingly, to argue with her too hard?
She was not very placid, very obedient. Not a punch to you will be given by this tigress,  she can seize you without ceremony and …
To put it briefly, any monkey would not like to become the prey of the tigress.
Then great Hanuman was to her.
The childless tsar of monkeys has decided to forget about his pride. He asked to return to him the rural boy.
- I shall give you half of my empire,  - Hanuman told to the tigress.  - You must think: half!
-  Your kingdom  is on tops of palm trees and on banana bushes, - she has answered.  -  For us, big cats of the jungle, it is uncomfortable there, where it will be comfortable for all of you. We live on the ground. Branches are not necessary to my children, it is inconvenient  to run and to jump on the trees.
The monkeys, which were sitting on branches at some distance, started to jump and to shout:
-  It is very convenient!
Hanuman wailed in anger:
-  The strong and stately tsar is in front of you! Give me the boy, because he  belongs to me, the mighty overlord of monkeys! Or it will become bad for you!
-  You should take into account: I am the tigress,  - she answered.  -  Now at me there are three sons, who live in this valley together with me.
Hanuman would not be the tsar,  if  would not be able to use cunnings. This regal clever sly  has pretended immediately, that he has not understood the words of the mistress of the valley.
-  I know, to whom I talk. Then … when will you return my boy?  - He has asked softly. Yes, herewith this mighty tsar took pains, that to speak kindly, and now his voice was very peaceful.
However it was not possible for him to deceive the prudent mother. She, having struck by her tail  the ground and herewith having shown big sharp teeth,  has repeated:
-  I have three sons, you have heard already. And as to the superfluous  one… It is  present nobody at me. I think, you understand it. Understand also: if you will not leave from our valley, it becomes bad for you!
-  I shall go nowhere without the boy.
« What disobedient he, this tsar of monkeys! », - the tigress has thought.
What did she need to do? She began to invite leopards, as they were able to clamber up branches of any trees quite well.
- Banish Hanuman!
Monkeys were afraid of leopards, though these silvan cats were not such big, as tigers. Can really anybody be concealed from them on a palm tree? Also nobody will not manage to hide behind a banana bush. Citizens of Hanuman have begun to squeal in fright.
He, pushing away them, rushed off into the thicket of jungle, after him the brood of his citizens, shouting and screeching, run off.  All of them were cleaned from the valley. 
What was further?
When the new sonny became bigger, the tigress has told to him:
-  I shall call you Bajga.
-  Well, our dear housemother,  -  the boy has answered obediently.  -  I shall know. My name is Bajga.
And when the boy from the village became the more big, four of them went... where to? All of them went once to the thicket to hunt: the mother of all family, also two young sons and Байга, who decided to learn at the tigress and wished to be now the strong and dexterous hunter.
Why should not they hunt together, if  there is a lot of any prey in the jungle? If are all huge silvan cats just true-born hunters? If is the third son of the housemother  not against to gladden his family by the fresh prey?               
Bajga is glad.  Now the tigers became to  trust to him. And he can catch together with all, for example, a deer. So, what does he make? The third son of tigress jumps up with pleasure, and his brothers understand him well: they rollick too.
They want to show to the mother: here such they are dexterous and strong! Such they are fast!
-  I ask my dear triplet to be more silent,  -  the tigress has told.  -  Any hunting does not love even some noise and, of course, cheerful jumpings. You need to lay here, in thicket. I shall chase a deer for you. When you will see it, at once my dexterous and fast sons should catch this deer. Just the lawful prey will be in front of you.
And, certainly, it has happened so, that the regardful mother of the big family has tracked down a deer soon. Having frightened the prey, she has run after it. The tigress has directed this timid deer  aside the thicket, where the ambush has hidden.
Herewith she tried not to hasten: let the prey run away not too quickly.
All was counted up so, how it was necessary for the housemother. Now it is time for her children to catch any deer just singly, without assistance, and they should jump out in time from the ambush and seize the prey, should not they?
Hunting in the jungle is always the deal both difficult, and cunning. Here it is necessary to study diligently.
Three brothers will make correctly, if will learn to catch a deer, which will  run not quickly. Thereafter they will understand, how to catch the prey, fleet-footed and cunning, and in the further they should catch all in any succession, as the real hunters have no right to be slow and not artful.
Yes, the tigress managed to make so: it was noticed by the young hunters, how the prey ran, and two brothers of Bajga jumped and seised  this deer, which ran not very fast.
To catch the one, who had not big artfulness, was easy for them. There were strong paws and sharp tusks at them.
As to Bajga... at him there were no paws, no sharp teeth,  which could help to seize the prey quickly and fixedly.
-  My third son! Poor Bajga,  -  the tigress has told.  -  You will starve in our jungle. Never you can procure to yourself food, how your brothers make it. I do not want, that  you would perish, when will grow and will leave me. The help to you is necessary immediately. And I shall make for my third son here so: I shall bring an iron tooth for him.
Yes, it was impossible to hesitate. And she has gone to the village, where a skilful smith has resided.
All inhabitants worked in the field. Only he one worked, not departing from his bugle: this master of hammer basted and basted by his big hammer on the anvil.
The tigress has entered into the hot forge, where the rural master knocked loudly, and has stopped in doors:
-  I shall not go off from here, till you will not be able to make the good bow and sharp arrows for my dear son.
The smith was surprised:
-  I do not trust my ears!
-  Believe more soon. The iron tooth, which can fly quickly and far, is necessary to us.
-  So far tigers were capable  to manage with theirs deals without a flying tooth. Cannot they manage now really without an arrow with an iron tip?
-  It seems to me, you wish to argue with me. Is not it so?
-  Be sure, it is not a bit so!
Certainly, it is better for the smith not to object.
He was able to guess:  if you will refuse to work, the terrible visitor will eat you.
Therefore... the master of the hammer!  Be clever! Make  the bow more soon! 
And soon he has given his work to the unexpected guest, to the tigress from the jungle. She  has received in addition also sharp arrows with iron tips.
-  The visitor of the jungle can take all, that is necessary. Only one question: whether is it possible for the tigress to leave more quickly from here? Soon my neighbours will come from the field. Or is there the desire at the visitor to frighten them too strongly?
-  At me there was the desire just to receive … However, now I have everything, that was necessary for my son. I thank you and go off.
The smith has not had time to wink by his eye:  the guest of the jungle has run away.
The tigress carried away the gifts and thought herewith:
« Now any prey cannot run off from my third son Bajga. The deer, certainly, is able to rush though here, though there, but  everywhere  the light-footed one will be caught up: the flying iron tooth will overtake in any case. Since this day Bajga will have eating always. »
She, very joyful  and glad,  has brought the weapon of the hunter to her third son.
-  Here, dear Bajga,  -  the tigress has told,  -  the bow and the arrows are just for you. There are not they at my adroit first son with his sharp teeth,  at my adroit second son with his sharp teeth. But now all my three sons will be the adroit hunters with sharp teeth, I am sure.
Yes, both the arrows and the bow are not necessary for two tigers with sharp teeth, for two brothers of Bajga.  But the weapon of the hunter will be useful to him very much.
He began immediately to shoot,  and one wild goose fell in marshy thickets, then another goose fell and another... The young archer managed to obtain a lot of food for all family.
In addition he  has spoored a deer. Without long reflections  the light-footed one was thrown down by him with help of the arrow, which had the sharp iron tip. The hoard of the meal should be for the family, because soon it will be the drought  in the valley  and all wildfowl will go hastily to the far river.
The tigress is glad: such dexterous hunter will not die on the reason of starvation, also he will support the family though during rainy times, though in long rainless days.
There were times more good for the jungle and less good, and there was Bajga the fine strong chap. It is necessary to find now the wife for him.
- I wish you to marry,  -  the tigress has said.
-  Very well, but  I hope, that the bride will be nice for me.
-  Maybe, will my son agree to tell to his mother: what wife would be nice for him?
-   Only the daughter of the raja is necessary to me. I have seen her once. My dreams are about her,  I think only about such wife.
-  Where have you got acquainted with her?
-  We are not familiar. All was simply: servants carried the daughter of the raja in the palankeen on the road. How was it for me not to notice her beauty? I have noticed, of course,  the girl. And now I meet her in my dreams frequently.
-  I have understood you,  -  the housemother has told.
She has told so and has solved herewith:
« I should go there, to this road. It is necessary for me to wait, when again servants will carry the daughter of the raja in the palankeen.  I need to steal her. Why? Never the raja will allow to his daughter  to be the wife of my dear son. »
The mistress of the valley has gone to obtain the wife for the third son.
Two tigers, two brothers of Bajga, have gone together with her. They knew, that the good help is necessary to the mother. Servants of the raja are well armed,  and it can be rather bad  to the housemother from their iron swords.
The ambush was settled by all of them near the road. Now they should wait, when the procession will go, when servants will carry the girl in the palankeen.And what had Bajga to do?
The successful hunter needed to go... where to?
Certainly, he has started to hunt, because has been able to make very well just it. And, of course, Bajga did not mishit, he managed to hit a big wild boar.
He shouldered the prey, carried it home.
Suddenly he sees: the greater brood of monkeys runs towards to him.
All of them shout as usual, and there is the big fight among loudmouthed monkeys.
Perhaps, someone among these forest inhabitants  knew, why one should beat another necessarily. However Bajga did not know, besides it was difficult for him to understand, what was necessary to them from him.
He has told to them:
-  If you wish to speak with me, I have to ask you to speak not so loudly, not simultaneously, and herewith you should try not to fight among themselves.
Nothing has remained to them,  how to be calmed down, and one of blusterers, who has been thick and important, has told:
-  Great and mighty Hanuman, the tsar of monkeys, has sent us to you. He ordered to bow. There is the urgent deal at us, and we wish to speak with you.
Here messengers of Hanuman have begun to scream, also they have tussled on the custom.
Each monkey invoked another  for the obligatory diligence.
-  Stop to fight, - Bajga has said. - Speak better, what   precisely has brought today you to me.
The thick monkey, with importance akimbo, has told:
-  I am your bride!
Bajga was surprised, but thought a little and solved: it was not necessary to be surprised. It will be better, if the successful hunter will tell to these cheerful inhabitants of jungle something strictly:
-  Yours Hanuman decided to joke, probably. I do not love such jokes.
-  You are silly very much! You do not understand anything!  -  all monkeys screamed.
Bajga has thought a little again, then has solved: the strict hunter should take now his arrow,  his bow and... 
The messengers of Hanuman  guessed, that this hunter was not disposed to listen to theirs screams.
They have rushed away as soon as possible, have hidden among leaves of palm trees.
Therefrom, from behind the tree trunk, the thick and important monkey has cried out:
-  Great and mighty Hanuman does not joke. He will give you his kingdom, all kingdom of monkeys, if you will marry me. Because I am his niece. Be pleased! You
will become the tsar.
Bajga did not want to become the simian overlord. If he wanted something, then just to speak earnestly and not more.
That is why his words were judicious and not more.
-  Citizens of the monkeyish empire! Permit me to give the advice. It is the splendiferous  thing for loud subjects of Hanuman, as it is better now  to be calm and to go off from here. I am the son of the tigress, it is known to you. And I do not wish to be yours tsar.
The niece of Hanuman has laughed deafeningly. All brood after her has started to laugh and to jump here and there on trees.
It was a lot of noise. And what did all of them shout about?
-  Bajga is silly. He knows nothing! It is not known to him,  he is the son of the rural woman.
The thick monkey, which had the will to be the bride, shouted most loudly:
-  You were brought up by the tigress. But the son of the woman  has to understand us! Great Hanuman has stolen you, slow-witted Bajga. Our overlord is very wise! On his favour now you should  become the tsar of monkeyish empire. The rural boy appeared in the paws of the tigress by chance. She, this simple tigress,  appropriated you merely,  though you  belonged to monkeys.
-  You are ours all the same! Bajga is ours!  -  the brood has shouted. - Come back to us!
-  Nobody can appropriate me,  -  Bajga has told proudly.  -  I am the hunter, who has the  flying teeth. They are sharper, than teeth of tigers. Hasten to go off!
But  terrible bedlam was risen immediately.
And what should the hunter do now? He has recollected about his bow, has taken the arrow and has begun to pull the bowstring .
The noise did not abate, and then Bajga decided to aim by the arrow at the fat monkey, who was main in the brood.
She has jumped aside with squeal, has run away. Monkeys have understood: now to bluster would not be necessary. But to rush together with the fat niece of the tsar, and to run far away, and to dodge from the arrow... oh, just it will be very useful for each of them.
The niece of Hanuman shouted to the hunter, who had no desire to be her groom:
-  You will regret, the silly Bajga!
At this time the tigress and two her sons have lain in bushes, they have been patient and have looked attentively at the road,  where the bride of Bajga has strolled usually.
Certainly, it was necessary for them to have something in hoard.
-  My dear sons!  -  the housemother has told.  -  Patience is the thing, which should be always at you in hoard. What daughter of raja would want to have a walk on the road all day long? Therefore we have to expect quietly.
But here it was the happy occasion  to see the procession at last.
Fifteen servants accompanied the palankeen. They have been going in front and behind the girl, their swords have been bare.
There was the daughter of the overlord of local territories in the palankeen. Musicians delighted her ears by game on tools. Servants  strewed the girl with petals of roses, and she  was very glad: the smile was on her face.
Probably, dreams carried away her a long way off.
However what did she dream about?
« It would be reasonably for her to think about  marriage,  -  mother of Bajga solved.  -  Do not worry, the girl. It will be good  here all. »
-  Whether will not the wife of Bajga be too spoilt? - one of his brothers has asked.
-  For wedding we, of course, shall try to bring a few roses,  -  another brother has told.  - But servants… they will not be present all the same in the jungle for her.
-  I believe,  it is possible to live not bad at us,  -  the tigress has objected.  - There is the full order with flowers in our jungle. And if the young wife will want, she can have a lot of roseate petals in order that to strew herself. Will you begin to argue with me?
Two brothers agreed:
-  Every day we see any flowers. Let her cull to strew herself!
When the procession has come nearer, the housemother has asked:
-  Are you ready, my sensible sons?
-  We are ready,  -  the answer was.
The tigress has jumped out of the thicket. What did she do further? She, big and strong, has gone to servants slowly, has shown her terrible teeth.
Those have wanted to rush to her with swords, but the stop has happened :  also two tigers have been going after her and have shown theirs teeth herewith.  Oh, here someone will feel, that suddenly legs refuse to move!
All this trinity had very big teeth, but in addition each tiger had very loud and terrible voice. Now the stop was not present. Servants have abandoned swords and have rushed off as soon as possible. The first was the abdominous headman of safeguarding, he bolted faster, than all servants. And then, as monkeys,  they have begun to scramble on trees.
-  Did I send you really there to?  -  the daughter of the raja  shouted.  -  Come here immediately and protect me!
-  She is right,  - this potbelly, the  headman of safeguarding,  has told to his subordinates.  -  However there are no tigers on trees. Therefore it is better for us to remain there, where we are settling down now.
All were silent.
Only tops of palm trees shivered, because fifteen servants of the girl, who have unanimously lost the swords, shivered.
The girl looked at servants, thereafter looked at tigers and decided to close eyes, as there was nothing of the good one for her.
The terrible trinity has come nearer and has stoped. Nobody of tigers has pounced on the defenceless girl. All of them waited, when small crannies of her eyes would be bigger.
The daughter of raja has opened eyes widely.
-  Is something necessary to you from me, dear lords of the jungle?
The mother of Bajga has said politely:
-  Esteemed daughter of the raja! I brought the news. And for you there is
something, sufficiently interesting.
-  What do tigers mean?  -  the girl has opened her eyes more widely
-  You should go with us to find out it, - the mother  of Bajga has told.
-  So, I have to go to the jungle. But you must know in any case:  it is not so interesting for me!
-  Our mother is big and strong, - one of her sons has given the prompting to the girl.
-  Yes, and she, big and strong, does not love moreover, when someone gets into dispute with her, - another has told.
Did the daughter of the raja rush off now to the father’s palace? Certainly, there was no desire to go far away to the jungle without servants, however it was impossible to disobey, and she has gone after tigers.
When they have come home, the tigress has told to the girl:
-  You must not be afraid here at us.
The daughter of raja has solved to be proud and has answered so:
-  I am not afraid at all!
-  It is very good.  And I can make a clean breast of it: the daughter of the raja is capable to be likable very much. As I am the housemother,  it will be warrantable for me to proclaim: today  you  will become the wife of my son.
The girl has started to reflect:
“Any news can be always… interesting or not. I shall be the wife of her son. Such news can be not interesting for me at all.”
The housemother has seen, that the daughter of the raja has become pensive, and therefore has decided to remind:
-  You have promised not to be afraid. Is it correctly?
-  Certainly,  -  the girl continued to be proud.  -  Nobody will eat me!
Grooms, to tell the truth, seemed to her not attractive. They had very big sharp-witted teeth. Also they had  huge  sharp and tenacious claws. With help of these sharp-witted teeth and claws they could eat anybody.
-  It was the time, when I had two sons , - the tigress has told. -  Then the unexpected addition has happened, and  three sons has appeared at me.  The third was called by me Bajga. Here he goes. This son, by the way, is the very good hunter. It will be easy for him always to support his family. He saw you once on the road. Since that day  his strong wish was to be your groom.
The girl has thought:
« If there are too big teeth, too big claws at this remarkable hunter, all the same it will be for me the news, quite not interesting and even superfluous. »
Bajga has come nearer, having trodden hard, because the wild boar on his shoulders has been  just very bulky.
When the young man has approached, he has thrown down his prey from the strong shoulders not in front of the mother, but just to the legs of the daughter of the raja.
-  Here it is.
“Oh,  -  the tigress has thought,  -  it seems to me,  there is  present no slipup
in the family of tigers. We have led home just the girl, who is very nice for Bajga!”
And what did the girl think now, when the news became more interesting?
She looked at the hunter and saw: the strong, dexterous, courageous young man was in front of her. In the palace of her father there were not such young men at all. He was very strong and beautiful, this Bajga, who was grown by the tigress in the jungle. As to teeth and claws, they were  more decent, than there were at his two brothers. And if to tell more precisely, they were quite good and even very suitable for the fine groom.
- I agree to be the wife of your son, - the girl has told to the housemother and, having blushed, has closed her face by the edge of her silk shawl.
Two brothers were glad. One of them said, that Bajga is the  hunter, well-aimed and notably successful.  Also ducks, whom he brings, are always thick and very tasty.
Another noted speedily: for him  it would be better always  to eat any wild boar, whom Bajga is ready to bring. Therefore if to take and to consider, one wild boar is good, however two are more good!
What could the girl think? It could be only that:  I have the sufficiently  interesting news in addition! These tigers are awfully hungry!
But here Bajga has cried joyfully:
-  My dear mother! I go immediately to hunt!  I must bring ducks and one
wild boar moreover. My brothers consider, that it is necessary to have a lot of meal for the bridal.
The tigress has agreed. Now it will be not bad to have a lot of any tasty food for the guests.   If the feast is necessary, then it can be surely!
-  Well, you go on hunting.  And I with your brothers will take care of a  tent, beautiful silk and sufficiently stable, for your future wife.
Bajga has gone far away into the jungle, has started there to shoot the wildfowl, as it, of course, has been   necessary  to settle the feast, ungrudging and tasty,  for tigers and for leopards, which have lived in the valley.
In this time the housemother and two her reasonable merry sons have directed their legs … where to?  The trinity with big teeth and big claws,  all these mighty tigers have gone to the palace of the raja. Just there to, where there has been the silk tent, beautiful and stable enough. Let it gladden the wife of Bajga each day!
What have the funky servants made, having recurred to the palace of the raja?
They just began to narrate to their overlord, how bravely they protected the girl from onfall of tigers. Not less, than hundred tigers were on the road!
Cowards did not wait to see again the housemother of  tigers. All of them were frightened very much. Where did they rush away to? There were any nooks in the palace. The servants, who were  poor-spirited and not candid,  wanted to be hidden immediately.
Yes, they wanted to be there straightway, and all of them appeared straightway there, in various nooks. Herewith cowards could afford cries:
-  Save! Help! Animals are hungry again! They came to us to  have the
new prey!
In the meantime the mother of Bajga approaches to the owner of the palace and speaks:
- Do not worry, the esteemed one! Your daughter will be alive. But grief will be to you, if you will want to banish me. Also if you will lead the soldiers into the valley of tigers. Also if you will not allow to take for your daughter the beautiful silk tent. So,  respected overlord, who has remained without servants, whether do you try to understand me?
-  I do, -  the raja has answered.
-  It is quite well, the owner of beautiful things in the palace!  My sons take only one thing, that is necessary for us, and thereafter  we go home.
The brothers of Bajga have taken the silk tent and have carried away it to the jungle.
And the servants of the raja …
How not to continue the terrible stories about tigers? What did they need to make, if  not to speak about new worries?
-  Thousand young  tigers, also one old tigress among these awful scarecrows, have come to the palace. They have eaten the  tent of pure red silk. Oh, they were  so malicious!
The cowards began to assure the raja:  if our iron swords would not be present,  animals would devastate all palace.
-  We, your faithful servants, have banished hungry visitors!
The raja listened to them, listened so long, as he could, and then decided to say:
-  I must thank you, the valiant men, and now my  indispensable wish is to reward you. The happy end is to be for your service.  My brave servants have the right to come back  home with rich presents.
He has presented one brick to everyone.
-  I think, this bestowal is very good.  Any of you can have dinner, if he will get hungry in the way home. And the dinner will be admirable.
Yes, it was not possible to deceive the raja. In this unlooked-for case… What did remain to do now for rogues? They went home along the road grievously.  Here-with everyone carried the brick in the hand.  Insignificant emolument turned out. But it is a pity for avaricious cowardly people to leave on the road even the brick.
Monkeys have descried them:
-  It is necessary to stop! It is necessary to obey us!
The thick important monkey has ordered to them not to shout and not to arrange fights among themselves, also she  has told to the sad wayfarers so:
-  Linger, dear friends! I am the niece of mighty Hanuman. And I believe, that for you there will be a good work.
They have thought: oh, she is very thick! It is remarkably, quite well to have a lot of meal . Why not to stop, if all the same there is no work ? Perhaps, here they will give  something more tasty, than bricks.
The thick niece has led them to the high tree.
-  Stand up here. Now our greater mighty Hanuman will begin to speak with you. As it is necessary to the majestic tsar, he sits on the big branch among magnificent green foliage. You must raise eyes and be silent.
Having looked at all these cowardly and greedy travellers with bricks, having looked at them, as it is supposed to the overlord of the empire, from the top of the tree downward, Hanuman has announced:
-  No! The daughter of the raja with the husband Bajga, brought up by the tigress against my desire, will not live in the  jungle. The wife was accustomed to other life. And Bajga  will follow her,  when his wife will want  to return to the father. Therefore you must have patience. Wait for them on the road to the palace. Attack and seize quickly, when you can see these two strange  footpassengers. The daughter may be returned to the raja. But Bajga… I should get my son, my inheritor in the kingdom of monkeys, immediately.
The headman of safeguarding, who got the retirement  from the service in the palace of the raja, exclaimed joyfully:
-  Oh, greater Hanuman! You thought up well! I hasten to inform the majestic tsar of monkeys, that I am happy , and here all of us will be glad enough together with me.
All have started to thank Hanuman: you are the cleverest of the sharp-witted lords of the jungle! The noblest of the noble-minded on the trees! The kindest of the tenderhearted on the trees, near the road, even everywhere in the jungle, though close by, though in the distance!   They eulogized him and greeted tirelessly.
What did the cowards speak moreover about?
Certainly, they spoke,  the raja will become happy: the daughter will be returned to him. Everyone, whom the raja  gave the brick and then banished, everyone will be invited again for the service in the palace.
-  You will remain also contented enough, the greater tsar. You will receive  Bajga in the accordance to your order. But will not it be better, if we will dump him from a high rock into a big river? Let's make so, that the water will carry away this disobedient Bajga far into the sea.
Whether was it possible not to become angry for him, for childless Hanuman? 
Be sure, he was indignant:  these people understood nothing! The boy, whom he stole from the village, became now the best hunter in the jungle. And that will slip out from the trap, prepared by the overlord of monkeys. Bajga can make it easyly, because all these people do not hasten to understand something. 
The tsar has jumped up with resentment on his branch and has cried crossly:
-  I shall seat him into the deep hollow of this tree! Bajga will get  fine possibility to sit here, till will agree, that my beautiful niece would be his wife. Yes, he should remain  with monkeys for ever!
Multitudinous, gaily jumping subjects of the tsar have screamed enthusiastically,  have laughed loudly, also all of them have started to baste each other with  great pleasure:
-  Glory to you, mighty and very clever Hanuman!
What did the tigress make at this time?
As it has come time for the jungle to see  the wedding of the third son of the tigress with the daughter of the raja, there on the flower glade the magnificent silk tent has been placed.
Bajga and his nice choice sat side by side in the middle of it, tigers and leopards approached to them one behind another and congratulated.
Some of them, with big teeth and big claws, have solved: it would be very good, if they would become to kiss the young woman, to wish the great well-being in home life for her.
-  Dear mother! - the son of the tigress  told. - I think, to my wife it will become not so good, if these resolute guests will begin to kiss her.
The mistress of the valley has thought up, has sighed and has answered so:
-  It is not difficult to understand! Something can  be not very remarkable  and not attractive for the daughter of the raja in our jungle. All right, it is necessary to warn the guests.
But one old tiger has not obeyed. The advice of the housemother has seemed to him unwanted,  he has gone without any conversations to the middle of the fine silk tent and …
When the young woman  has seen nearby the huge moustaches and the terrible teeth, she has jumped aside, nearly not having lost consciousness.
Yes, she has covered her face by the small shawl, but really  has she forgotten, that it has been necessary to be not afraid?
The young woman has made the face affable as soon as possible,  herewith,
having tried to be tactful, has told so:
- The wedding is well, however it would be desirable not  to distress the daddy, who expects it: my returning home. I think, his mood will rise, when he will see me healthy, also my husband, dexterous and  strong.
Was there the desire at the successful young hunter to argue with the nice-looking  young wife? To disappoint her?
There was not such desire at him!
Therefore he has led her after the wedding to the palace of the raja.
The road has been long, and the servants, whom the raja has banished, have assaulted on them. It has turned out,  now the bricks have been not necessary to them. They needed to do only it: to seize the young travellers, the husband and the wife.
The rogues have made just it:  have seized Bajga and the daughter of the raja.
She was to be delivered into the palace of the father, was not it?
Also...what have monkeys done at this time? They have carried away the third son of the tigress to their clever Hanuman immediately.
It has happened so, that there have been no tigers nearby. What has occured further? There has been it: the cunning of the rogues has been a success, and the cowards have brought the daughter to the owner of the palace.
The cunning servants have started to sing, to dance, to glorify the overlord and to shout, that all of them have decided to be brave.
-  We both have solved, and have made. We have attacked tigers, have banished them and have returned the daughter to you, the dear raja. The daughter, which has been stolen by the malicious scarecrows, now will be together with the father. All of us, strong and very courageous, are ready to serve to the overlord always!
Why not to be glad now? Why should not the owner of the palace  be pleased? Certainly, he has been happy and has forgiven everyone, who  has been guilty earlier.
Those did not cease to urge him in their fidelity, and what did remain to do for him? Just it was: to consent and to take  the  headman of  safeguarding with his all subordinates again on the service to himself.
-  Now, it seems to me, I have the right, as the worthy person,  to get married to your daughter,   -  the abdominous one has told.
Then the raja, as he has been happy,  has agreed again:
-  If there is the worthy person in front of me … well, I think, the headman of safeguarding can get my daughter.  After all just you have saved her really from the awful tigers.
The holiday in the palace has happened greater. Servants, having known about the magnanimous pardon, have begun to exult and to rollick more loudly.
Here they dance drudgingly,  sing their cheerful songs, and what does the owner of the palace  make?
He looks at this celebratory glee. And it happened so, that to him came the thought, not accidental very much:
« Why not to tell to the daughter immediately: there is the decent person? It is not obligatory to postpone pleasant news. I should give the prompting: tomorrow it will be possible to settle the rich wedding calmly. »
He has hastened to gladden her.
-  This coward is not necessary to me! - the daughter has answered
She has gone and has tried to be shut  in the guest-chamber, that to let in nobody. Certainly, she was not going to refuse from pleasure to speak  sufficiently loudly.
O, her voice was very loud! And it was audible just at all palace.
-  I have the husband! He is the hunter Bajga. The husband will come and will banish your bridegroom. Then everybody in the palace can find out, what is brave he, the hunter Bajga! What is dexterous and strong he, my husband!
And what did happen further? It has been nothing especial, in her opinion: simply she has chosen the suitable hour and has escaped into the jungle.
Leopards, who had honour to be present on the wedding recently, were glad to meet in the jungle the wife of their friend again. They  welcomed her with great pleasure, thereafter the daughter of the raja was brought at once... where to? Of course, there to, where the housemother resided together with her tigers, with her sharp-witted strong sons.
-  Was Bajga brought by monkeys to themselves?!  -  she, the hostess of the valley, was angry very much. 
As the leopards have wished to be kid-glove... as they have hastened to go away, the tigress ordered her sons to invite  them, to return all these polite friends back. They are both polite, and faithful, are not they?  Therefore... if not they are ready to come to the aid, who then, except for them, can be capable to help efficiently? Leopards, as is known, can climb up any trees dexterously: there, where the empire of Hanuman was always.
-  My dear sons! Let them succour us!
The first son of the tigress told:
-  It seems to me, I am not here already.
The second one exclaimed:
-  It seems to me, I invite already the leopards, our bosom-friends, to return!
They,  clever and fast, carried out the order, and what did the leopards say to her?
-  We shall start to jump on trees with pleasure.  And if we will manage to find Bajga, our pleasure will not have the end!
As those have agreed to assist willingly, the tigress has told:
-  My third son has the wife. The tigers and the leopards will make everything, if it will be necessary  for her calmness. In the jungle each family has the right to reckon on decent regard and on support.
In the jungle it was, it was really there: to all sides of the silvan thicket the leopards rushed off, searching the third son of the tigress.  Bajga became the husband of the young woman, therefore this family should be esteemed by all his friends, should not it?
It would be very well, if monkeys would try to esteem the young family too, but... On mind they had something other, and all subjects of the tsar Hanuman were happy enough: Bajga sat in the dark hollow of the big tree.
He sat there,  where was not enough light, however he was contented also. Why? Bajga was not  deaf, quite the opposite: he heard well, how the cunning monkeys squalled, vociferated, running away from the leopards.
They rush away, and should the captive be sad?  It would be a kind of exorbitant sadness. Therefore it will be better to take and to give the voice in his turn. Yes, it will be quite correctly.
Bajga has begun to cry. Not because he has trembled with fear, simply has invited the friends to himself.
The leopards have accepted the invitation with pleasure: have found the third son of the tigress in the hollow of the  tree,  have got out him from the captivity.
Now the captive could go there to, where he wanted to hurry to.
And where would he like to go to?
As Hanuman with the citizens of the empire have rushed away as quickly as possible, Bajga has not become to hasten. At first this inhabitant of the jungle has thought.
The third son of the tigress should reflect strongly, when such deals are here.
Bajga thought so long, how it was necessary, next judiciously has taken his bow and the arrows, thereafter together with the young wife has gone to the palace of the raja.
The headman of safeguarding has seen them, at once has ordered  to all servants to close the doors.
-  The daughter of the raja can be let in. Also you may kick this foolhardy young man.  Let him go away there,  where he came from!
Here the arrow has whistled near his ear.
Why has it whistled?
But... did not Bajga think about something? The third son of the tigress decided, when became free: if he will meet bad affairs again, someone should get acquainted with the iron tooth, which does not like to joke.
Therefore there was no surprising thing here.
The arrow with the iron tip flew near the headman of safeguarding. It hurtled and  grided through the wooden door  deeply. Very deeply, because it did not like to joke.
Bajga has shouted:
- The first shot. I regret, but should promise: the second will be more exact!
Courtiers guessed: if the second arrow will be exact, it will not fly to the wooden door, it will have other desire.
-  Help! Save! Help! - the cowardly servants shouted one after another.
They trembled with fear and began to fall one after another, though there was no second shot.    
The son of the tigress has entered into the palace.
As the order has been to banish the hunter by the kick, he has afforded not to be polite with the cowards: has dispersed them by the kicks.
All cowardly servants together with the abdominous headman of safeguarding  have rushed, if not home, then anywhere a long way off.
Yes, they were not delighted, when saw clever and artful Bajga in front of themselves suddenly.
And who was glad in the palace to the visitors from the jungle? Who was more glad, than others?
Certainly, it was the raja: he found out, that his daughter was  healthy and unharmed.
He exclaimed:
- My daughter could disappear in the jungle. But she has returned. What happiness!
-  Mighty tigers, overlords of the jungle, were kind to me, - she has told.  - Their friends, fast leopards, helped me and my husband, they absolved us from cunning monkeys. I have come here together with him.
- My daughter has returned with the husband?! – the raja has exclaimed with amazement.
- My father should know: Bajga is the strong dexterous brave hunter. Now you see, he can always banish  the cowardly untruthful courtiers. 
- I see also, you found out in the jungle something, that was poorly known in the palace.
Bajga did not want to be silent, he told so:
- Allow to explain, the esteemed raja. In the jungle always the unshrinking hand of the hunter is appreciated highly. Also the candid heart,  the love and the fidelity. Worthy people can hope, that not only tigers, overlords of the jungle, will be on their side. But also green trees and bushes, flower glades, rivulets  with clean water. The Earth can not to not have respect for people, who  respect with all decent things, that are present on the beautiful and candid Earth.
The owner of the palace understood: the hunter was deserving to be the husband of his daughter. He was  more worthy, than the headman of safeguarding, who got away  without any conversations as soon as possible.
When the raja has understood it, he has decided to give half of his posessions immediately to Bajga.
How did Bajga, his wife live afterwards?
All was well at them. Also they were friends with animals and birds, with a green wood and flowers.

Monkeys … do they like to be scratched still?
Yes, they shout loudly still, baste one another. Furthermore some of them like to dream about that, how they will outwit people. And herewith monkeys afford to scratch one another with pleasure.   
